How CMOs Can Get—and Keep—Their Marketing Mix Right

Companies spent more than $1 trillion globally on marketing in 2017, by one estimate. This puts chief marketing officers stewarding their brands squarely in the crosshairs of CEOs, CFOs and corporate boards, who want to know where all this money is going and what they’re getting in return—“brands be damned.”

Barriers, Attitudes and Motivators Toward Participating in the Upcoming 2020 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau released results from the 2020 Census Barriers, Attitudes and Motivators Study (CBAMS). The national survey and series of focus groups were designed to better understand the nation’s attitudes toward the 2020 Census, potential barriers that may inhibit participation, and possible motivators of responding.

How to measure innovation success beyond sales? [REPORT]

Sales alone are not the sole measure of success when a brand launches a new product. To truly understand the value of innovation, we need to understand its category impact—and that means measuring incremental innovation.

Data and Measurement

As people conduct ever more of their lives as consumers and social animals online, they leave telling and durable traces of their behaviors, values, and inclinations behind them in digital repositories. Marketers have not been slow to recognize the opportunities presented by this information or to capitalize on them.

2019 Future Focus: Searching for Trust [REPORT]

iProspect released their fourth annual whitepaper, 2019 Future Focus: Searching for Trust, built to help marketers navigate and master the notions of truth and authenticity in the hyper-sensitive global media landscape today. The report predicts that those businesses grounded in credibility, relevance and reliability across all their marketing channels will see trust at the very foundation for their success in the digital economy.  

In-Housing Is About More Than Programmatic

In a survey of 412 US client-side marketers conducted by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), 78% of respondents claimed to use an in-house agency, up from 58% in 2013. (An “in-house agency” is defined as a department, group, or person who has responsibilities that are typically performed by an external advertising or other communications agency.)

Food-Related Ads Targeting Black and Hispanic Youth Almost Exclusively Promote Unhealthy Food and Drinks [REPORT]

The new report finds that fast food, candy, sugary drinks, and unhealthy snacks represented 86 percent of food ad spending on Black-targeted TV programming, where Black consumers comprise the majority of viewers, and 82 percent of ad spending on Spanish-language TV, in 2017. According to researchers, food companies spent almost $11 billion in total TV advertising in 2017, including $1.1 billion on advertising in Black-targeted and Spanish-language TV programming.

2019 Media Predictions for AI, Voice and more

Connected intelligence is leading the way in transforming media, and we asked some of our global experts across Kantar to create 12 lively predictions for 2019. They are intended to be useful and practical, not grand airy-fairy concepts. We want to help marketers and agencies tackle their media and effectiveness challenges head on.

The Simple Complexity of Social Feeds

Thanks to social media, hundreds of millions of individuals are liking, commenting on, and sharing content throughout the course their day. However, as last year’s Fullscreen report “Understanding Multigenerational Youth Audiences” revealed, gen Zers admit to spending “way too much time” with social media or that “it was a problem.” Even a recent survey by Pew Research found that more than half of young people say they would “have a hard time” giving up social media.

2018 Total Market Markers + Milestones [REPORT]

ThinkNow released its ThinkNow Snapshot: 2018 Total Market Markers + Milestones, identifying the top trends that shaped multicultural research. Milestones range from shaky consumer sentiment to the proliferation of mobile shopping and from the rise of stream-ing services to the new multicultural mainstream consumer.

Why Local TV Could Be Essential for Your Brand

What if there was a proven, brand-safe video ad format that’s equally effective for targeting unique consumers and regions, or blanketing the whole country with a campaign? A medium that offers loyal, engaged audiences at competitive CPMs and the power of sight, sound, motion, and narrative?  What if marketers found out that their agencies won’t even consider it for campaigns because they can’t buy it at their preferred profit margin?

Record Advertising Growth in 2018: +7.2%

Latest MAGNA Report Reveals the Ad Industry is Experiencing its Strongest Growth Since 2010. Ad Sales are Driven by Robust Economic Growth in the US and BRICs, and $6 billion of Cyclical Spend. Digital Ad Sales (+17%) Reach 50% of Total Ad Sales in the US in 2018, and Globally by 2019.


GroupM, WPP’s media investment group, updated its 2018 and 2019 ad investment forecasts. GroupM slightly downgraded 2018 growth expectations from 4.5% to 4.3%. 2019 growth projections are also whittled from 3.9% to 3.6%, with total new investment anticipated to reach $19B instead of the $23B earlier predicted.

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