Marketers should Focus more on Media Performance, Not Just Price

Virtually every week, there is another story about major marketers putting their media agency in review. Most of the reviews these days are driven by price, not performance. Marketers — through their procurement officers — want lower media prices, and they want to pay lower media agency fees. Certainly, marketers and their media agencies also spend a lot of time on media performance, but it seems that the pendulum has swung a bit too far to the cost control side lately.

Huge Disconnect between what Marketers need from their Data and what they are Getting [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Data is the lifeblood of marketing, yet marketers are extremely frustrated with their business information. There is a growing disconnect between what marketers want and need from their data and what they are actually getting, according to a new report by Domo, a cloud-based venture helping CEOs and other executives transform the way they manage business and get more value from existing investments in business data.

Total Market Growth Approach Made Simple: From “Connectors” Insights and Core Alignment to Innovative Products and Retail Strategies [INSIGHT]

At the recent 2013 Hispanic Retail 360 Summit, a cross-channel conference, CPGs, retail experts converged to share insights on successful programs. There was unilateral agreement that now is the time to act strategically on the opportunities to approach the Hispanic and non-Hispanic consumers in unison.    By Carlos Santiago / Santiago Solutions Group

Adding some nuance to “The Great Debate” [INSIGHT]

 As the discussion continues regarding the viability and implications of the “total market” approach embraced by so many major brands at the ANA Multicultural Marketing conference in early November 2012, I came across an interesting perspective from the folks at  By Jose Villa / Sensis

Beyond Tacos, Guacamole, and Hugs: El Dia de los Muertos [INSIGHT]

Latino influence in the US keeps growing one cultural example at a time. The Wall Street Journal published on Friday November 1, 2013 an article entitled “No Bones About It, Day of the Dead Is Finding New Life.” The article talks about a trend among non-Hispanics, particularly in areas of heavy Latino presence like California and Texas, who now set up altars to their dead relatives in different locations. An interesting example is that of a woman in Oceanside, California, who created an altar to her father in the trunk of his car.  By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

A Broken Bargain for LGBT Workers of Color [REPORT]

A Broken Bargain for LGBT Workers of Color examines how LGBT workers of color face unique challenges related to their race and ethnicity and their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. In particular, LGBT workers of color are hindered by three major barriers: educational barriers; hiring bias and on-the-job discrimination; and unequal pay, benefits, and taxation. As a result, LGBT people of color are some of the most disadvantaged workers in the United States—and face extraordinarily high rates of unemployment and poverty.

Lapiz USA named 2013 U.S. Hispanic Agency of the Year at El Ojo Awards

Lapiz USA was recently recognized as the U.S. Hispanic Agency of the Year at the 2013 El Ojo Awards in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The network won a total of seven honors – one Gold, four Silver and two Bronze awards at the ceremony. The highly prestigious Agency of the Year recognition came just after Chief Creative Officer Laurence Klinger was honored as the U.S. Hispanic Creative Director of the Year.

Update: Ad Expense Deductibility Proposal Reportedly Advances

LEGISLATIVE ALERT!!!  Last month we reported on indications that, according to AdWeek, some in Congress are thinking about revising the tax code to eliminate, or at least seriously reduce, the deductibility of advertising expenses. We have a follow up.

Critical Factors in Brand Success [INSIGHT]

Facing universal skepticism from consumers and stiff competition from a sea of competitors, how can a brand differentiate itself to win a loyal following—or at the very least, to prove itself worthy of its customers’ time? It boils down to two essential elements: trust and dynamism—the consumer’s perception that a brand has delivered on the promises of the past while simultaneously helping lead the way to a better future.

This is [Modern] Retail [Report]

Pin it, scan it or share it – operating in a digital world has become second nature for most shoppers today, and retailers are taking full advantage of it. The use of social media platforms and mobile devices is exploding, and for millions of consumers there’s no doubt that this digital revolution is here to stay. With the understanding that this new path to purchase offers up a unique engagement opportunity, retailers are taking over the social scene, and shoppers are reaping the benefits. In this new modern retail environment, the shopping experience has never been quicker, easier or more interactive.

The “Total Market” Approach [INSIGHT]

When I walked away from the ANA multicultural conference on Wednesday I felt high. No, I wasn’t smoking anything. I was high on what several presenters called the “Kool-Aid” of the “total market.”  By David R. Morse / New American Dimensions, LLC

Multicultural, Total Market, Cross-cultural – What Does It All Mean? [INSIGHT]

There has been a pivot in the last five years to a new lexicon and strategy of integration in the world of Hispanic, and multicultural marketing. The rapid growth of Hispanic, Asian, African-American and other ethnic populations, and the trend towards ethnic “minority majorities” has moved multicultural marketing out of the silos and into the C-suites of many large companies. What was once a niche is now mainstream.  By Jose Villa / SENSIS

Your Latino IQ [REPORT]

Rincon & Associates released a white paper entitled “New Test Reveals Your Latino IQ” – which presents some unexpected findings when comparing Latinos and non-Latinos on their knowledge of general characteristics about U.S. Latinos. 

Advertising, Marketing & Communications Industries being shaped by Multicultural Boom [INSIGHT]

In the last decade, multicultural populations have grown to wield enormous power both on Wall Street and on Main Street. Not only are they influencing pop culture, entertainment and cuisine, but they are also driving significant changes in corporate board rooms and evolving the marketing industry. Today, marketing strategies are under great scrutiny in response to the explosive growth of multicultural populations. As many companies seek to reconcile and recalibrate efforts toward multiple market segments, questions arise with regards to the potential of defining and addressing a Total Market Strategy.

Twitter News Consumers: Young, Mobile and Educated [REPORT]

Nearly one-in-ten U.S. adults (8%) get news through Twitter, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center, in collaboration with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Compared with the 30% of Americans who get news on Facebook, Twitter news consumers stand out as younger, more mobile and more educated.

A commitment to leading our companies with multicultural insights – Do or Fail [INSIGHT]

Welcome to the 2013 ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference entitled “Marketing to a Multicultural Nation” – a very appropriate title considering the latest reports on the continuing growth of multicultural groups in our country today.   By Gilbert Davila / CEO of Davila Multicultural Insights & Chairman of ANA Multicultural Board

SXSW introduce SXAméricas

The South by Southwest (SXSW) Conferences & Festivals is internationally renowned to be a stage for innovation in the areas of film, music, interactive technology and more. SXSW is excited to announce its newest initiative, SXAméricas. SXAméricas is a programming track within SXSW that will bring together leaders and innovators from the U.S. and Latin America.

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