Wing announces Creative Promotions.
April 2, 2012
Following the installment of Renata Florio as Chief Creative Officer in September, Wing has made strategic talent investments to its creative team to meet strong new business demand.
The promotions are as follows: Ruben Salavert, Senior Copywriter, has been promoted to Associate Creative Director; Aurora Morfin, Senior Copywriter, has been promoted to Associate Creative Director; Alvaro Naddeo, Senior Art Director, has been promoted to Associate Creative Director.
In addition, Javier Bonilla Regional Creative Director, was recently promoted by Wing’s parent agency Grey Group to Executive Creative Director for Asia Pacific, based on his exceptional work for Wing on Pantene Latin America.
Bonilla’s promotion paved the way for further creative moves. Nathalie Jaspar, Senior Copywriter, and Arturo Macouzet, Senior Art Director, have been promoted to co Associate Creative Directors, Pantene Latin America.
“I’m thrilled to announce the promotions of these extremely talented creatives,” Florio said. “Wing’s creative team is truly inspired – we’re stronger than ever and excited to deliver great work.”