Círculo Creativo & AHAA Announce Call for Entries for 2014 U.S.H. Idea Awards

Círculo Creativo, in partnership with AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, announces that call for entries for the Third Annual U.S.H. Idea Awards are now open through April 1st, 2014. The award, which recognizes the best creativity in U.S. Hispanic advertising, is adding new categories and embracing the broad spectrum of Hispanic marketing to include public relations; branded content and entertainment; and integrated campaigns. The Awards will take place in Miami, FL on Tuesday, April 29th, 2014, as part of the 2014 AHAA “Thinking Under the Influence” Conference.

New Mainstream vs. Total Market: Which is the Right Multicultural Approach? [INSIGHT]

Every once in a while, new terms and jargon come in and out of favor within the business community.  Among the terms used by business executives targeting cultural segments include “multicultural,” “diversity,” and of course Hispanic, Latino, Black, African American, Asian, acculturation, etc.  Lately, the terms “Total Market” and “New Mainstream” seem to have gained some level of acceptance.  Terms such as these are intended to help communicate a concept that would require many more words to understand.  Although non-controversial, the term “New Mainstream” may lack clarity among industry insiders and is perhaps foreign to those not in the multicultural space.  On the other hand, “Total Market” seems to both lack clarity and revel in a fair amount of disagreement.  By César M Melgoza, Founder & CEO – Geoscape


There’s been quite a bit of talk about the new total market strategy approach. The approach is not new; as ethnic marketers we have always told our clients that there is ONE brand, not different brands for each consumer segment. We just deliver different benefits based on insights about that brand and our segment consumer. But the essence of the brand remains as one – a total market delivery, executed differently based on target needs.  By Enrique Turégano – alPunto Advertising

In 2014, Latinos will surpass whites as largest racial/ethnic group in California

California’s demographers also project that in mid-2014, the state’s residents will be 38.8% white non-Hispanic, 13% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 5.8% black non-Hispanic, and less than 1% Native American. But the state’s demographics in 2014 are very different from what they had been. In 2000, California’s 33.9 million residents were 46.6% white non-Hispanic, 32.3% Latino, 11.1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 6.4% black non-Hispanic and about 1% Native American. In 1990, white non-Hispanics made up more than half (57.4%) of the state’s then 29.7 million residents, while 25.4% of Californians were Latino, 9.2% were Asian American or Pacific Islander, 7.1% were black non-Hispanic and about 1% were Native American.

Keeping Up with Working Moms [INSIGHT & INFOGRAPHIC]

We all try to show mom we love her, but businesses have always paid careful attention to engage their mom clientele. Since moms differ from one another based on their lifestyles, we analyzed Working Moms—the 40 percent of women who have children under age 18 and hold full-time employment. How do you reach this affluent consumer group in their limited free time? By making their lives easier, anticipating their needs and interests.  

2014: The Year of Marketing Accountability

Since the dawn of modern advertising, marketers have been trying to figure out what works. After years of spreadsheet addiction, educated guesses and gut-based optimization, the advent of advanced analytics tools has provided marketing organizations with far better — and far more automated — decision-making and forecasting capabilities.

Product branding: The power and value of brands [REPORT]

Branding has been around for hundreds of years. The word “brand” is derived from the branding or burning of a mark into the hide of cattle to differentiate one from another. Bass & Company claims to have the world’s first trademark with its red triangle logo. Wine jars found at Pompeii have indications of product branding on them. Branding creates differentiation. When done effectively it creates positive awareness and, ultimately, value.

Software Is Eating Marketing — And Your Job

In marketing we have sort of considered ourselves part of the start-up world, happily playing along while killing the print industry, radio, journalism — and, a little more reluctantly, television. We are hobnobbing, slightly star-struck, with Mark Zuckerberg, Marissa Mayer or Eric Schmidt, and pushing advertisers into any and all digital media.

It’s not about a “total market” strategy. It’s about a total market competent organization [INSIGHT]

Much talk has surfaced lately about the whether it makes sense to have a total market strategy. Some contend that the intent of a “total market” strategy—to recognize all potential consumers’ needs, culture and behavioral characteristics within a company’s marketing strategy—is too often misunderstood or not understood at all. This assertion has resulted in approaches that homogenize how organizations communicate with consumers, and it underemphasizes and even ignores cultural nuances that work to powerfully connect consumers and brands.  Terry J. Soto, Author and President & CEO, About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Views from Latino America [INSIGHT & REPORT]

That’s underscored by a new major poll of nearly 1,500 Latino Americans by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health. The poll, like our previous , covered several aspects of people’s lives — religious beliefs, personal finances, health status, education and more. It featured enough respondents that we could break them out into a few key groups by ethnic ancestry: Cubans, Dominicans, South Americans, Central Americans, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans. We were also able to contrast responses from folks who were immigrants with those who were born in the United States.

