For 2018 MAGNA anticipates that a robust economic environment and historically high consumer confidence should generate yet another growth year for the US advertising market. MAGNA is anticipating the overall market to grow by +5.5% to $197 billion. This is an acceleration on last year (+2.7%) and stronger MAGNA’s previous forecast of +5.0%.

Celebrating the Advent of Consultancies

I was reading with huge interest Gonzalo López Martí’s last couple articles on the pros & cons of the different kinds of advertising providers a marketer can choose from and I think he missed one elephant in the room: consulting firms. You know: Accenture, Deloitte, PwC et al.  Allow me to share with you what I recently wrote about that the phenomenon. Here it goes.  By Santiago Olivera – President of Young & Rubicam Buenos Aires

How “Broken” Is Marketing at Major Advertisers?

Marketing is not fully represented by the career-stressed Chief Marketing Officer.  Marketing is not the digital/social specialist or the advertising manager.  Marketing is not the head of promotions or the brand manager.  Marketing is the network of corporate executives, loosely connected by money, expertise and objectives to achieve improvements in shareholder value, presumably from higher product growth rates.  Marketing is the CMO, the heads of Business Profit Centers, the head of Indirect Procurement, the CFO, the CEO and their media, creative and other ad agencies.  By Michael Farmer

The State of Influencer Marketing [PODCAST]

In the latest episode of eMarketer’s “Behind the Numbers” podcast, analysts Debra Aho Williamson and Nicole Perrin dig into influencer marketing: How influential is it, really? And are marketers taking the opportunities (and the risks) seriously?

Unilever Conveys Plans to Continue – Not Cut – Social Media Spend [REPORT]

At the annual IAB Leadership Meeting today, Unilever CMO spoke of the company’s commitment to “responsible” platforms, content and infrastructure, and also conveyed that it will support partners such as Facebook and Google as they invest in improving their platforms. Commentary was somewhat contrary to prior press reports which indicated that Unilever may take a harder line on digital media, much as CPG peer Procter & Gamble did at the same event last year.  By Brian Wieser – Senior Research Analyst – Advertising / Pivotal Research Group

How CMOs Can Get—and Keep—Their Marketing Mix Right

Companies will spend more than $1 trillion globally on marketing in 2017, by one estimate. This puts chief marketing officers stewarding their brands squarely in the crosshairs of CEOs, CFOs and corporate boards, who want to know where all this money is going and what they’re getting in return—“brands be damned.”  To respond to these pressures, CMOs have turned to marketing mix optimization (MMO), an analytical approach to figuring out which elements of the marketing mix—media, creative and so on—are working more and less effectively, and then spending more on the winners and less on the losers.  By Cesar Brea, Laura Beaudin, Andreas Dullweber and Brian Dennehy

Where The Babies Are Booming

One more birth means one more person. Therefore, that births would be one of the primary drivers of U.S. population growth seems to be a deceptively simple conclusion. However, why, how, and where births contribute to the U.S. population growth varies from state to state.

Cultural Cost of Vanishing Brands

Over the past ten years, I have witnessed the disappearance of powerful brands and with it the diminishing of a level of enchantment that once fed our “can do, anything is possible” American view of the world.  This is the first report in a five-part series exploring the impact on people and our culture of powerful brand vanishment and why, more than ever, we need these cultural artifacts back among us.  By Jane Cavalier

Who Will Put “Accountability” Back in “Account Management?”

Account managers were giants of accountability during the Mad Men era, when agencies were paid by media commissions and it was important to convince client executives, up and down the line, that high media spending was good for brands.  Everyone benefited from this.  TV advertising was effective, so clients and brands benefited from this account management salesmanship.  TV advertising unleashed the agency’s creative capabilities and allowed creatives to flourish and do their best work.  Senior account people sold the agency’s creative ideas to their clients, acting as intermediaries (for better or worse), solidifying account executives’ credibility in the eyes of their clients.  Although there were plenty of turf wars between the “suits” and the “creatives,” the overall process assured a high degree of unity, purpose and intimacy with clients.  Finally, and not insignificantly, agencies made a lot of money — much more than they earn today.  By Michael Farmer

Measuring the ROI of Marketing: A/B Tests vs. Market-Mix Models vs. Multi-Touch Attribution

Some marketers have despaired of ever being able to connect a sales impact to a specific and unique element of complex and multi-faced marketing plans – preferring instead to use their “gut” to guide marketing decisions and to rely on anecdote or vanity metrics to justify the results. However, in our era of data-driven marketing, this “know-nothing” approach has become increasingly untenable as CFOs and CEOs demand more exacting demonstrations of marketing ROI.

The Battle of the Brands Behind the ’18 Russia World Cup

The FIFA World Cup, as you probably already know, is the ultimate sports competition in the world, showcasing premier level soccer stars playing with their national teams. This tournament takes place every four years, but what you might not know is that there’s another battle that happens behind the scenes: it’s a competition between brands to outfit and sponsor each national team.  By Vicente Navarro, partner and vice president of business development at AC&M Group

7 CMOs Myths About Hispanic Marketing

It’s that time of the year when CMOs look back at 2017 results, analyze important KPIs and assess their industry as a whole, and project 2018’s performance. Based on my personal survey with clients and prospects, most predict a 2018 with challenges, with any gains from a potential higher GDP growth being eaten by the need to keep prices competitive to fight private label, channel disruption, and a more-than-ever empowered consumer ready to make the switch to competitive brands.  By Isaac Mizrahi – Co President, Chief Operating Officer / ALMA

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