Do Millennials Ever Put Down Their Mobiles?

It’s no secret that millennials are attached to their mobile devices, and recent research from, conducted by Survey Sampling International (SSI) in October 2014, set out to determine just how much time this demographic spent with their beloved smartphones and tablets.

Get a Grip on Your Advertising. Introducing Advertising Process Control

Reliable genius is what you really want from your advertising. Why aren’t you getting it? Probably because you don’t take your advertising production process as seriously as you take many of the other processes in your company. Let me introduce you to the concept and practice of “Advertising Process Control.”  By Dan Beltramo, EVP, Product Leadership

Apple watching.

  By Gonzalo López Martí / LMMIAMI.COM

  • From an orthodox marketing POV, Apple, the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, has proven to be a pretty erratic ship with little rhyme or reason in its product portfolio and its targeting inclinations.
  • Catering on and off to an array of splurgers, lazy &/or clueless users, snobs, penny pinchers, showoffs, hipsters, nouveax riches, wannabes and data hoarders.

Association for Latino Media, Marketing & Communication Research launches

A group of professors from around the country culminated at Florida State University the creation of the Association for Latino Media, Marketing & Communication Research (ALMMACR), whose mission is to enhance the teaching and research of this growing arena of the field of communication.  

Cross-Platform Measurement and The Golden Spike

After viewability and fraud, what’s the biggest issue in digital metrics today? Now, I know what you’re thinking: “There are other issues in digital metrics?” Humor me for a few hundred words.

Newspapers are the “Most Least Essential” major medium

One of the great joys of our Infinite Dial series is we can track items from so far back.  This year we brought back some questions about media in general that we had asked in the past.   Here’s one we didn’t show: We asked “Among the Internet, newspapers, radio and television which one is the least essential to your life?”

Visual Marketing Key in Helping Brands Attract Teens

As the first generation of digital natives, teens have grown up in an increasingly visual world, and retailers have to keep up with them when it comes to visual marketing. Sharalyn Orr, executive director at Frank N. Magid Associates, spoke with eMarketer’s Lisa Barron about how critical visuals can be in capturing the teen market.

What happened to Ramón? [VIDEO]

During Florida State University’s The 2015 Hispanic/Latino Media & Marketing International Conference, the following video was released to help exemplify how Hispanics are an integral part the United States and how Hispanic Millennials are an un and coming demographic group.  Enjoy!

How To Hire The Right CMO

What does it take to hire a successful CMO in today’s marketing economy?  Answering that question is not easy because the environment keeps changing, but there are some key qualities essential for the person leading your marketing.

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