Social Media and the Cost of Caring [REPORT]

There has been considerable commentary about whether internet use in general and social media use in particular are related to higher levels of stress.   Such analysts often suggest that it is the heaviest users of these technologies that are most at risk. Critics fear that these technologies take over people’s lives, creating time pressures that put people at risk for the negative physical and psychological health effects that can result from stress.

Smartphones Fuel Digital Video Viewership in Mexico

Digital video is the bread and butter of internet users in Mexico. Three-quarters of the country’s online population will consume digital video content at least once per month in 2015, eMarketer estimates, putting Mexico ahead of the UK and nearly on par with the US for this key metric of web usage, according to a new eMarketer report, “Mexico Digital Video 2015: A Medium Best Served with a Focus on Demographics.”

Women and Leadership [REPORT]

According to the majority of Americans, women are every bit as capable of being good political leaders as men. The same can be said of their ability to dominate the corporate boardroom.

Strategy by Agreements: Tackle your Organization’s “Book of Law” [INSIGHT]

I recently found my copy of the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I remembered it being an insightful, easy read and ended up bring it along to re-read it over the holidays while on vacation. Little did I know that in doing so now, over 15 years since I first read it, I would find great applications for strategy and marketing—especially in the Multicultural space.  By Bessie Ramirez, Managing Partner, About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Hispanics Less Likely to leave their Financial Future up to Chance

A new survey from Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) found that compared to the rest of the population, Hispanics are working harder to secure their financial futures. In every way measured in this research, Hispanics are more invested in their own financial future than the general population.

Latin3 wins PayPal

Latin3 will will develop the 2015 digital brand strategy and manage all its social media channels.

Female Hispanics Driving Improved Consumer Sentiment

Females appear to be the driving force behind these attitudes with 62.1 percent optimistic about business conditions (53 percent for males), and 56.4 percent of females are optimistic about the economic conditions of the country over the next five years (48.9 percent for males).

Andy, Billy & Foxy by Yezz Mobile. Global phones, global campaign

This will be the first mass & social major marketing push in Europe by Miami-based DDM Brands to build awareness and momentum for Yezz, its fast-growing brand of mobile devices with various operating systems: Billy (Windows), Andy (Android), Foxy (Firefox).

Differences in Fashion Attitudes, Habits of Younger vs. Older Millennials

In the study, GfK MRI divided women in the Millennial generation into two age groups – ages 20 to 24 and 25 to 37 – and found that the cohorts often have very different attitudes and behaviors when it comes to fashion. These disparities could impact the way advertisers and agencies in fashion approach Millennials.

Maybe TV Networks are Smarter than We Think

The good news is that marketing and advertising spend continues to rise. The bad news is that if your job is in any form of printed media, you’re not selling a whole lot, and you will sell even less by the end of the year.

Social climbing.

By Gonzalo López Martí – LMMIAMI.COM

-Hi, I’m here to interview for the brand manager job.
-Welcome, take a seat. So…. How many followers do you have on Twitter?
-Errr… I’m not on Twitter.
-Facebook friends?
-Err… 31
-…. I’m not really into social media…
-So you want a job as brand manager at a packaged goods company in 2015 and “you’re not into social media”. What are you into then, if I may ask? Office politics?
-Yes! That and PowerPoint!

To the best of my knowledge, this imaginary job interview has never taken place.

Social Media Update 2014 [REPORT]

In a new survey conducted in September 2014, the Pew Research Center finds that Facebook remains by far the most popular social media site. While its growth has slowed, the level of user engagement with the platform has increased. Other platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn saw significant increases over the past year in the proportion of online adults who now use their sites.

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