Six Signs We’re In The Postdigital Age Of Advertising [INSIGHT]

Postmodernism in architecture was a movement made possible by a generation of designers who had grown up with modern architecture — and who playfully, confidently and knowingly designed for a world that had moved past modernism.  They felt free, empowered and looked back on modern architecture with scorn: How could people have been so limited, so unimaginative and so constricted to act that way?  One day, advertising will enter a similar era. The “postdigital age” will herald a time when the concept and word “digital” will move into the background, where agencies and titles remove that moniker, where conversations switch from the pipes to the content.

Univision Communications announces 2015-2016 Upfront Plans

Univision Communications Inc. announced that it will hold its annual Upfront presentation for advertisers in New York City at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at the Lyric Theatre. UCI’s 2016 event will also take place at the Lyric on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.

Hoop Dreams: Multicultural Diversity in NBA Viewership

With on-court talent hailing from all parts of the globe—from Argentina to Australia—it stands to reason that the NBA has one of the most culturally and racially diverse followings of all sports leagues. In fact, according to the 2014 Year in Sports Media Report, during the 2013-2014 season, multicultural audiences spent more time watching NBA games on TV compared to white viewers, with African-Americans and Asian-Americans spending the most time watching, followed by Hispanics.

Hispanic Consumers are the “Foundation” for Beauty Category Sales

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder as the saying goes, but for many, it doesn’t hurt to have a little help from the beauty aisle. Still, while 94% of U.S. households buy products from this category, consumers consider many beauty products discretionary expenditures.

Putting Digital at the Heart of Strategy

In recent years, many more CPG companies have adopted cutting-edge digital tactics to reach out to consumers. Many rely on playful, digitally enabled interactions: a toy company’s social media campaign might invite consumers to upload and rate photos featuring the product, for example, with the promise that top-rated fans will receive personalized 3D-printed figures, cashing in on cultural fascination with this new technology.

#TotalMarketTalk – Marla Skiko, EVP Director Digital Innovation, SMG Multicultural [INSIGHT & VIDEO]

Welcome to the second episode of #TotalMarketTalk, a new Digital series created by NGL Media and NGLC exclusively for HispanicAd.  In this installment, David Chitel, CEO of NGL Media and Founder of NGLC, speaks with Marla Skiko, EVP Director Digital Innovation at SMG Multicultural about all things Digital.  Hear Marla’s take on everything from “Total Market” to Big Data to the role that burgeoning platforms like Vine are playing in the world of reaching and engaging today’s digitally-connected multicultural audience.

Hispanics Will Account for +40% of the Increase in U.S. Employment [INSIGHT]

The Hispanic population will play an increasingly significant role in future U.S. employment growth, accounting for more than 40 percent of growth in the next five years and more than 75 percent between 2020 and 2034 – an increase of 11 million jobs out of an economy-wide gain of 14 million –according to a new study from IHS Inc..

Do Marketers Rely on Instinct Over ROI?

Marketers are still struggling to measure return on investment (ROI), according to a November 2014 study by Webmarketing123, which found that 33% of US business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing professionals still didn’t know which channel made the biggest impact on revenues.

Brand success in an era of Digital Darwinism [INSIGHT]

The Internet has become an indispensable tool for marketers, yet there are still gaps in understanding its role in shaping how consumers choose among brands. With the help of a powerful data set, we have been studying the relationship between the level of digitization across the consumer’s decision journey and the likelihood that a consumer will select a brand after considering and evaluating its qualities.

What’s the Future of Digital Radio Marketing?

Digital radio has evolved into a viable, robust digital channel that complements social media, video sites and other mainstream venues. Audio streaming services are aggressively growing their user bases, advertising revenues and integration with technology platforms ranging from game consoles and connected TVs to automobiles and wearables.

The New Multicultural Economy Boosts The U.S. Total Economy

In the 10 states that constitute half of the consumer Buying Power and the US GDP, Multicultural (M/C) segments are near HALF of the overall population, they generate over 90% of the population growth and almost 40% of the growth in Buying Power, that’s why we call them the ‘Top 10 Total Market (TM) States’. Over 75% of the U.S. newly employed & incremental personal income generated in the entire U.S. in 2014 was also generated by Multicultural; concentrated in White & Gray collar jobs.

Brand euthanasia. Part 1

By Gonzalo López Martí – LMMIAMI.COM

  • A brand is, broadly speaking, a two-pronged concept.
  • Intellectual property + reputation.
  • (The latter includes notions such as awareness, visibility, credibility, good will, trustworthiness &, duh, purchase intent).
  • The survival and profitability of a brand depends on its power to enforce intellectual property plus its ability to protect & expand reputation.
  • This week we will discuss intel prop.
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