Why marketers need to engage people’s emotions

AdReaction: Gen X, Y, Z study reminded me once again that the slow shift in people’s attitudes toward advertising places more emphasis on the need for emotionally-engaging content, rather than touting product specs and reasons to buy. It is not enough just to get your ad in front of someone; you need them to attend to it long enough that some impression sticks with them.  by Nigel Hollis

P&G Wants To Drain The Digital Advertising Swamp. Who’s Going To Step Up?

Last week, the Doomsday Clock was moved from 3 minutes to midnight to 2.5 minutes to 12. Scientists believe that the chance of the world going up in a thermonuclear puff of smoke is the highest it’s been since 1953. This in the same week that Marc Pritchard, the global brand building officer from P&G, made waves by announcing that P&G, in effect, had moved the hand of the ad-spend doomsday clock to 12. High noon!

Advertising Should Remain Short-Term Expense on Books [REPORT]

Since the inception of our nation — and as recently as 2013 — lawmakers have periodically eyed advertising as a potential source of tax revenues because its long-term effects can make it seem more like an investment than an expense. After studying a wide array of research on the issue, two professors from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles have concluded that there is no basis for changing the current treatment of advertising as a short-term expense.  By Erich Decker-Hoppen, director of communications for MASB

Charter Fades To Black With Univision

Univision, UniMás and Galavisión went dark on Spectrum across the nation, leaving subscribers in New York and Los Angeles without a key source of Spanish-language programming.  By Adam R Jacobson – RBR + TVBR

Did P&G Just Call Out The Ad Industry? Transparency Or We Hit The Highway?

After a long period of talk and nice conference discussions, is the start of 2017 finally turning out to be the start of really doing something about transparency? With today’s massive P&G announcement, it would certainly appear so. We’ve had a lot of talk and it’s probably fair to say that media agencies have had to be, shall we say, “inventive” with how they keep margins up — but could we now be seeing a year of clamp-downs?

Social Media Gives Consumers a Chance to be Heard on What They Watch

Throughout history, we have devised the means to ensure our voices are heard—from the telegraph to telecommunications satellites roaming the orbit. Over the last decade, however, social media has changed the way we communicate in a way that has been revolutionary. It has, literally, given those with just a voice the power to speak to the world and has provided consumers with a platform to break news, start dialogues and share views about content.

Purchasing Power and Influence of the Multicultural Millennial [REPORT]

The multicultural Millennial population consists of almost half of the Millennial generation (42%) and represents local markets that drive 47% of the total U.S. gross domestic product. In a new report, Multicultural Millennials: The Multiplier Effect explores key aspects of this population, including demographic information and trends, analysis of their choices of home cities, and how culture, food and technology are essential points of entry for reaching this generation.

Tackling inconsistent brand experiences

Connectivity has a fundamental influence on how people consume media and make brand choices. It gives brands the opportunity to increase reach exponentially. Our latest Connected Life study reveals that for nearly a third of consumers globally, brands don’t deliver an equal quality of service online and offline. Marketers need to better meet the personal expectations of their consumers across different touchpoints.

My ‘AHAA’ Hispanic Marketing Moment

This week, I was honored to be named to the board of AHAA, the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies. Having co-founded a Hispanic advertising agency over 15 years ago, I see the opportunity to serve on AHAA’s board as a huge aha moment in my Hispanic marketing career.

Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions 2017 [REPORT]

As the pace of technological change becomes exponentially faster, it is increasingly difficult to identify the major trends that could have profound effects on enterprises and consumers. To help address this challenge, we’re pleased to offer the 2017 version of predictions from Deloitte Global, designed to provide insight into what may offer disruption and growth opportunities across the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) ecosystems.


Bill Bernbach drew a distinction in advertising, pointing out during the Mad Men era that just spending ad dollars to make a product known is foolhardy, because it is ephemeral and can all go away in a flash. Getting a product or service wanted, on the other hand, is about building a deep desire among consumers who recognize, look out for and are fascinated by the brand.

Univision Gets FCC OK For 49% Foreign Ownership

The FCC on Tuesday (1/3) gave Univision Communications and Mexican media goliath Grupo Televisa a huge New Year’s gift by agreeing that the public interest would be served by permitting foreign ownership of Univision beyond the federally mandated limit of 25%.  By Adam R Jacobson / RBR + TVBR

Hispanic Market Overview 2016 [REPORT]

HispanicAd.com in association with Adam R Jacobson are proud to announce the availability of the 2016 Hispanic Market Overview.  DOWNLOAD HERE FOR FREE

Rigging And Transparency — Brands Are Just Reaping What They Sow

Make your bed, then sleep in it. Right? Well, whenever something happens in the advertising industry that brands don’t like, it’s well worth a little more self-examination behind the causes. Sure, big agencies are not exactly innocent creatures who should avoid blame — but let’s be honest, 2016 has been the year of blaming agencies for everything under the sun. So how about a reality check?

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