World Market For Screen Advertising .

The World Market for Screen Advertising is a unique 400 page report on the growing market of advertising on cinema screens. SAWA, the industrys trade body, has joined with Screen Digest to bring you a detailed analysis of the sectors value, players and prospects in 35 countries. In addition to a detailed presentation of key data in the screen advertising and cinema exhibition sectors, the report assesses market drivers and the potential impact of digital technology on screen advertising. The report also presents leading advertisers and profiles the main players in each territory. The data runs from 1998 to 2003, with forecasts to 2007 and is accompanied by charts and tables illustrating the main points.

The reports author, David Hancock, states: “The World Market for Screen Advertising is the first report to analyse this unique business sector. The fragmentation of media in many countries during the 1990s has driven the greater use of cinema advertising in many territories as an effective way to reach a young, attractive and highly targeted audience. The resultant growth of the sector has led to a global value of over $1bn in 2002. With the roll-out of digital technology across the world of screen advertising, cinema exhibition and distribution, screen advertising companies are perfectly placed to offer more flexible and transparent solutions to advertisers. The World Market for Screen Advertising provides you with all the information you need to assess this fast developing industry.”


– The screen advertising sector is worth over $1bn worldwide, a key plank in the profitability of the cinema exhibition business.

– The conversion to digital cinema exhibition is being driven by the screen advertising sector, with over 7,000 screens worldwide how offering digital advertisements.

– The spread of multiplex cinemas has proved crucial to the development of cinema advertising, opening up new markets to the medium, providing the technical modernity required and delivering the young audiences attractive to advertisers.

– New geographical markets are opening up to screen advertisers as the multiplex revolution spreads throughout the world, with the screen advertising sector now worth over $1 billion and growth rates outpacing several other areas of display advertising.

– Screen advertising is driving the conversion of cinemas into digital cinemas, installing low-end projectors to deliver connected screen networks and increased client flexibility and transparency.

– North America is playing catch-up to Europe, but is fast making inroads in Europes dominance of the sector. Screen advertising revenue increases in USA are displaying double-digit growth, although Europe still accounts for 60 per cent of global sector revenues in 2003 (down from 68 per cent in 2002).

– Despite bring behind other markets in the size and development of screen advertising, the USA is a frontrunner in installing digital cinema advertising systems and is a key market behind the push to digital technology in cinema advertising.

– The demographics of cinema audiences, especially in areas with high multiplex penetration, are ideal for many premium advertisers. Although representing an average of one per cent of total display advertising, the audience is generally young and affluent and receptive to screen adverts.

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