Hispanic Home Ownership Gap

Between now and 2020, roughly four out of every 10 new households that form in the U.S. will be headed by someone of Hispanic descent – more than any other single racial or ethnic group. The Hispanic demographic will be a key driver of home rental and purchasing activity in the next several years, and this will have important implications for the housing sector. Hispanics aspire to home ownership, and the majority of Hispanic movers want to purchase when they move. But a new report from The Demand Institute finds that many Hispanic households will struggle to achieve the dream of home ownership in the next five years because they lack the down payment, income or credit to follow through on their plans.

New Era Challenges to Growth [INSIGHT]

Challenges to growth are nothing new. But these challenges are now changing with shifts in culture. We have now entered a “post-ownership age”, with rapidly changing consumer behaviours and attitudes. Consumers’ perception of needs have transformed as the burden of ownership has developed in response to the recession. People see ownership as adding layers of responsibility and worry to their already busy lives.

Delve Behind the Data to Understand the Economic Power of US Hispanics

The rapid growth in the US Hispanic population has made the demographic increasingly important to retailers. Carlos Garcia, senior vice president of multicultural at GfK Media, spoke with eMarketer’s Lisa Barron about the importance of getting the message right and understanding the culture well enough to do so.  Carlos Garcia – Senior Vice President, Multicultural / GfK Media

Life Beyond May Sweeps: Marketing And Measurement In An Always-On World

Marketers in the TV entertainment industry used to dance to a nice, predictable cadence. Programming was synced with the school year and punctuated by regularly recurring ratings periods like the just-completed May Sweeps. Three major networks had a captive audience that obligingly showed up at appointed times and watched programs from end to end.

Product Videos: All the Cool Brands Are Making Them

Consumers don’t want to spend time reading about a product; they want videos. And brands that cater to such demands stand to see higher sales and gain loyal customers, according to February 2015 research by Animoto.

FIFA Execs Face Corruption Charges

Four sports marketing executives and a broadcaster from the U.S. and South America were charged with racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering conspiracies along with nine leaders of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), soccer’s governing body, in a 47-count indictment unsealed early this morning. Many of the defendants were rounded up in a luxury hotel in Zurich, Switzerland, where they were gathered for FIFA’s annual meeting.

Hispanics & Retirement Planning: A Marketing Perspective [INSIGHT]

Financial services companies in the United States have been lured by the promise of the growing Latino market. Many have tried to engage Hispanic consumers with different financial services offerings. Few have succeeded and it is likely that lack of historical and cultural knowledge have contributed to a patchy track record.  By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

Do Marketers Need Agencies to Get ‘Ahead of the Curve’?

The agency-client relationship is in good standing, but recent research finds that the number of those relationships is falling. For agencies to continue to attract clients, they’ll need to prove their ability to drive improvement so customers can get ahead of the competition.

Consumer Engagement And Campaign Management In The Digital Marketplace

The evolution of digital channels has spurred new innovations and disruption in the CPG marketplace. As a result, CPG companies now face the unprecedented challenge of acquiring, converting and retaining today’s digital consumer. Regardless of the digital channel, CPG companies must develop enduring relationships with consumers throughout the digital journey — from awareness to evaluation, through to purchase or conversion.

ANA Call for Entries for 15th Annual Multicultural Excellence Awards

Now in its 15th year, the Multicultural Excellence Awards recognize outstanding multicultural advertising campaigns produced by marketers and their agencies. Winners will be announced at the 2015 ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference presented by Time Inc., November 8-10 in Miami Beach, Florida.

Sensis releases Fourth Wave of Hispanic Millennial Project [REPORT]

This latest wave explores cultural influence on the food, beverage and alcohol buying habits of multicultural Millennials.The study has expanded beyond Hispanic Millennials to include both Asian and African-American Millennials, which combined make up nearly half of all Millennials in the U.S. today.

MDC Partners launches Multicultural Agency

MDC Partners today announced the formation of Cultura United Agency, a cross-disciplinary marketing firm uniting specialized full-service advertising and public relations expertise with insights across Hispanic, African American and Asian audiences.

“para chuparse los dedos” means “Finger Lickin’ Good” Is Back at KFC.

KFC has launched a new Hispanic marketing campaign that aligns with the timing of its exciting, new broad market initiative. The campaign, called “ para chuparse los dedos,” was created by the Louisville-based KFC Hispanic agency of record, Scoppechio, and announces the return of one of the most famous slogans in advertising history, “Finger Lickin’ Good™.”

Know thy frenemy. Part 1 of 3. Home of the brave, land of the free-lance.

By Gonzalo López Martí  –  LMMIAMI.COM

  • If, like yours truly, you run a more or less conventional advertising operation you might be quite aware by now of the fact that there’s an awful lot of excess capacity out there.
  • Brainpower for hire.
  • Free agents.
  • Galore.
  • They are hungry.
  • They are equipped.
  • They are MILLENNIALS.

Vera named VP of National Sales for ZGS Communications

ZGS Communications announced that Sandra Vera has been promoted to Vice President of National Sales.  Vera has been a member of ZGS’ National Sales team since 2004, most recently as the Director of National Sales.  

Incumbents as attackers: Brand-driven innovation [INSIGHT]

At a time of stagnating markets, technological disruption, and rapid changes in consumer behavior, where can big brands find growth? One popular path is through brand extension: stretching a brand into an adjacent market where its value proposition is still relevant to consumers. Classic cases include Colgate’s sideways move from toothpaste to toothbrushes, Nivea’s from body care to hair care, and Gillette’s from razor blades to shaving foam.

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