New Product Innovation: The Why Behind The Try [INSIGHT]

Innovation matters. In the consumer product realm, it can drive profitability and growth, and it can help companies succeed—even during tough economic times. On the opposite side of the sales counter, consumers have a strong appetite for innovation, but they’re increasingly demanding and expect more choice than ever before.

6 Trends That Are Driving CPG Innovation

Future CPG innovation and marketing success relies on identifying and leveraging signals that represent opportunities for action. While most signals are brand-specific, and often based on proprietary product development initiatives and marketing activities, broader trends can sometimes be gleaned through the analysis of market research reports.

Danny Villanueva RIP

  Depending on when you met Danny Villanueva he was either a professional football player, first rate television broadcaster, pioneer of Hispanic media, private equity magnate or a philanthropist.  To those who knew him best, Danny was a mentor, cheerleader, role model and somebody always looking for ways to help his community advance.  By Roberto Orci

Peeling The Onion

Eight hundred billion dollars in global consumer buying influence. Two hundred billion in the U.S. You wouldn’t expect those figures to be linked to teenagers. But study after study shows that this is the reality. In my opinion, it earns teens a seat at the table and their due respect as significant players in our marketplace. So, as marketers, how do we reach them and how do we make it stick? Teens are subdivided into more lifestyle groups than just about any other demographic.

Movie Marketing In The Age Of Millennials

For decades, Hollywood studios thought of the world in terms of two screens: the big ones in movie theaters, and the smaller TV screens in people’s homes, the latter serving to let people know which shoot ’em up or romantic comedy they could go see at the theater each weekend. But now, technology has advanced to the point where the average person has three, four or even five screens in their lives, with the primary one small enough to fit in their pocket.

Univision and Grupo Televisa strengthen Strategic Relationship

Univision Holdings, Inc. and Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. announced that, together with Univision’s major shareholders, they have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) and that certain subsidiaries of Univision and Televisa entered into an amendment to their existing Program Licensing Agreement (the “PLA Amendment”).

US Consumers are Most Satisfied with Amount of Leisure Time

Coinciding with the beginning of summer and the vacation season, the latest GfK study examined satisfaction levels with amounts of leisure time around the world – and United States consumers ranked as happiest with their time off.  

[Part One] 10 Ways to Strategize and Implement a Winning Marketing Campaign

After much waiting and preparation, the time has come to go to market with a new product or marketing campaign to boost awareness, and your company needs to build a campaign plan that will produce favorable results.   With all the marketing possibilities available these days, it takes some thought out strategic planning to come up with the best marketing plan for a specific product.

To Create Engaging Content, Marketers Need Tech

Engagement is at the heart of content marketing. April 2015 research by Pulsepoint and Digiday found that brand engagement was the No. 1 marketing objective supported by content marketing, cited by 66.8% of UK and US agency and brand professionals.

Chic Influence launches

Bilingual multicultural marketing communications professional Lissette M. Rodriguez announced the launch of Chic Influence, a new public relations agency specializing in building influence with the powerful U.S. Hispanic market while simultaneously bringing client stories to the mainstream forefront.

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