Effective advertising needs more than gut feeling [INSIGHT]

On a recent visit to Bangladesh I took part in a roundtable discussion on the use of research in advertising development. The consensus opinion appeared to be that good gut feeling was more important than research when it came to developing advertising. But that raises the question of how do you develop good gut feeling?  by Nigel Hollis

Benchmarking is the Waterboarding of the Ad Industry [INSIGHT]

Procurement and benchmarking rose to corporate prominence once “increased shareholder value” became the advertiser’s mantra. Marketing declined in importance, from an investment to achieve brand growth to a cost to be optimized. Benchmarking consultants jumped on the bandwagon. 4As shamefully accepted the ANA benchmarking trend with hardly a whimper, leaving its members to fend for themselves.  By Michael Farmer – Madison Avenue Manslaughter

Is Marketing In Spanish Still Relevant To Hispanics?

By now, we know all about the dangers of “fake news,” but there’s another form of false information, the concept of “fake trends,” that marketers should be aware of since these can have a negative impact on business strategies. We are witnessing one of them right now when it comes to Hispanic marketing.  by Isaac Mizrahi, co-president, chief operating officer, ALMA.

Pepsi and the road to marketing hell.

By Miguel Arias – Adman

  • The outcry is a bit too much.
  • In all fairness, why is the premise of Pepsi’s Kendall Jenner spot stupider than the vast majority of content coming out of Hollywood, the music industry or Madison Avenue?
  • If the socialsphere and the thought police applied the same level of self-righteous scrutiny to every figment of pop culture out there, no movie, music video, TV show or TV spot would ever see the light of day.
  • At the very least, Pepsi tried to do something different.

Sergio Alcocer – Unplugged Podcast

APC Collective, launched their #APCChats podcast during SXSW to spotlight some incredible, nuanced and important stories that often go untold. Free from the traditional format of 140 characters, a social video, article or blog post, the intention is to let creators share the origins of their ideas with in-depth backstories.

US Advertising Forecast +3.7% in 2017

In its latest advertising forecasts, MAGNA forecasts US media owners advertising sales are expecting to grow by +3.7% in 2017, excluding the impact of cyclical events (Political & Olympics).

Commercial Trends in Sports 2017 [REPORT]

Politically, socially and technologically, the world is in the midst of one of the most disruptive periods in living memory—this disruption is affecting where investment in sports is coming from, how sports content is created and distributed, and changing the dynamics of relationships between rights holders, sponsors and fans.

Was that your message? Sorry I blinked.

Watching a selection of ads from YouTube, Facebook and broadcast TV has made me wonder whether advertisers credit their audience with superhuman powers of attention and observation. So much gets crammed into a video it is sometimes hard to keep up and viewers can literally suffer from what is known as an “Attentional Blink”.  by Nigel Hollis

The heartbeat of modern marketing: Data activation and personalization

Technology has finally advanced to the point where marketers can use real-time data in a way that is both meaningful to customers and profitable for companies.  We’ve come a long way from “People who bought this, also bought that.”  By Julien Boudet, Brian Gregg, Jason Heller, and Caroline Tufft

The Debate Over ‘Total Market’ And Multicultural Marketing

Last month, a debate broke out online between Jeffrey Bowman of Reframe: The Brand and the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) over the relevance of total market vs. multicultural marketing.  by Jose Villa –  Founder and President, Sensis

Leveraging Latina Millennial Nuances

Effective marketers seek a balance between preferences in common across major segments and leveraging nuances that may increase segment relevancy and act as more direct triggers to purchase by connecting at a deeper emotional level with segments. The real question is whether homogeneous vs. targeted messages would attain the needed relevance level to cause additional prospects to purchase. Marketing to Millennials is no exception to this conundrum.

Why marketers must adapt video to media channel

How long have we been saying this? You cannot blindly take a TV ad and shove it into Facebook newsfeeds or YouTube and expect it to prove effective. People consume these channels differently and respond differently to the content they see in them. Marketers have to work with people’s mindset not against it.  by Nigel Hollis

Honda Dropped Ad-Buying Agency After Loss of Trust

According to The Walls Street Journal, The recent split between Honda Motor Co.’s U.S. unit and its media agency serves as the latest example of a breakdown in trust between a client and its agency.

SXSW 2017: ALMA Introduces Generación Zeta [REPORT]

Move over Millennials, it’s time to start discovering the next demographic headed our way: Generación Zeta.  The topic of what drives Latino teens – one of the hottest demographics that brands need to gear up for – is the focus of a groundbreaking survey completed by Alma, which was presented this week at SXSW Interactive.

How to Leverage Your Social Media KPIs to Drive Business Growth

As social media marketers, it’s easy to get caught up in the fun, creative work of managing a great social media campaign. From tracking how your networks look to social media KPIs (key performance indicators) like engagement rates and follower counts, every section has its purpose.  But something more critical to consider is how will your campaign impact the business? How do you determine a campaign’s real social media ROI? Let’s shed the vanity metrics and get down into the nitty-gritty of what really drives business growth.

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