Records of Trailblazing Latino Journalist Association Find Home at USC Libraries

The USC Libraries have acquired the records of CCNMA: Latino Journalists of California, the trailblazing professional association fostering diversity within the news media for more than a half century. Founded in 1972 in Los Angeles and formerly known as the California Chicano News Media Association, CCNMA was the first advocacy organization for journalists of color … Read more

Ariel Alternatives/ Project Black purchases majority stake in My Code

Private investment firm Ariel Alternatives, LLC (“Ariel Alternatives”) and My Code announced the completion of a strategic transaction. Ariel Alternatives’ Project Black (“the Fund”) has acquired a 58.5 percent stake in the Company from existing shareholders Falfurrias Capital Partners, My Code management and employees, and other investors, at an enterprise valuation of $400 million, based … Read more

Immigrant Archive Project launches Legacy Film Division

Capturing the essence of families’ unique stories has always been our passion, and now, we’re taking it to the next level with our dedicated Legacy Film Division. With our award-winning expertise, we’re committed to creating high-end legacy films that beautifully preserve and celebrate your family’s journey. Each frame tells a story, and we’re here to … Read more

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Marketing Luminaries Weigh In

By Michael Berberich In today’s business world, the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are more than just buzzwords; they represent critical components for innovation, creativity, and growth. But what do some of the industry’s luminaries think about these pressing issues? Marketing Futures Podcast host Mike Berberich shares some recent responses to a question … Read more

Three Stages to a Successful Scoping Season

By Christopher DeMarco, Giles Woodhall In the world of marketing, there’s a critical period that both big advertisers and their agencies know all too well: the scoping season. It is the ultimate team project, where advertisers and agencies come together, ready to hash out plans and budgets for their next big campaigns. To read more, … Read more

Here’s Why Multicultural Consumers Are More Concerned About Privacy Issues

By Mario X. Carrasco Multicultural consumers, accounting for over 120 million people or 38% of the total population and more than $3 trillion in buying power, are a growing and vital segment of the U.S. population. Given their significant cultural and economic impact on the market, multicultural consumers are more likely to be concerned about … Read more

Steven Wolfe Pereira named Chief Client Officer of TelevisaUnivision

TelevisaUnivision President of U.S. Advertising Sales and Marketing Donna Speciale announced the appointment of Steven Wolfe Pereira to Chief Client Officer, a newly created role designed to accelerate the company’s client relations for more brands to engage with U.S. Hispanic consumers authentically in-language and in-culture. Reporting to Speciale, Wolfe Pereira will work closely with marketers … Read more

About 8.2 Million People Moved Between States in 2022

By Mehreen S. Ismail The number of people who moved between states rose from nearly 7.9 million people in 2021 to approximately 8.2 million people in 2022, according to newly released U.S. Census Bureau estimates. The American Community Survey (ACS) shows state-to-state movers also made up a larger share of all movers between 2021 and … Read more

Why is collaboration key to CMO success?

While many chief marketing officers (CMOs) continue to face headwinds, there’s never been a better time to be a CMO. The marketing department’s responsibilities have expanded well beyond what we might think of as traditional marketing. CEOs and boards are giving CMOs more room than ever to step up and think boldly about how marketing … Read more

Guidelines for AI Use [REPORT]

By Nicole Schuman PR practitioners have a new resource to help them navigate the growing world of artificial intelligence (AI). On Nov. 20 the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) released “Promise and Pitfalls: The Ethical Use of AI for Public Relations Practitioners,” an extensive framework that follows PRSA’s Code of Ethics to provide best … Read more

LOLA- The AI assistant for Immigrants

Leap Financial, a financial services technology company focused on the specific needs of immigrants and their families abroad, has launched, an AI assistant that coaches recently arrived immigrants to the U.S. as well all next-gens who may struggle to get fully integrated. Lionel Carrasco and Marcela Henao, Leap Financial’s co-founders saw an urgent need … Read more

Beyond belt-tightening: How marketing can drive resiliency during uncertain times

By Julien Boudet, Marc Brodherson, Kelsey Robinson, and Eli Stein With the economy still sending mixed signals, it’s no great surprise that companies are feeling skittish and cutting costs. Unfortunately, the marketing budget is often the first to go. In December 2022, we surveyed nearly three dozen chief marketing officers (CMOs) of major North American … Read more

Equality & Inclusivity Drive Brand Growth and Offset Potential Risk

By Carlos Santiago In 2020, more than 500 companies and marketing executives signed the ANA AIMM Pledge, doubling down on eradicating systemic inequities and achieving equity in the marketing and advertising industry. In the years that followed, there were remarkable transformations, increased investment in diverse media, improved representation behind and in front of the camera, … Read more

“Celebrate Tito Puente The King of Latin Music” Documentary to Air on Vme TV

Get ready to immerse yourself in the electrifying rhythms and enduring legacy of the legendary Tito Puente as Vme TV proudly airs the documentary “Celebrate Tito Puente The King of Latin Music.” This captivating documentary takes you on a journey through the vibrant events of the “Puerto Rico’s Centennial Celebration of Tito Puente,” a series … Read more

Winning Gen Z Hearts: 15 Tips to Rock Your Marketing

By Larisa Bedgood By 2025, 85 million U.S. customers will be in the gen Z age group, according to MarketSplash. Gen Zers, born between 1997 and 2012, is a generation that’s reshaping the rules of engagement between brands and their audience. Born into a world of smartphones, social media, and instant connectivity, these digital natives … Read more

2023 ANA Global CMO Growth Summit Recap [REPORT]

Coming together as a leadership body for the sixth time in Orlando, CMO delegates identified clear, immediate action items to accelerate the pace of progress toward our stated objectives. The assembly focused on the Council’s industry leadership initiatives with individual learning sessions that were specially curated to support the Council’s objectives. The forum provided opportunities … Read more

Creating marketing impact with the Hispanic community

By Adrienne Pulido, DEI Research Lead, Kantar MONITOR Diversity, equity and inclusion have been on the top of the agendas for business leaders from the CMO to the boardroom for quite some time, but 2023 was a watershed year of polarity and backlash. So, what are consumers actually thinking about these issues and what are … Read more

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