
Mobile Ad Spending to Surpass All Traditional Media Combined by 2020

This year, mobile will surpass TV ad spending by more than $6 billion, according to our latest ad spending forecast. By 2020, the channel will represent 43% of total media ad spending in the US—a greater percentage than all traditional media combined.

Internet, social media use and device ownership in U.S. have plateaued after years of growth

The use of digital technology has had a long stretch of rapid growth in the United States, but the share of Americans who go online, use social media or own key devices has remained stable the past two years, according to a new analysis of Pew Research Center data.

Are Second Screens Distracting TV Viewers?

People’s increasing use of second screens lets advertisers reach users through more devices. But is this making it harder for TV advertisers to reach their target audiences?

Kripto Mobile. Giving the big boys of the mobile industry a run for their money

By Gonzalo López Martí – Creative director, etc /

  • Full disclosure: Kripto Mobile is my client.
  • Then again, I have lots of other clients whom I rarely mention in my weekly columns on this prestigious publication.
  • Every now and then though, a project crosses my path that makes me and my team REALLY excited.

How Big a Problem Is Teens’ Screen Usage? [PODCAST]

  In the latest episode of “Behind the Numbers,” eMarketer’s Mark Dolliver discusses how teens indulge in too much screen time, and the extent to which they and their parents see this excessive usage as a problem.

How Teens and Parents Navigate Screen Time and Device Distractions [REPORT]

54% of U.S. teens say they spend too much time on their cellphones, and two-thirds of parents express concern over their teen’s screen time. But parents face their own challenges of device-related distraction.

Adsmovil Awarded TAG Certified Against Fraud Seal

Adsmovil has been awarded the TAG Certified Against Fraud Seal by the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG)

Marketers, You’re Probably Not Paying Enough Attention to Mobile Wallets

In the ongoing effort to gain consumers’ attention, one effective media channel that’s often overlooked is the mobile wallet.

More Than Two-Thirds Access Internet on Mobile Devices [REPORT]

New American Community Survey questions revised in 2016 show a stunning increase in reported mobile broadband usage – strong evidence that previous questions were not adequately capturing how U.S. households access the Internet.

YouTube Originals Unveils First-Ever Spanish Language Slate Featuring Top Global Latin Talent

YouTube announced its first-ever Spanish language YouTube Originals projects in development.

For Hispanic Consumers, a Different Digital Divide

As digital marketers try to connect with a growing US Hispanic population, they will need to get past the outdated picture of a population languishing on the wrong side of a gaping “digital divide.” Thanks in part to smartphones, Hispanics have become a very digital cohort.

Stories From Experts About the Impact of Digital Life [REPORT]

Technology experts and scholars have never been at a loss for concerns about the current and future impact of the internet.

Mobile Soon to Pass TV in Time Spent [PODCAST]

Americans are spending less time with most major media, with one major exception: smartphones.

McDonald’s Is Betting on a Self-Service Future, Again

Mobile checkout is shaping up to be a big theme in 2018, but some restaurants are implementing digital kiosks in addition to offering mobile ordering apps. It’s just one more option for customers to choose from in an increasingly consumer-focused world.

Mobile internet to reach 28% of media use in 2020

The spread of mobile devices and rapid mobile data networks has transformed global media consumption in recent years. 24% of all media consumption across the world will be mobile this year, up from just 5% in 2011, according to Zenith’s Media Consumption Forecasts 2018, published today. By 2020 we expect this proportion to reach 28% as the mobile internet takes share from almost all other media. The rise of mobile is also forcing brands to transform the way they plan their communications across media, focusing less on channels and more on consumer mind-set as the distinctions between channels are eroded.

Do Mobile Transactions Dominate the Mix?

More than two-thirds of digital transactions in North America take place on mobile, the majority of them via mobile app, according to new data from Criteo.

Amid Digital Sponsorship Options, Don’t Neglect Social Media

Digital has a growing share of total media investment for global brands, and rightfully so. Mobile usage in the U.S., for example, has skyrocketed to more than three hours per day, according to last year’s Mary Meeker report. Additionally, some industry onlookers claim that brands are now spending more than half of their media spend in the digital space.

Asian-American Consumers are Predictive Adopters of New Media Platforms, Online Shopping,and Smartphone Use [REPORT]

According to Asian-Americans: Digital Lives and Growing Influence, a Nielsen report released, Asian-American consumers are growing faster than the general population and maintaining income and education rates higher than any other racial or ethnic group. Asian-Americans continue to make gains as tech-enabled influencers with unlimited potential. As the fastest growing ethnic group, Asian-Americans’ consumer buying power has grown exponentially to $986 billion, up 257% since 2000, versus 97% for the total U.S.

Mobile to Account for More Than Half of Latin America’s Digital Market [PODCAST]

As economies in the region begin to recover—coupled with presidential elections and the World Cup—total media ad spending will grow 8.7% this year to $38.04 billion.

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