Women Are More Likely to Consider Buying from Brands with Good Track Records on DEI

Brands today are keenly focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives both internally—with strategies to ensure a more equitable and diverse workforce—and externally, with consumer-facing initiatives to create products and advertising that are more inclusive of a diverse America. And a big part of America’s diversity is female. Women’s History Month serves as a reminder … Read more

The U.S Ad Industry Stages a Remarkable Comeback from Covid-19

Lockdowns during the height of the pandemic were devastating to the U.S. ad industry, as they were for the economy and society as a whole. But advertising has made a remarkable recovery with growth now nearly in line with spend projections from before the emergence of Covid-19. Standard Media Index (SMI) estimates that the first … Read more

The CMO Survey: The latest results [REPORT]

The 28th edition of The CMO Survey examines the issues top of mind for marketers including the latest focus for marketing activities, spending, jobs, and performance. The latest edition of The CMO Survey features responses from 320 senior marketing executives on the issues top of mind for marketing leaders and stakeholders. From marketing spending and … Read more

Today’s Hottest Films Prove to Be Culturally Relevant with Multicultural Audiences, Yet Still Fail to Be Recognized by the Academy Awards

ANA’s AIMM (Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing) released their first ever Oscar’s Inclusion & Relevancy Report analyzing how the nominated films resonated with traditionally underrepresented audiences. The research draws upon Oppside’s analysis of accurate cultural portrayals in the movies gathered by its Cultural Insights Impact Measure (CIIM™). Learnings indicate that while the film industry … Read more

Annual Retail Sales to Grow Between 6 % and 8 %

The National Retail Federation issued its annual forecast, anticipating that retail sales will grow between 6 percent and 8 percent to more than $4.86 trillion in 2022. The announcement was made during NRF’s annual State of Retail & the Consumer virtual event where retail industry leaders discussed the strength of the consumer economy and the … Read more

How to make marketing change management more successful

by Anton Buchner This post is by Anton Buchner, a senior consultant with TrinityP3. Anton is one of Australia’s leaders in data-driven marketing. Helping navigate through the bells, whistles and hype to identify genuine marketing value when it comes to technology, digital activity, and the resulting data footprint. There has been an incredible amount of … Read more

Modern marketing dilemmas: Where does performance marketing meet brand building?

By Mary Kyriakidi This series seeks to answer some of the most pertinent questions (or dilemmas) of the modern marketer. Questions that can’t be answered with a simplistic yes or no, but require investigative research, critical thinking and insatiable curiosity. Because “the answer is never the answer” as countercultural novelist Ken Kesey used to say. … Read more

5 Steps to Restructure Your Marketing Organization [REPORT]

Many marketing leaders are still feeling the long-lasting impacts from the pandemic, which has forced their organizations to be more agile and creative, even with restricted budgets. For some, restructuring can cause pain and unexpected challenges, but you can ensure your team is informed and empowered at every stage of re-org by following our 5 … Read more

Estimates of Undercount and Overcount in the 2020 Census

Census Bureau released results from two analyses about the quality of the 2020 Census counts. While both showed the strength of the count for the total U.S. population, each analysis revealed that the 2020 Census overcounted or undercounted various demographic groups. “Today’s results show statistical evidence that the quality of the 2020 Census total population … Read more

Gen Z: Brands Need To Prioritize DEI And Gender Liberation

By Mario X. Carrasco – ThinkNow For someone who has been working in multicultural marketing for almost two decades, the past few years have been transformative. Diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) and representation in public and private organizations are works in progress. But the momentum is stronger than it’s ever been. The entrepreneur and somewhat skeptic … Read more

Hispanic Audiences Value Local Broadcast TV  [REPORTS]

Among Hispanic adults 18+, television (broadcast & cable) had the highest reach of ad supported platforms, with 70.1% reached in one day. Advertisers can reach the majority of this audience with just broadcast TV, a 69.7% reach. Cable came in at 57.7% and was closely followed by social media (56.0%) and streaming programs on TV … Read more

2021 Hispanic Market Guide – Available for Download for FREE

Hispanics are the driving force behind shifts in the American demographic landscape and in popular culture. As consumers demand equality and proper representation coupled with culturally literate, responsible practices from marketers, brands must lead with culture-driven insights and centralize Hispanic marketing as a core practice for achieving sustainable market relevance and growth. To arm them with the cultural insights needed, the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) has released its 2021 Hispanic Market Guide, the most comprehensive resource on the U.S. Hispanic market. The new publication is now available to view online or download for free.

Three principles from four decades of media practice

Global media expert Ben Jankowski, former SVP Global Media at Mastercard, shares his key learnings from his forty-year career in media as he ends his impressive 11-year tenure at the company and eight years as a global chair of WFA’s Media Forum to start a new consulting venture. If you were to ask 100 people … Read more


The Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) announced President/CEO of Casanova//McCann Ingrid Otero-Smart has rejoined its Board of Directors, as well as newcomers Albert Rodriguez, president & COO of Spanish Broadcasting System, and José Villa, founder, president and chief strategy officer for Sensis. These members will work closely with the HMC’s governing bodies, executive committee and the … Read more

Three questions to help set realistic marketing growth targets

By Nigel Hollis In his recent article on Mumbrella, “The forgotten ‘P’ of marketing,” Ryan France references the ‘spiral of doom.’ As he notes, the spiral will be hauntingly familiar to many marketers. But if the spiral of doom ultimately leads to bankruptcy, what might lead to the spiral of success? The spiral of doom … Read more

A relevancy revolution: the importance of Spanish language content

By Stacie deArmas, SVP, Diverse Insights & Initiatives As a first-generation Latina in the U.S., I often hear, “Really, you don’t look Cuban.” Maybe it’s my light skin or my name. “Estacie” doesn’t exactly translate very easily. Perhaps it’s the other person’s familiarity with Cuban actors or musicians. Or maybe it is the way I … Read more

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