Screen Wars: The Battle for Eye Space in a TV-Everywhere World [REPORT]

We are living in a world of 24/7 connectivity. We access content on our own terms, and we like it that way. Across the globe, more than three quarters (76%) of respondents in a Nielsen online survey of digital attitudes and behaviors say they enjoy the freedom of being connected anywhere, anytime. While this flexibility can be a benefit to us, it represents a huge challenge for brands and content providers vying for our attention.

Millennials Prefer to Manage Money Themselves

Millennials have finances on their minds. Among US internet users ages 25 to 35 polled in December 2014 by Principal Financial Group, 70% said having financial security was their top goal, and six in 10 were also focused on making a comfortable salary.

ESPN Deportes Road to Toronto 2015: 100 Days of Pan Am Games to Unfold Across Platforms

April 1 marks 100 days until the kick-off of the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games. As the official and exclusive presenter in the U.S., ESPN and ESPN Deportes celebrate the countdown with comprehensive multiplatform content, highlighted by the debut of special programming and the launch of a digital destination, hosting all the action around the “road to Toronto 2015” and beyond.

Círculo Creativo and AHAA announce Judges for 2015 USH Idea Awards

Círculo Creativo and AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, which announced earlier this year an expansion of the jury from 10 to 26 members, have revealed an impressive list that not only represents more U.S. Hispanic advertising agencies than ever before but includes international representation.

The Sports Marketer’s Guide to Monetizing and Protecting Athletic Imagery

Nothing tells or sells the story of the blood, sweat and tears of athletes better than imagery — but the rules regarding displaying, distributing, and selling images of athletes can be confusing. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when considering the use of athletic images for your organization.

Millennial Branding [INSIGHT]

Are Millennials elusive consumers for established brands? While some long-standing brands do well with Millennials, others struggle.

Top 5 Lessons Brand Owners can Learn from Digital Communications Brands [INSIGHT]

Mobile telecommunications companies enjoy a strong cultural traction with particular cultural relevance to youth from gen y to z. We recently sat down with Pippa Dunn, CMO of pioneering telecommunications company EE, as part of our In the Marketer’s Chair series and asked her, what can brand owners learn from this culturally connected category?

How corrupt are we? Part 1

By Gonzalo López Martí /  LMMIAMI.COM

  • In the US, we like to think we live in a law-abiding society.
  • We like to think corruption is a third world problem.
  • Self-righteousness.
  • It helps us sleep at night.

Retail Needs To Focus On People, Not Technology

Digital disruption is everywhere. From new accessories like wearables, to new retail techniques like mobile commerce, it’s easy to think that everything is changing. Yet in this world of unbound possibilities, we seem to fetishize technology, rather than use it to design products and experiences that cater to new and emerging consumer behaviors. We need to shift our focus away from the shiny new toys that technology provide, and key our eyes to our customers.

Cracking Cross-Device Key to Attribution Success

As the senior vice president of global strategy at cross-device services firm Tapad, Nick Jordan oversees product decisions and works with advertisers and publishers on broader initiatives. Jordan spoke with eMarketer’s Lauren Fisher about the close relationship between cross-device attribution and device identification and about the future of advanced attribution practices.

Retail Banks Invest In the Cross-Channel Consumer

Improving customer segmentation across various channels was also a key focus area, at 39% of respondents. And as banks invest more in following the digital consumer across channels, they’ll likely adopt data-gathering tools that can help them better categorize customers. Indeed, 25% said that a better overview of the customer was an area where technology could have the biggest impact—the top response.

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