For CMOs, The Path For Growth Is Towards The Multicultural Youth

If you ask a CMO, “Who is your target consumer?” there’s a high probability the answer will be “Millennials or Gen-Zers.”  One of the characteristics that distinguish these demographic cohorts is that these are the most multicultural generations we have ever seen in the United States. It is estimated that almost half of all Gen-Zers and 44% of Millennials are from a multicultural background. Together, these two groups represent nearly 42% of the country’s population.  By Isaac Mizrahi – Co-President of ALMA Agency

First-Party Data is a Good Start, but it’s Not Enough

No marketer would ever question the need for high-quality data, especially as consumers demand increasingly personalized experiences from brands. Despite the need, however, data quality remains a significant obstacle for brands of all sizes, which means many marketers will struggle to establish the relevant connections that consumers are seeking.

The U.S. Hispanic Young Lions Competitions 2021

The creatives teams were briefed by the Facebook team, who partnered with Círculo Creativo USA, offering their support by sponsoring this year’s competition in the search for the teams that will once more represent the US Hispanic Market at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

2021 Digital Media Trends [REPORT]

After a historic and challenging year, US consumers have become more reliant than ever on media for entertainment, information, and social connection. The pandemic has accelerated preexisting industry trends and altered entertainment-related behaviors, leading many to wonder which will stick after the crisis and what the implications may be for media and entertainment (M&E) businesses.

Digital Must Be Always On—Here is Why

With more content at their fingertips and more time to consume it, today’s audiences are everywhere, moving seamlessly between all screens. This fragmentation has made reaching consumers with the right ad at the right time even more challenging. It has also heightened the importance of comprehensive, comparable cross-platform audience measurement that enables media buyers and sellers to understand the performance of campaigns across platforms.

The power of inclusion and diversity in advertising

In ‘The 5 habits of highly effective advertisers’, we highlighted that inclusion and diversity is one of the ingredients, or creative devices, used by brands to make their ads both creative and effective.

Bring Business Etiquette Back ….. PLEASE!

An email is sent with no response, a phone call is not returned, a collaboration ends with no explanation. Productivity in business can be measured in various shapes and sizes, but nothing can bring the spirit of a venture to a halt like these nagging aspects of simple communication.  By Buzz Knight

Televisa to Merge its Media, Content and Production Assets with Univision

Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. (“Televisa”), and Univision Holdings, Inc. (together with its wholly owned subsidiary, Univision Communications Inc., “Univision”), announced a definitive transaction agreement in which Televisa’s content and media assets will be combined with Univision to create the largest Spanish-language media company in the world: Televisa-Univision (the “Company”).

Your Data Needs to Be Diverse, Too

To attain efficient growth impact, marketers seek to connect with multicultural segments in relevant and accurate ways that don’t perpetuate negative or false stereotypes.

I’ve Been Called Names: Why the Term ‘Latinx’ Is an Important Marketing Tool (for Now)

Throughout my life I’ve been called many names. In fact, I remember growing up in Mexico City being fondly referred to as “Güerito” (blondie,) in spite of having dark hair. This name had to do with the fact that I am the son of Rumanian immigrants, so I was whiter than most of my other friends. However, in spite of my foreign origin, last name, and my looks, I was always, and still am, very proud of being Mexican.  By Luis Miguel Messianu, Creative Chairman & CEO, Alma

Social Media Use in 2021 [REPORT]

Despite a string of controversies and the public’s relatively negative sentiments about aspects of social media, roughly seven-in-ten Americans say they ever use any kind of social media site – a share that has remained relatively stable over the past five years, according to a new Pew Research Center survey of U.S. adults.
Growing share of Americans say they use YouTube; Facebook remains one of the most widely used online platforms among U.S. adult

Wooing Multicultural Majority Gen Z Via Trust, Style and Value Bundles

So, what does work with this first multicultural majority generation? A recent study by the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) found that price point alone is not enough with 92 percent of Gen Zers and their parents, who agreed that one or more things matter more than price. Brand trust and style were most important to young Gen Zers.  By: Nancy Tellet, Research Chair, Hispanic Marketing Council

COVID Remains Latinos’ Top Concern

Latinos are taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously, according to a new poll conducted by Univision News and Latino civil rights and advocacy organization UnidosUS, with 45 percent of Latino voters identifying it as their top priority. Fully 71 percent are more concerned about the impact of the virus on their family’s health than their finances, the poll found.

Hispanic Consumers Are Recovery Optimists; Black Consumers Are Cautious Optimists

As more of the U.S. becomes eligible for vaccinations, consumers and companies are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. “Vaccine small talk” is infiltrating video conferences, and companies and consumers are beginning to talk and plan for a post-pandemic future. And when we look at who’s most eager to move forward, minority groups are leading the charge.

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