Smithsonian highlights Hispanic Advertising History

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History will acquire objects documenting the development and legacy of Sosa, Bromley, Aguilar & Associates, an advertising agency that became the top billing Latino agency in the industry.

The CEO Is The New CMO

In the olden days, marketing consisted of 4 Ps (Place, Price, Promotion and, of course, Product). This approach made perfect sense, as each P defined a critical part of what ultimately made a product sell. And that really has not changed much in today’s world.

Are You Prepared For The Coming Tide Of Teens?

Brands, be warned, you’re not ready for the next era of young media consumers. I can tell you from dispatches from the front lines. Over the last few weeks, we have been introducing the findings of a report we will formally launch in the coming weeks around the media habits and preferences of 13-24 year olds called the Acumen report.

Jägermeister launches “Sin Igual” campaign

Jägermeister announced the launch of the brand’s first campaign ever developed to reach Hispanics. “Sin Igual,” which translates to “Like No Other,” is a unique campaign that parallels the shared passion, uniqueness and cultural roots that both the liquor and Latinos proudly share.

Montejo and Mana announce partnership

Montejo and the legendary Mexican rock band Maná announced an official partnership that will make the Mexican lager the official Mexican beer sponsor of Maná’s nationwide concert tour set to begin in June 2015.

I need you to need me.

By Gonzalo López Martí / LMMIAMI.COM

  • Marshall McLuhan saw it coming with uncanny clairvoyance.
  • Ditto Andy Warhol when he said, in 1968, that eventually everyone would be famous for 15 minutes.
  • However, nobody defined social media as masterfully and accurately as Cheap Trick, that toothless ‘burb rock bland band from the 70s.

The dawn of marketing’s new golden age [INSIGHT]

Until recently, marketers could be forgiven for looking back wistfully at this golden age as new forces reshaped their world into something completely different. These new trends include a massive proliferation of television and online channels, the transformation of the home PC into a retail channel, the unrelenting rise of mobile social media and gaming, and—with all these trends—a constant battle for the consumer’s attention.

Top 50 Global Consumer Goods Brands [REPORT]

According to the 2014 Brand Footprint, that’s what it takes to be recognized as one of the top 50 global consumer goods brands. It’s an impressive number, and a marvel of manufacturing and logistics.

The Media, The Message: Communicating In Or Out Of A Crisis [INSIGHT]

You’d assume that people who create media for a living would know how to present a positive image of themselves to the media. Clearly, that’s not always the case. I do a lot of media training with my clients, and I’d say the Sony execs could have used a touch-up on their message-delivery skills. And if other entertainment companies are smart, they’re booking media-training sessions for their executives as we speak.

Searching for New Growth? Look to the Shelf [REPORT]

The shelf is perhaps the most important link in the value chain from manufacturer to retailer to consumer. It’s where brands and innovations are made available to consumers. It’s where pricing and promotions take place. It’s where supply meets demand, in the most tangible way.

The Year in Sports Media Report: 2014 [REPORT]

This year’s Year in Sports Media report highlights consumers’ global love of sports, which continues to grow. 2014 was a big year for sports, beginning with the Sochi Winter Olympics and then featuring one of the most exciting World Cups ever held.

Orcí goes GALATIC for 2015 Honda CR-V

Orcí announced the launch of its space themed, dream encouraging, digital, social and experiential campaign for the 2015 Honda CR-V. In the new CR-V ad supporting Motor Trend’s 2015 SUV of the Year, Orcí taps into important consumer insights about parents and quality time with kids. Serving up a serious, but inspirational spot featuring an ambitious little girl, Orcí aims to empower parents to prioritize their children’s dreams by maximizing time spent together in car rides.

Today’s Mid-Life Crisis Car Almost as Likely to be an SUV or a Sedan as a Sports Car – Make it Black …or Silver, or Blue, or Red!

One in five (20%) respondents choose a sports car as the type of car they would want to buy if they were going through a mid-life crisis and were to buy a car, while nearly as many (17%) say a sports utility vehicle, and slightly fewer (15%) a sedan, according to a new poll of over 1,000 adults conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of CarMax. Other choices include a convertible (12%), pickup truck (9%), hybrid (8%), crossover (5%), coupe (4%), minivan or van (4%), or some other type of car (6%).

What To Expect From Boomers In 2015

Boomers were as relevant as ever last year. I predicted they would drive economic expansion, create jobs, become more important to mainstream brands, and continue to rejuvenate the face of 50+. They didn’t disappoint.

Using Competitive Analysis to Identify Brand Growth Opportunities with Online U.S. Hispanics [PART 1]

More and more, brands are realizing that the U.S. Hispanic audience is large, growing, tech savvy, and particularly receptive to online marketing. This presents a huge opportunity for many brands to drive growth. One question we hear often from brands ready to venture into the Hispanic digital market: Where do we start?

In this two-part series, we explore three critical assessments brands can perform to determine where opportunity lies for growth with a Hispanic audience.


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