CMO Dilemma: How to Talk to Your CFO as Cost Cuts Loom

The coronavirus has officially changed how we live, work and interact with each other and with the companies that provide our goods and services. As companies focus first and foremost on caring for their employees and customers, a second priority will be learning how to navigate the uncertainty that surrounds this pandemic.

The Post Corona World

A Backwards Corona Forecast: Or how we will be surprised when the crisis is “over“

COVID-19: Key questions all marketers should be asking

Staying put is what’s best for reducing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), but home-bound consumers are having an immediate impact on brands. The pull-back on advertising spend will cut expenses in the short term but will affect a brand’s resilience. How can businesses support their brands and make money in such uncharted waters?

It’s Your Leadership Moment

Ample research shows that leadership makes the greatest difference when the world around us is uncertain, and we are unsure about what lies ahead. We also know that the impact will be greatest when it comes not only from the apex but also from the middle ranks and front lines, writes Michael Useem in this opinion piece. Useem is faculty director of the Leadership Center and McNulty Leadership Program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and author of books on leadership during crisis.

What does coronavirus mean for brands on social media? [REPORT]

A Make Or Break MomentWhat does coronavirus mean for brands on social media?The coronavirus pandemic represents unchartered territory for businesses. Companies are being challenged on multiple levels with consumers asking questions not just about their advertising, but also about their core values, how they treat their employees and factory workers, and how they’re contributing to the cause.

Tracking the Unprecedented Impact of COVID-19 on U.S. CPG Shopping Behavior

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to disrupt industries and businesses around the world, the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is operating in uncharted territory. Amid widespread health concerns, federal travel restrictions and local movement limitations, the industry is facing the greatest, and fastest change in shopping behavior ever.

Beyond coronavirus: The path to the next normal

“For some organizations, near-term survival is the only agenda item. Others are peering through the fog of uncertainty, thinking about how to position themselves once the crisis has passed and things return to normal. The question is, ‘What will normal look like?’ While no one can say how long the crisis will last, what we find on the other side will not look like the normal of recent years.”

Advertising Economy 2021: Recession or Depression?

In the earliest days of HIV/AIDS, before the public was responding to the growing plague, two of my closest business colleagues died. One was an incredibly talented chief creative officer of a major fashion chain and the other a network TV buyer at a large agency. It wasn’t until friends began getting visibly sick and dying that the immensity of the human tragedy resonated for many. For those in the gay community, AIDS was a pandemic. For me, like too many others, reality dawned slowly.  By Jack Myers – Media Ecologist, Founder: MediaVillage and Advancing Diversity Hall of Honors

Beyond the outbreak: how Covid-19 will affect the global advertising market [REPORT]

Many industry sectors may decrease marketing and advertising spending this year as a result of slower sales and profits. MAGNA expects the impact on revenues to be severe for the Travel and Restaurant industries, moderate for Retail and Automotive, mild for Consumer PackagedGoods (CPG/FMCG) and potentially positive for Ecommerce and Home Entertainment (SVOD).

Is This The End Of Market Research?

The decades long tracker we’ve been running? Weakened. Longitudinal data relies on consistency, the assumption that external factors change only slight over time. COVID-19 has proven to be a global catastrophe, changing our daily lives in ways we could have never anticipated from the decimation of global supply chains to the way we interact with each other on a daily basis. Trackers prior to the COVID-19 outbreak will serve as reminders of how life was prior, but new data will be needed to anticipate how consumer purchase behaviors have changed in light of the pandemic.  By Mario Xavier Carrasco – Co-Founder & Principal at ThinkNow

Communication Breakdown

While solutions exist, myriad problems continue to erode the trust between clients and their agencies

Marketing do’s and don’ts during the COVID-19 crisis

IThe current crisis is a far cry from the Great Recession but there are things we have learned that are applicable when trying to figure out how to protect brands, businesses and livelihoods. In this post I have listed a few things that brands should do during the crisis and which will help preserve the brand’s standing for the longer-term..  by Nigel Hollis

Telemundo postpones 2020 Upfront

Due to health concerns, Telemundo’s Upfront event in New York City slated for the evening of Monday, May 11 has been postponed. NBCUniversal announced it will instead televise and stream the Upfront Presentation for the 2020-21 season to ensure the safety of all participants while also reflecting the increasingly direct relationship between NBCUniversal, its fans and its partners.

Culture Marketing Council Summit 2020 postponed

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Culture Marketing Council has rescheduled the CMC Annual Summit from April 27-29, 2020 to new dates. The CMC will announce the new dates in the coming weeks.

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