Battlestar Galactica on NBC Universo

Battlestar Galactica is now slated to appeal to a whole new audience when it airs for the first time in Spanish on U.S. television beginning Wed., July 29, at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

No More Spanish in America: ¿Sí o No? [INSIGHT]

Lately, as we have grown accustomed to, there have been some articles suggesting that the use of Spanish among Hispanics may be dying out. I have been hearing very similar comments and reading similar studies since I started in this industry ―almost thirty years ago. In fact, I can even quote an ex-colleague saying, “Chica, don’t waste your time in the Hispanic advertising industry ―it will disappear in the next five to ten years.”  by Gloria Constanza – Partner and Chief Contact Strategist / d expósito & Partners

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade

An estimated 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2014, according to a new preliminary Pew Research Center estimate based on government data. This population has remained essentially stable for five years after nearly two decades of changes.  By Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera Cohn

Is Deep Linking The New Digital Marketing Battleground?

Unfortunately, most marketers have not been able to take advantage of that opportunity. By the time that they can connect the dots, the user has already moved on. They either purchased their product elsewhere or lost interest. Blame the fickle attention span of today’s on-demand mobile consumer.

Mobile’s Big for Small-Business Owners

Few small businesses have joined the mobile world, but that doesn’t mean small-business owners (SBOs) aren’t glued to their phones. In fact, it’s the opposite, based on recent research by Manta.

Most Consumers Do Not Care About Brands

For a few years, media agency group Havas has published an annual index of “Meaningful Brands.” The index measures if consumers could see themselves living without brands X, Y or Z. Turns out they can. And also without A, B, C and pretty much the rest of the alphabet.

Parents and Social Media [Report]

Social media networks have become vital channels for Americans’ daily interactions. Users rely on these platforms to keep in touch with family and friends, gather information and share what is important to them. This report explores how parents – 75% of whom use social media – turn to social media for parenting-related information and social support.  By Maeve Duggan, Amanda Lenhart, Cliff Lampe and Nicole B. Ellison

Univision launches Univision Creator Network

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) announced the launch of the Univision Creator Network  – a network of high-performing and high-potential content creators from platforms such as YouTube and Vine with more than an estimated 118 million video views per month for those networks of the content creators signed to date.

Why Marketers Haven’t Mastered Multichannel

When asked about the biggest challenges to multichannel marketing, nearly a quarter of respondents said they lacked the time and resources to develop and execute multichannel campaigns, and the same percentage struggled to get buy-in at the board level. Similarly, other issues related to a lack of investment in tools needed to manage multichannel campaigns as well as a limited understanding about the process as a whole.

Get off your pedestal [INSIGHT]

It’s long been the mantra of marketing specialists to build brands that are so attractive and magnetic that people are drawn irresistibly to them, like moths to a flame. In truth, it’s much more likely that the brands we’re all developing and running are much less important to people than we might like to think.

The Emotive Power of Music in Advertising

Music is powerful. It can make us smile or cry, bring memories rushing back, and even inspire us to buy a product when it’s combined with the right advertisement.

Brand Cohesion [INSIGHT]

Is Brand Cohesion our future marketing currency?  We are in the middle of a global brand marketing crisis

Transparency and Fairness in the Music Industry [REPORT & INFOGRAPHIC]

Originating under BerkleeICE’s Rethink Music initiative and entitled “Fair Music: Transparency and Money Flows in the Music Industry,” the report is the culmination of a year-long examination of the $45 billion global music business and explores the underlying challenges within the current compensation structure while proposing solutions to improve licensing, revenue transparency and cash flow for musicians.

Alma Produces “A Little Lovin’” Mini-Musical as Branded Content for U.S.H. Megabrand

If you caught Premios Juventud, you might have seen a trailer for a new musical starring Leslie Grace and directed by award-winning Daniel “Cloud” Campos. At first glance it looked like the preview to a new Latino movie, or maybe the Hispanic “Glee,” but the world’s first bachata musical was actually a branded content initiative on produced by McDondald’s Hispanic AOR, Alma.

AHAA Study: Hispanic Percentage of Ad Dollars Rises To Nearly 11%

If you believe AHAA, the Hispanic market is on fire.  Total U.S. Hispanic advertising dollars from Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies and retailers in 2014 were $2 billion–up from $1.2 billion in 2010.  The 67% jump means that the U.S. Hispanic market now attracts 10.7% of total U.S. ad expenditures from CPGs/retailers.  By Adam Jacobson

Black child poverty rate holds steady, even as other groups see declines

The share of American children living in poverty has declined slightly since 2010 as the nation’s economy has improved. But the poverty rate has changed little for black children, the group most likely to be living in poverty, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data.

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