Attitudes on an Interconnected World [REPORT]

By Richard Wike, Janell Fetterolf, Moira Fagan and Sneha Gubbala How close do people feel to others around the world? How much do they want their countries involved in international affairs? How do people’s experiences with travel and feelings of international connectedness relate to their views about the world? These are among the questions we … Read more

SBS President/COO Albert Rodriguez Announces Resignation

By Adam Jacobson It was rolling along as another typical quarterly earnings call, held one week after the company released its third quarter earnings results. Then, just after the last question e-mailed to the C-Suite from a financial analyst was answered, a big surprise came from Spanish Broadcasting System‘s longtime day-to-day leader: He’s leaving.   … Read more

4.8% Growth for 2024, Marking Continued Adspend Acceleration Into 2025 and Beyond

Zenith’s latest Advertising Expenditure Forecasts, published today, reports continued resilience and forecasts 5.3% global advertising growth for 2023, which is above initial expectations given a healthier than expected Q3 for major digital advertisers. Global adspend growth is expected at 4.8% in 2024, excluding U.S. political spending*, aided by events such as the Olympics as well … Read more

The Way Top CMOs Are Overcoming Today’s Challenges

By Ashley Miles If there’s one thing that those of us who have had the privilege to serve alongside the top CMOs and leadership teams know, it is that the best of us consistently find ways to confront disruptive 800-pound gorillas throughout our career journeys – often, together. To read more, CLICK HERE. Courtesy of … Read more

The Hispanic Financial Journey

Adsmovil, in collaboration with Publicis Media and ThinkNow, announced the findings from their latest research study: “Embrace the Collective: The Hispanic Financial Journey.” This comprehensive study provides a fresh perspective on the financial behaviors of the Hispanic community as compared to the non-Hispanic market, offering invaluable insights across acculturation levels and age groups, including Millennials, … Read more


Cesar Conde, Chairman of NBCUniversal News Group, announced the appointment of Luis Fernández, an innovative leader in news, sports and entertainment media, to be Chairman of NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises. Mr. Fernández returns to Telemundo following a distinguished career in Spanish-language media as a broadcast executive and award-winning journalist who has overseen the development of highly … Read more

TelevisaUnivsion tries to extend payment of DEBT DUE

In their last earnings call, TelevisaUnivision has put forth a maneuver to extend the due date of their upcoming debt payment in 2025. TelevisaUnivision owes $9.8 billion in long-term debt outstanding. The current debt payments due in 2025 is $1.04 billion and an additional $1.9 billion term payment will due in March 2026. TelevisaUnivision is … Read more


Media buyers currently using an overabundance of websites (40,000-plus) should select 75-100 trusted programmatic media sellers that will provide access to thousands of high-quality websites to optimize their investment, according to a new ANA report. The report, ANA Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency Study: Complete Report, also said buyers should consider having direct contracts with … Read more

Diverse Voices: Language and Identity Among U.S. Hispanics

By Sylvia Vidal – Senior Vice President, Insights | Qualitative & Quantitative Research In the rich tapestry of the U.S. Hispanic community, language holds a complex and evolving role. The latest Pew Research Center Report paints a vivid picture of this linguistic landscape, offering marketers valuable insights into how language, identity, and culture intersect. Language … Read more

How Retailers Can Make Better Connections with More Shoppers

By Sherene Hilal The weeks leading up to the holidays can be stressful for retail marketers desperate to hit their goals, and that can lead many to throw good money after bad tactics to gain some quick traction. A common example is the focus on reach. Too many retail marketers focus on acquiring customer contact … Read more

U.S. Poverty Rate Varies by Age Groups [REPORT]

The U.S. official poverty rate as measured by the American Community Survey (ACS), was 12.6% in 2022 but the rate was significantly different for the nation’s oldest and youngest populations, according to a Census Bureau report . The ACS shows that in 2022 the child (people under age 18) poverty rate was 16.3%, 3.7 percentage … Read more

The Top Marketing Predictions for 2024

2024 will be a year of disruption, transformation, and change. From the continued rise of AI to the growing importance of first-party data, it’s safe to say nothing will stay as it is now. Marketers will continue to prioritize finding ways to enhance segmentation and personalization — how they will do that, however, will change … Read more

Majority of Consumers Actively Avoid Ads Across Podcasts, Streaming, and Live TV Platforms [REPORT]

Nielsen released the Nielsen 2023 Consumer Survey Report. The survey, which polled 3,000 U.S.-based consumers earlier this year, uncovered consumers’ feelings about macroeconomic trends, their preferred platforms and channels, and sentiments around influencers, advertisements, and ad-avoidance. The study found that marketers are up against two major challenges when it comes to reaching and ultimately influencing … Read more

Agency Costs: New Developments & Trends

By Cliff Campeau In theory, the fees that agencies charge their clients are based upon a combination of direct labor costs, an overhead allocation, and a desired level of profit. Agency operating expenses, which are the combination of direct labor and overhead costs can vary dramatically from one organization and one market to the next. … Read more

How Extended Payment Terms May Affect Agency Relations

By Chris Warren A recent report from the 4A’s doesn’t mince words regarding the current state of payment terms between client-side marketers and their agencies. “The Ripple Effect of Extending Payment Terms” is a full-throated call to action for agencies to only accept 30-day payment terms. “Anything beyond a normal 30-day cycle is incompatible with … Read more

Who is productive, and who isn’t? Here’s how to tell.

By Aaron De Smet and Angelika Reich More than 50 percent of workers say their productivity is down. Managers who understand what motivates different types of workers can boost their engagement and help them find more satisfaction at work. If productivity is down in your organization, it may be a sign that at least some … Read more

Records of Trailblazing Latino Journalist Association Find Home at USC Libraries

The USC Libraries have acquired the records of CCNMA: Latino Journalists of California, the trailblazing professional association fostering diversity within the news media for more than a half century. Founded in 1972 in Los Angeles and formerly known as the California Chicano News Media Association, CCNMA was the first advocacy organization for journalists of color … Read more

Immigrant Archive Project launches Legacy Film Division

Capturing the essence of families’ unique stories has always been our passion, and now, we’re taking it to the next level with our dedicated Legacy Film Division. With our award-winning expertise, we’re committed to creating high-end legacy films that beautifully preserve and celebrate your family’s journey. Each frame tells a story, and we’re here to … Read more

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