Yahoo! Telemundo unveils social soccer site.

Yahoo! Telemundo announced the launch of a social site tailored exclusively to that most fervent of sports fanatics — the soccer lover. Found within Yahoo! Telemundo Deportes, the site is a one-stop destination for all that relates to the sport, providing users with the most comprehensive soccer content available online — highlighting the Mexican soccer league — as well as the opportunity to share their passion for the game with a network of fellow fans.

Additionally, the site features a series of pages devoted entirely to each of the teams of the Mexican League and offers users the ability to create a personalized list of favorites with the “Mis Equipos” (“My Teams”) function. Here, users will find a wealth of content about their preferred teams, including photos and slideshows, user-generated videos, rankings, upcoming matches and news coverage grouped in the following categories: Most Viewed, Most Recommended and Most Controversial. The articles featured in each of the three categories are chosen solely by the online community, which serves as the final decision-maker in determining the content that is showcased.

“With unparalleled content and customized tools, the new site serves as the ultimate starting point for a community of fans who need to be at the front-and-center of all that relates to their beloved sport,” said Jose Rivera Font, vice president and general manager, Yahoo! Hispanic Americas. “We are presenting users with a forum in which to express their views, access up-to-the-minute coverage, connect with the broader community and affect the content in key areas.”

As they navigate the site, users also have continuous access to a virtual “graffiti wall,” “Mi Grafiti” (“My Graffiti”), which enables them to rant and rave with friends and other aficionados of the sport. In addition, users are able to share links of photos, videos and articles directly from the “Mi Grafiti” screen.

Additionally, the site includes pages devoted to the Argentine and European leagues and Major League Soccer that feature the latest headlines news and photos.

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