Value of a Digital Ad [REPORT]

The report discusses the challenge of using traditional reach and frequency measures in advertising campaigns, and how the application of validated impressions can provide a richer, more accurate view of these measures to drive advertising effectiveness.

Marketers need to get their hands dirty [INSIGHT]

CMOs traditionally have focused on the big picture. They understand powerful consumer insights and seek to harness their agency partners to turn them into effective communications. There’s expectation and trust in this process. They sign off on the purchase of a box of 20 pralines but all too often what they get are three coffee creams.

Hispanic Marketing Success Starts With Corporate Leadership [INSIGHT]

Every time I speak with someone about Hispanic marketing, it is clear there is a huge disconnect between understanding the importance of reaching Hispanics and actually doing so. Marketers see the huge potential of this consumer group, so where is the disconnect?  By Holly Pavlika, SVP of strategy, Collective Bias

Chief Marketing Officer average tenure drops to 44 Months

The average tenure for chief marketing officers of leading U.S. consumer brand companies dropped from 48 months to 44 months, according to the 12th annual CMO tenure study by executive search consulting firm Spencer Stuart. This represents the first decline of average tenure in 10 years (since 2006).

Creating More Agile Operating Models In Consumer Goods [INSIGHT]

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies often operate on long held implicit orthodoxies—certain “truths” that dictate how they approach consumers, and how they make decisions. Now, in an increasingly volatile age, there are a number of new truths.

A Less-Disruptive Advertising Future [INSIGHT]

What goes into an ad?  This question used to be simple, but in today’s world, the lines are blurring between content and ads. How can we find a more harmonious way to co-exist and to bring advertising back to a state of approval, or even enjoyment, for the general consumer?

Programmatic performance anxiety? Here’s how to cure it [INSIGHT]

Google’s Matt Brittin once likened programmatic to teenage sex – and it’s easy to understand why. Everyone seems to be worrying about whether the competition is doing more of it, or doing it better than they are. The truth, though, is that worryingly few people know what they are doing at all.

The Dark Side of Cutting Hispanic Media Allocation [INSIGHT/REPORT]

Since we have already written at length about the “Bright Side” of the connection between increased Hispanic dedicated media allocation, defined as advertising buys in any Hispanic-dedicated media channel regardless of language whether Spanish, Bilingual or English, and its impact on overall sales growth, we wanted to shed some light around the “Darker Side of the force”…the less talked about impact of slashing Hispanic allocations.

Digital & Media Predictions 2016 [REPORT]

Millward Brown’s global experts share their digital predictions for 2016 – covering topics from mobile-first marketing, addressable TV advertising, and header bidding to augmented reality, content, and consumer journey marketing.

A Day in the Life of a Media Consumer [REPORT]

Consumer attention is divided across many devices these days. Which devices are best at holding attention for your advertising, and how can marketers use this information to reach their target audience? Read our study to learn more.

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