English Only? For Mainland Puerto Ricans, The Answer Is Often ‘Yes’ [INSIGHT]

But it turns out my penchant for English isn’t unique for a mainland Puerto Rican, according to a survey of American Latinos by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health. Given a choice between answering a gamut of questions about their lives in Spanish or in English, 78 percent of the Puerto Rican respondents chose English, significantly more than any other Latino group. According to the poll, only 20 percent of Puerto Ricans speak Spanish at home, less than half the percentage for respondents overall. (The poll didn’t include respondents in Puerto Rico, only Puerto Rican respondents living on the U.S. mainland.)

On Cuban-Americans And The Elusive ‘American Dream’ [INSIGHT]

Since arriving here, as a community, they’ve prospered. Surveys show they graduate from college at greater rates and have higher levels of homeownership than most other Latino groups.

But suggests that, for many Cuban-Americans, the dream is becoming elusive. The poll conducted by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health finds that 45 percent of Cuban-Americans say their finances are not so good or poor. They see themselves as financially troubled at rates higher than other Latinos.


Consumers are becoming increasingly detached from brands and technology is complicating things, reveals a new report from Culture Vulture, Mindshare’s cultural trends program.

CMOs from Chrysler, Havaianas, U.S. Army, Viacom and Wells Fargo to Headline AHAA’s 2014 “Thinking Under the Influence” Conference

As the influence of the Hispanic demographic impacts pop culture, purchasing behavior and technology adoption, the marketing industry is evolving with brands shifting their strategies to develop innovative and creative initiatives catering to a core audience of multicultural consumers. AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing is leading the charge in bringing together some of the most powerful Chief Marketing Officers for its annual conference, taking place at the Eden Roc Renaissance Hotel in Miami from April 28-30, with a theme of “Thinking Under the Influence: The Next Five Years.”

Hispanic Americans and Retirement: Challenges to achieving Long-Term Financial Goals [REPORT]

The Hispanic American Financial Experience, a new study released by Prudential Financial, found that the Hispanic American community is moderately confident in their future outlook for household finances, the local and national economy, and the attention paid to their needs by the financial industry and government. In addition, the Hispanic American community places a priority on funding near-term goals such as supporting their multigenerational families. These factors, according to the study respondents, make it difficult for the Hispanic American community to prepare for long-term financial security.

Advertising’s Role as a Critical Driver of the U.S. Economy [REPORT]

Advertising is a driving force in the U.S. economy, serving as a generator of job creation and sales, according to a new study commissioned by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and The Advertising Coalition, which represents advertisers, advertising agencies, and media companies.

Consumers Planning To Make An Automotive Purchase Are Heavily Influenced By Digital Advertising [REPORT]

Thirty-four million Americans are planning to purchase a vehicle in the next six months and a new report, “Digital Influence on Auto Intenders,” from Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Prosper Insights finds that these consumers are almost twice as likely to be swayed by auto-focused digital marketing than the general population (21% vs. 12%). Moreover, automotive shoppers are 71 percent more likely to be influenced by digital advertising across multiple retail categories than the average consumer.

Revamping Growth for Health & Wellness Brands through Predictive Analytics [INSIGHT]

Everywhere consumers go, they are being bombarded by messages that tell them that brand A is ever so slightly healthier than brand B.  Consumers are noticing, and more purchasing decisions are being made on the basis of health and wellness. The 2013 Food & Health Survey: Consumer Attitudes toward Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health, commissioned by the International Food Information Council Foundation, found that for 64% of consumers, “healthfulness” is considered to be the most important factor driving foods and beverages purchase decisions, up 6 points since 2006 when 58% considered healthfulness the most important purchase driver and trumped only by taste and price.

Continual Innovation: The Key to Stand Out and Win in Retail

The need to differentiate from the competition is as great as it has ever been. While global consumer confidence was flat in third-quarter 2013 from the previous quarter, confidence was on the rise in over half of the countries Nielsen surveys, including the U.S. Still, many shoppers remain focused on value for their money. At the same time, e-commerce has attracted a growing number of users. Innovation, however, can give retailers the all-important edge.

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