Difference drives brand value

Brands which achieve meaningful “difference”, such as by establishing a clear purpose, can yield benefits like rising valuations and equity, according to Millward Brown.

Cracking the digital-shopper genome [INSIGHT]

Companies have more data at their fingertips than ever, so why do online shoppers remain such a mystery? The solution begins with bringing all the information together to form a meaningful picture of the consumer.

Mapping The Journey

Journey mapping — formerly known as customer experience mapping — is one of the most fascinating and dizzying things you’ll ever attempt at a company.  You are focusing on one individual’s map, which can be representative across the board — versus every possible version of the experience for all customers.   

Alma set path for future

Last Friday afternoon, as Alma’s staff took their talents to South Beach to celebrate a string of top creative awards and new business, Luis Miguel Messianu, Founder and President of Alma, broke the news about updates in the agency’s leadership structure.


Such a classic line. Just picturing Desi Arnaz’ character intone these words in his heavy Cuban accent demanding accountability from his rascally wife is engrained in our popular lore. I’m not sure what’s funnier, the Latino guy demanding accountability or Lucy’s mischief, but the combination works enough to keep the series airing after more than 60 years. In TV land, reruns are a sign of success, it means longevity. In life, repeating history is a sign of lessons not learned.  By Pedro de Cordoba | Chief Strategy Officer –  Eventus

Kids’ Audience Behavior Across Platforms [REPORT]

With increasingly diverse platforms available, kids consume multiple types of media and spend many of their waking hours in front of multiple types of screens, often simultaneously. As more technologies and devices become available to kids (and as kids become older and savvy enough to use these devices), how do behaviors change and shift from one platform to another? How does the presence of other household members affect the amount and type of content consumed?

Teens, Technology and Friendships [REPORT]

This report explores the new contours of friendship in the digital age. It covers the results of a national survey of teens ages 13 to 17; throughout the report, the word “teens” refers to those in that age bracket, unless otherwise specified

LimeGreen Merges with Moroch Holdings Inc.

Moroch Holdings Inc. (MHI) has announced that it will be taking a minority interest in Chicago-based LimeGreen LLC, a cross-cultural marketing communications agency focused on helping its clients reach culturally diverse groups through compelling consumer insights.

Is Programmatic Poised to Transform Terrestrial Radio?

As president and CEO of Marketron, a business software provider servicing radio broadcasters, Jeff Haley oversees all developments designed to help broadcasters drive ad sales and revenues. Haley recently spoke with eMarketer’s Lauren Fisher about bringing programmatic to terrestrial radio and shared his expectations for doing so with regard to audience-driven data and real-time delivery.

Women 2020

Meredith Corporation released results from its exclusive Women 2020 research study targeting the next generation of female consumers – Millennials.

Consumers Admit to Too Much Screen Time

eMarketer estimates that US adults will spend 5 hours, 38 minutes each day with digital media on PCs, mobile devices and other connected devices (such as connected and smart TVs and connected game consoles) this year, representing 46.7% of daily media time. Meanwhile, TV will grab 4 hours, 15 minutes of adults’ daily media time, or 35.2% of the total.

Proving the power of cross-media campaigns [INSIGHT]

“Which ad format can we leave out of our campaign without jeopardizing the overall impact?“  If this question sounds familiar, you are not alone. We are living in a cross media world. There hardly is a television campaign today which is not combined with digital advertising, including search, display and retargeting.

How Effective Has Personalization Been So Far?

Marketers remain stuck on the basics when it comes to personalization, and recent research reaffirms that notion that it’s still early days for such efforts, with plenty of room for growth in effectiveness and targeting, for example.

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