Marketers to Spend on Analytics; Use Remains Elusive

Spending on marketing analytics—quantitative data about customer behavior and marketplace activities—is expected to leap from 4.6 percent to almost 22 percent of marketing budgets in the next three years, representing a 376 percent increase. At the same time, marketers say barely a third of available data are used to drive decision making in their companies.

Our Industry’s Dirty Little Transparency Secret: PUERTO RICO

The island of Puerto Rico as many of our readers know is a territory of the United States governed by United States Federal Law.  It also considered a major US Hispanic Market, but since it resides on an island many place it under the international division.  But it has turned into a petri dish for many of this century’s testing: birth control, mass sterilization, agent orange and more up to the ad industry’s test of transparency.

Understanding the Keys to Higher ROI in Spanish-Language TV [REPORT]

At Nielsen, we analyze the return on investment (ROI) across thousands of brands every year through our marketing mix models, and we’ve seen a wide variety of ROI results among Spanish TV advertising efforts. And the good news is that driving strong ROI from Spanish-language advertising is obtainable, and our research points to some key tips that can help advertisers achieve strong outcomes more consistently.

Global Digital IQ [REPORT]

PwC released its 2017 Global Digital IQ® Survey, a comprehensive look at how companies around the world are striving to stave off disruption by elevating their digital acumen and capabilities.

The new battleground for marketing-led growth

In the digital age, consumers are always shopping around. New research shows that hooking them early is the strongest path to growth.  By David Court, Dave Elzinga, Bo Finneman, and Jesko Perrey

The Politics of Transparency [INSIGHT]

If one were to equate the difference between the 4As and the ANA — the two associations which govern the ad/media agency and brand marketer communities respectively — to the differences between the Confederacy and Union states, the case for, or against, transparency should become abundantly clear.  By David Smith and Tim McHale

Ad enhancement, not interruption: capturing the moment [INSIGHT]

Picture the scene: you’re trying to share a video with a couple of friends to illustrate a point you’ve been arguing about for the last half hour. As the video loads, an ad pops up at twice the volume of what you’ve been playing before. You groan and turn the volume down, but you’ve missed the chance to skip the ad and get bounced to your browser as the brand site loads. You switch back to YouTube but the conversation has moved on and your friends have lost interest. Advertising has ruined the moment.

2017 Tech Trends [REPORT]

The report describes how companies presently must sift through the promotional noise and hyperbole surrounding emerging technologies to find those solutions offering real potential. To realize that potential, they should become “kinetic” organizations — companies with the dexterity and vision required to thrive amid ongoing technology-fueled disruption.

I love you. I love you not. [INSIGHT]

Why advertisers and agencies should improve how they work together to maintain a healthy, loving and productive relationship.  By Bruno Gralpois, Agency Mania Solutions

Culture Vulture: 2017 Trends [REPORT]

It’s time to reject FOMO and embrace Borecore, along with mindfulness apps, myth debunking, and a shift in focus away from Millennials. Mindshare North America’s annual Culture Vulture Trends report is unveiling the latest consumer shifts and cultural trends forecast to grow over the next year.

Do Consumers Want To Commune With Brands?

For the many years that preceded social media, marketers relied mostly on engaging with their consumers in one-way communications. This included television, radio, direct mail, billboards etc.  Once social media came along, consumers had the opportunity to “talk back,” so to speak, and tell brands what they thought about their products and services. Brands quickly learned just what consumers thought about the products and services. This type of consumer feedback was once relegated to the more controlled environments of market research and/or customer service listening.

2017 Deloitte Millennial Survey [REPORT]

Deloitte’s latest millennials study looks at their world view and finds many, especially in developed economies, are anxious about their future. They are concerned about a world that presents numerous threats and question their personal prospects.

What It Takes to Truly Be ‘One of Us’ [REPORT]

The tide of people moving across the world, be they immigrants or refugees, has sparked concern in Australia, Europe and the United States. In particular, the ethnic, linguistic and cultural background of migrants has triggered intense debates over the benefits and the costs of growing diversity and the risk of open borders to national identity.

Running the Business through Your Customer’s Eyes

In many consumer markets, companies that once relied on developing new product features and improving customer service increasingly see competitive advantage rooted in the entire experience that’s wrapped around the product.  By Gerard du Toit, Rob Markey, Jeff Melton and Frédéric Debruyne

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