Working Mother Media – Woman of Color Summit.

Working Mother Media (WMM), publisher of Working Mother Magazine, announces a Woman of Color Summit on July 25 in New York City and the launch of a list of The Best Companies for Women of Color, to be published next year.

In 1986, Working Mother launched its first major initiative, The Best Companies for Working Mothers. Over the past 17 ears, the list has grown into a nationally recognized, powerful instrument of change. 2002 will see the launch of their complementary initiative, The Best Companies for Women of Color.

This new initiative will define and clarify similarly appropriate standards and practices in corporate America for minority women. “We are creating this List in direct response to the overwhelming need for companies and multicultural women to understand the expectations, dynamics and deliverables of effective recruitment, retention, training, pay equity and advancement initiatives for women of color,” explains Carol Evans, President and CEO of Working Mother Media.

As with the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers, WMM will utilize their expertise and recognition to raise awareness of the issues and to encourage implementation of programs and measurable results in corporate America.

This initiative will be introduced in the June 2002 issue of Working Mother with a major article about race relations in the workplace by Dr. Ella Bell, Dartmouth professor and author of Our Separate Ways. The second component of the new initiative will be the Women of Color Summit that will be held on July 25, 2002. This annual summit will engage academics, human resources executives, diversity professionals, public policy advocates and the Working Mother Advisory Board in a comprehensive discussion abut the issues and standards that will be used. Over 200 invited attendees will gather to set criteria, network and engage in important decisions about the initiative.

For more information, please contact Luci Knight at lu*********@wo***********.com.

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