Magazine Audience Wants Quick Content Access

The US magazine audience grew 9.3% between December 2013 and December 2014, from 1.43 billion to 1.59 billion, according to MPA – The Association of Magazine Media. And the research revealed a shift in magazine content consumption habits last year—one not just away from print.

The help. This week: Jonathan Ramírez, voice over artist, talking head.

By Gonzalo López Martí / LMMIAMI.COM

Some people believe announcers make a lot of money. It is not the norm but in some cases it is quite true. When an announcer –aka voice over artist or voice over talent- is chosen to be the velvety voice of a national brand and lands an exclusivity contract, he or she can see their income skyrocket in exchange for relatively little work.

Terra’s Research Points to Hispanics as Largest Mobile Content Viewers

Soizic Sacrez, director of marketing for Terra, a global digital media company, discussed with eMarketer the findings in Terra’s latest round of research into US Hispanics’ media usage, revealing insights into why Hispanics are more likely to access video content via mobile and pay for video content.

Marketers Plan Customer Experience Makeover

Consumers won’t accept anything besides a good customer experience from start to finish, and marketers continue to cater to such demands. In a January 2015 study by Econsultancy in association with Adobe, client-side marketers worldwide ranked the customer experience as the single most exciting opportunity in 2015, at 22%.

Valentine’s Day Attitudes [INSIGHT]

Depending on who you’re talking to at the time, it could be that you’ve heard February 14th is a great time of year to make that special someone understand just how much they mean to you… or that it’s an overly merchandized cog in an insidious corporate machine bent on monetizing as many days of the year as possible.

The Two Dimensions Of Data

Data can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.  The fact is, most marketers were trained in marketing, which is more akin to psychology than it is to economics or mathematics.  That was the case until the last few years.  Now marketers are being tasked to be psychologists as well as mathematicians, technologists, statisticians and more.  Pretty much the only job we don’t have to do is technical development — but just you wait, because that can’t be far behind.

Kantar partners with comScore

The alliance, which covers territories outside the US, is designed to deliver world class cross-media audience and campaign measurement capabilities by bringing together products, technology, data assets, research panels and relationships from both companies.

Luis Jimenez on AMOR 93.1 in NYC

SBS New York officially announced and welcomes Luis Jimenez as morning show host at its flagship station in New York, 93.1FM. The new morning-drive show, “Sin Censura con Luis Jimenez” (“Luis Jimenez – Uncensored”) will air weekdays from 6am to 10am and will include a supporting cast of co-hosts, pranksters and outlandish characters.

How Google breaks through [INSIGHT]

Lorraine Twohill, Google’s senior vice president of global marketing, describes what has and hasn’t changed for marketers trying to connect with customers.

Make the Most of Your Brand’s 20-Second Window [INSIGHT]

While reading the recent Ehrenberg-Bass Institute of Marketing Science’s report “Shopping Takes Only Seconds…In-Store and Online,” I was again reminded of how many marketing executives have an unrealistic and overly brand-centric view of how important their brands are in people’s everyday lives.

Motion Picture and Video Industry receipts exceed $80 Billion

The U.S. Census Bureau released data today from the 2012 Economic Census showing that receipts for the nation’s motion picture and video industry  – covering the entire process from production to projection − increased $1.2 billion (1.5 percent), from $79.8 billion in 2007 to $81.0 billion in 2012. These receipt totals include ticket and concession revenue.

Disrupting Aging During the “Age of Disruption” [INSIGHT]

Last Friday’s HispanicAd News Alert publicized the results of a study that Ipsos conducted on behalf of CarMax, where the headline read, “Today’s Mid-Life Crisis Car Almost as Likely to be an SUV or a Sedan as a Sports Car – Make it Black …or Silver, or Blue, or Red!”  The study examined the types of cars adults would purchase during a mid-life crisis, where they found that people are almost as likely to purchase an SUV or a sedan as the proverbial mid-life crisis vehicle, the sports car.  While that may seem a bit surprising to many, the results actually reflect a mindshift happening in today’s society.  By Louis Maldonado /  Managing Director at expósito & Partner

Boehringer Ingelheim launches “Cuida tu Don” with Entertainer “Don Francisco”

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (BIPI) announced the launch of ‘Cuida tu Don,’ a national public awareness initiative featuring legendary entertainer Mario Kreutzberger, better known as ‘Don Francisco.’ Kreutzberger, who has type 2 diabetes, will serve as an ambassador for the initiative and encourage Hispanics with type 2 diabetes to live a lifestyle conducive to staying healthy.

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