Women Want Recipes from Food Brands

Social media users who connect with brands often share a desire for coupons and offers—they’re in it for the deals. But for food brands, there’s another key way to connect with women online: recipes.

SheSpeaks polled US female internet users in September about how they interacted with food brands online, including on social media. Overall, 83% said they liked to see coupons and offers. But recipes were just 4 percentage points behind—and far ahead of any other desired content.

Women of all ages agreed they wanted help turning food products into delicious meals, so it does not appear to be a matter of younger, less experienced cooks looking for assistance.

Other research indicates digital recipe content can change in-store behaviors, with Pinterest users looking up recipes—and their ingredients—more than any other type of content while they shop.

Pinterest was the No. 2 social network women surveyed by SheSpeaks used for looking up food and meal information, 2 points after Facebook. Considering Pinterest has significantly fewer users in general, that points to the social site’s particular usefulness for this purpose—and among women who look up food information digitally.

Pinterest was actually in first place among respondents ages 35 and under, though older respondents preferred Facebook.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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