Shifting Media Business From Outputs To Outcomes Will Break A Lot Of Eggs

I’ve written before about why I believe the media industry’s future with most brand advertisers will be all about delivering specific business outcomes (leads, sales, etc.), in a predictable, provable and scalable way, not just about delivering a promised basket of media outputs (impressions, GRPs, etc.). The more folks in the business I talk to about this issue, the more certain I am that it will happen.

The Future of Privacy [REPORT]

The terms of citizenship and social life are rapidly changing in the digital age. No issue highlights this any better than privacy, always a fluid and context-situated concept and more so now as the boundary between being private and being public is shifting.

The Digi-Divide at SXSW 2014 [REPORT]

A recent study by Austin-based marketing, advertising and research firm Mando Rayo + Collective (MRC) in conjunction with EthniFacts and support from Kapor Center for Social Impact sheds light on the Latino experience at the South by Southwest Interactive Festival, calling for greater inclusion of Latinos into programming and panels at the Interactive portion of the annual event.

U.S. Advertising And Marketing Executives Anticipate Increased Hiring In New Year

The creative industry should see more hiring activity in the months ahead, according to new research from The Creative Group. One-third (33 percent) of advertising and marketing executives surveyed said they will expand their creative teams in the first half of 2015, up 21 points from six months ago. Fifty-six percent plan to maintain current staff levels in their organizations, 5 percent project hiring freezes and 6 percent expect to reduce the size of their staff.

Creating Culturally Competent Healthcare Communications [REPORT]

As The Affordable Care Act continues to sign on Hispanic enrollees, the size of the Hispanic market and its purchasing power of more than a trillion dollars cannot be ignored. Though the Hispanic market has been long underserved, Healthcare companies and organizations have the opportunity — and the responsibility — to address this growing demographic.

100% Viewability Measurement Is Not Yet Possible [REPORT]

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released the “State of Viewability Transaction 2015,” a position paper offering the digital media and advertising industries guidance on how to manage the shift of digital media’s “audience currency” to 100 percent viewability.

Local Broadcasters address Measurement Deficiencies in Local Market TV

Local television broadcasting companies FOX, Tribune Media, and Univision have joined forces with Timeline Labs to announce NewCoin LLC., a new data venture aimed at addressing deficiencies in local market television audience measurement.  The mission of NewCoin is to harness the data gathering power of currently available and emerging technologies, in order to create a broader based measurement tool that will accurately measure audiences across the entire spectrum of linear and digital platforms.

Nine Bullsh*t Habits to Avoid at Work in 2015

“Achieving success requires more than just doing the right thing,” says Geoffrey James, contributing editor and award-winning blogger at and author of Business Without the Bullsh*t: 49 Secrets and Shortcuts You Need to Know. “Success also means changing the behaviors that hold you back.”

Super Fan Culture

Super fans are the individuals that make their passion for a brand a central part of their lives and identity. Characterized by their intensity of emotion and “loyalty beyond reason,” brands are looking to harness this super fan culture in new ways through the use of technology.  Courtesy of UCI Trend Lab

Comfort zone

By Gonzalo López Martí – LMMIAMI.COM

  • A few weeks back we elaborated on the revitalized currency & sway “influencers” hold in the current state of marketing.
  • Especially when we are talking about resident influencers who really & factually work for the companies they endorse on social & traditional media.
  • Namely Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, the Silicon Valley bucaneers.
  • Yeah, for some reason California is a hotbed of influencers.
  • A peculiar laboratory of idiosyncratic human behavior applied to business.
  • Northern and Southern California too.
  • Have you read the leaked Sony Pictures emails?

4 Best Practices for Your Digital Brand Advertising Campaign [ 3-PART REPORT]

Collaboration, optimization, guarantees, and benchmarks are not simply industry buzz words. They are the building blocks of a successful digital brand advertising campaign. Any member of the digital ecosystem can benefit from these elements and collectively break down barriers to digital advertising growth.


It’s that time of year again. As we race to the finish line of 2014, we’re also starting to look to what’s next. At JWTIntelligence, our 10 Trends and later 100 Things to Watch have traditionally marked this transition. They’ve become a powerful tool for JWT to communicate its understanding of the future and emerging trends, and a proof point of our expertise.

2014 Top Played Jukebox Songs & Artists

TouchTunes, an in-venue interactive entertainment platform in North America, released its annual Year-End Music Charts reporting on the top played songs and artists of 2014.  Based on songs played across its domestic network of over 60,000 jukeboxes, TouchTunes’ Year-End review provides unique insight into the music choices of bar and restaurant patrons regionally and nationwide.

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