Omni-Channel Shopper [REPORT]

Entitled Reimagining Shopper Marketing: Building Brands through Omnichannel Experiences, the study is based on in-depth research with dozens of the world’s leading brands and explains how there has been a rapid shift from a traditional linear marketing model to a new omni-channel marketing model that has resulted in a number of CMOs reevaluating how they spend their promotional dollars.

Healthcare and Pharma Digital spend Rises, but Outlays stay Low

Advertising spending on paid digital media by the US healthcare and pharmaceutical industry will hit $1.18 billion in 2013 and rise to $1.47 billion by 2017. Though spending is growing quickly in some less-regulated sectors of the healthcare industry, continued privacy concerns, regulatory uncertainty around prescription medicines and patent expirations for blockbuster drugs will continue to put a damper on pharmaceutical-related investments.

The strategic yardstick you can’t afford to ignore [INSIGHT]

At first blush, “beating the market” might sound like an expression better suited to investing or financial management than to business strategy. When you think about it, though, overcoming the profit-depleting effects of market forces is the essence of good strategy—what separates winners from losers, headline makers from also-rans. A focus on the presence, absence, or possibility of market-beating value creation should therefore help transform any discussion of strategy from something vague and conceptual into something specific and concrete.

Total Brand Experience inspired by Brand Purpose key to Marketing Success

For successful companies, brand purpose is vital for inspiring and driving the total brand experience, according to the joint Marketing2020 study by ANA (Association of National Advertisers) and EffectiveBrands. Marketing2020 examines today’s over-performing brands and their leaders, including 250 CMOs and more than 10,000 marketers across 92 countries.

Hispanic Hearts Beat in Spanish, Minds Tick in English [INSIGHT]

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the news lately you’ve seen Univision posted some pretty big numbers. “Univision’s average of 1.81 million viewers aged 18-to-49 so far in July tops Fox, NBC and CBS, who are all clustered just under 1.5 million, the Nielsen company said.”

Granted, there are far fewer options in Spanish TV than there are in English, so Univision’s numbers get a big boost from lesser fragmentation…but still, those are some pretty big numbers, especially in that young demo. If you’re a brand looking for customers, Univision’s audience is tough to ignore.

English-only Hispanic Advertising [INSIGHT]

Almost all Hispanic advertising shares one thing – the Spanish language. Hispanic marketing is big business, involving organizations from all segments of society and our economy. Yet almost all Hispanic advertising involves Spanish in some way.

Ford Zones in on Mobile Video for Hispanic Car Buyers [INSIGHT]

National activity and regional spot marketing, where dealers keep the overall brand in tune to the local nuances, drive Ford Motor Co.’s digital brand strategy for US Hispanics. David Rodriguez, multicultural marketing manager at the automaker, spoke with eMarketer’s Danielle Drolet about the demographic, its mobile-skewing behaviors and the state of Spanish-language search.

Best Global Brands Report

With Apple claiming the top position this year, Google jumps to #2 and Coca-Cola, the brand that held the #1 position for 13 consecutive years, moves to #3.

Hispanic TV Summit: Big Events Drive Viewers, Sponsorship Revenue

But Nets Should Plan Ahead

Major sporting, music or entertainment events can drive viewership and sponsorship revenue to Hispanic networks, but executives at a panel discussion at Wednesday’s Multichannel News/B&C Hispanic TV Summit said networks should plan well in advance to capitalize on tentpole events.

Hispanic TV Summit: To Tier or Not To Tier?

Execs Say Hispanic Nets Need to Break Free of Tier Restraints

Executives at several top Hispanic networks said pigeon-holing channels by placing them in tiers, at Wednesday’s Multichannel News/B&C Hispanic TV Summit.

Hispanic TV Summit: Marketing to Hispanics Goes Beyond Language

Advertisers need to encompass Hispanic marketplace within their total approach, rather than break it off

As the U.S. Hispanic population continues to grow and their cultures meld with Americans, marketing to that population goes beyond what language they speak.

Hispanic TV Summit: Social Media, TV Everywhere Drive Audience

But Programmers Should Tap Viewer Needs Before Creating Shows

Online and mobile access to programming is even more important for Hispanic television networks, a panel of top media executives said at the Multichannel News/B&C Hispanic TV Summit here Wednesday.

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