
FutbolUSA, Inc. will begin selling 16 Liga Primera (Division 1) and 16 Liga Nacional (Division 2) teams in 16 cities in Texas, California, and the Southwest. 

UFC names Pinta Hispanic AOR

Miami based Pinta has been selected as Hispanic agency of record for UFC, helping with marketing efforts, creative public relations, social media, fighter promotions and event support.

U.S. Population Projections [REPORT]

A new U.S. Census Bureau report released provides an in-depth analysis of the nation’s population looking forward to 2060, including its size and composition across age, sex, race, Hispanic origin and nativity. These projections are the first to incorporate separate projections of fertility for native- and foreign-born women, permitting the Census Bureau to better account for the effects of international migration on the U.S. population.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car to debut Hispanic Marketing Campaign

The company will debut “Vamos Por Ti” (We’ll Come For You) – its first-ever fully-dedicated Hispanic marketing campaign. The campaign focuses on Enterprise’s offer to pick up local neighborhood car rental customers at no extra cost.

Yezz Mobile joins Google’s Project ARA

DDM Brands and López Martí Miami, respectively client & agency, just rolled out their Yezz ARA effort with a comprehensive branded, experiential and social content initiative.

YouTube Personalities wield More Power with Key Audience [REPORT]

According to the report, digital content has become king and online personalities reign as the most relatable and influential, with 13-24 viewers revealing a considerable 11.3 hours weekly watching “free” online video and declaring the internet the dominant platform delivering the experience and content more suited to their lifestyle. A large driver of that consumption was that for the 62 percent majority, digital content just makes them feel good about themselves vs. 40 percent reported for TV.

AHAA Tackles The Biggest Trends In Marketing At 2015 Annual Conference

This April, AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing will be educating the industry what it means to be relevant and setting the record straight on who is getting Total Market right – and who isn’t. The AHAA Annual Conference, taking place in Miami from April 27 to 29, 2015, will redefine relevance utilizing C-suite leaders from top brands, futurists and expert panels across key areas.

Heineken USA expands relationship with Geometry Global

Heineken USA assigns Geometry Global as agency of record for all Hispanic and Total Market retail and shopper marketing. Geometry will lead strategy and shopper marketing programs with a focus on Heineken, Heineken Light, Tecate, and Tecate Light brands within the Heineken portfolio.

Brand euthanasia. Part 2

By Gonzalo López Martí – LMMIAMI.COM

Last week I ranted about the first leg of the two-pronged concept of “brand”: intellectual property.

  • We discussed how the survival and profitability of a brand ultimately depends on its power to enforce IP.
  • We pointed out how, for the most part, Intel Prop might be defunct due to the inability of global companies to enforce it in the parts of the world registering real consumer growth (Chindia).
  • This week we will discuss the second leg of the concept of “brand”: a loose amalgamation of awareness, respectability, desirability and measurable purchase intent which we could call, say, reputation.

Lopez-Knowles named CMO for Entravision

Entravision Communications Corporation announced that it has promoted María Lopez-Knowles from Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of its Pulpo Media  business unit to the newly created position of CMO of Entravision.

5 Ways Social Media Listening can Benefit your Brand [INSIGHT]

From a strategic marketing perspective, social media provides brands with a wealth of data that can inform their brand strategy. Consumers are posting comments about the brands they like and the ones they don’t like; they capture negative and positive experiences related to products and services, and provide reasons for their opinions.

The Path to Efficient Trade Promotions

Much like the media realm, the consumer product landscape is becoming increasingly fragmented. Competition is rising, new channels are developing and choice is rampant. The combination of these and many other factors has retailers and manufacturers shuffling myriad promotion options to best publicize their products and boost sales.

Gen Z Is Now, Kid! [INFOGRAPHIC]

Our nation’s future is here. Boosted by Hispanic & Asian births & immigration, Gen Z will be the first American generation that is equally Multicultural and White Non-Hispanic. In the top 10 Total Market (TM) states, 6 in 10 Gen Z are of Multicultural background vs 4 in 10 in the other 40 states. Half of all Gen Z reside in the Top 10 TM states.  By Santiago Solutions Group

Wake Me Up!

This new research presentation from Edison Research is a comprehensive look at when and how we wake up, what we do and when, and our morning media habits.

Are You Going Against The Corporate Tide? [INSIGHT]

Here’s the crux. In spite of the fact that as an industry of Hispanic marketers we’ve become very sophisticated in our methods and resources, we’re still stuck in a time warp. What do I mean by this? We continue to focus on US, what WE do well, what WE need and what the Hispanic market needs instead of focusing on our clients’ companies or the companies where we own responsibility for Hispanic Marketing and where we’re responsible for contributing to OVERALL growth.  By Terry Soto, Author and CEO, About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

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