Carmen DiRienzo passes

Carmen DiRienzo was a seasoned media executive and attorney with superior leadership skills, outstanding managerial and consensus building capabilities and an entrepreneurial vision and spirit.

Repercussion Marketing 2021

Today’s DE&I and Marketing conversations are based quite simply on the exercise that if you do not diversify your workforce, create inclusion, and secure advertising spending against minority consumers in the USA, your will suffer the repercussion of social, economic, and political grievances.

The State of Global Media [Video]

As markets begin to adapt to the disruption that the pandemic has created across the media industry, navigating audiences has never been more critical. Much remains unknown about the future of media, but audiences have made one thing clear: understanding it is more important than ever.

How to Find Your Agency’s Next New Biz Pro

How do you determine which candidates will perform for your agency based on a stack of paper? You can’t. High-quality hires are few and far between, and in recent years, the process of attracting and retaining a new business person has become almost a competitive sport.  By Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership

Do we still need a creative brief? [PODCAST]

The Brief Bros. celebrate 6 months of pontificating about creative briefs. In our latest episode Howard Ibach and I discuss what we’ve learned and contemplate the possibility the creative briefs are over.

Home broadband adoption, computer ownership vary by race, ethnicity in the U.S.

Black and Hispanic adults in the United States remain less likely than White adults to say they own a traditional computer or have high-speed internet at home, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted Jan. 25 to Feb. 8, 2021. But there are no racial and ethnic differences when it comes to other devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

The Most Innovative Companies in 2021

This year has been rife with pandemic-induced changes that have shifted corporate priorities—and yet, innovation has remained a top concern among corporations worldwide.

Do You Have Margin in Your Life?

Many of us are always “on” these days, running from task to task. Never-ending demands. Frenetic pace. We fill every available moment with activity or scrolling through our digital feeds.

RadioInk Medallas de Cortez Finalists Named

Only seven will carry home the prestigious award. And, the only place winners will be announced is at the live and in-person Hispanic Radio Conference, scheduled for September 22-23 in Miami, Fla.

Are you tuned into young listeners?

Over the past decade, radio broadcasters have brought increased content to owned digital channels to give listeners the opportunity to engage new channels. And today, we see that the broadcasters that have adapted their content and platform strategies to include digital channels are reaping the benefits of engaging audiences of all age groups.

The Gauge Shows Seasonality, Sports and Streaming Content Drive Shifts in Viewing

Seasonality, sports and new streaming content drove shifts in viewing share across broadcast, cable and streaming on television screens in June, according to The Gauge. Launched last month, Nielsen’s monthly total TV and streaming snapshot shows that the conclusion of the traditional broadcast season may have provided an opportunity for sports on cable  (NHL, NBA, MLB) and streaming to each gain a percentage point of viewership.

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