The Appification of TV [INSIGHT]

For over 50 years, there was only a single “app” for TV viewers. It was an entertainment app whose sole function was to stream premium video content. Over the years, new versions of the app were released, including more channels, an interactive programming guide, higher definition displays, and the ability to record and playback programs. Viewers could customize their version of the app to some extent by negotiating with their app developer – that is, their cable or satellite company.  By Chris Louie, VP Product Leadership / Nielsen

Test Your Wed IQ [ENGAGE]

Do you know Twitter’s character limit? Or which is bigger: a megabyte or a kilobyte? Take our quiz to see how your knowledge of the web and digital technology stacks up against the online Americans in our survey.

What Internet Users Know about Technology and the Web [REPORT]

Before you read the report, test your own Web IQ by taking the interactive knowledge quiz. The short quiz tests your knowledge of questions recently asked in a national poll. After completing the quiz, you can compare your score with the general public and with people like yourself.
Results of the “Web IQ” Quiz

Internet Of Things: Ready For Prime Time In Consumer Packaged Goods

As with many seemingly overnight sensations, the Internet of Things (IoT) —  the digitization of everyday objects —  has been a long time coming. More than three decades ago, thirsty students at Carnegie Mellon University famously connected a Coke machine to the Internet, in order to see whether it had drinks in stock, making it one of the first popular examples of the IoT in action.

Enjoy your Holiday is proud to be the leading trade journal offering daily news, research and resources to the US Hispanic advertising,marketing and media executives.

As part of our daily commitment besides our publication, we are very proud of the work we do in marketing and creating content for our readers with our partnerships with Adam Jacobson,  Advertising Age and Broadcasting & Cable . Multichannel News.

To celebrate our partnerships we are promoting our work and you can download :

The Advertising Age 2014 Hispanic Fact Pack

The 2014 Hispanic Market Overview

The B&C / 2014 Hispanic Post Upfront Guide

The 2014 Hispanic CMO

Expect more from us in 2015

Are You Listening For Your Key Customer Signals?

As the holiday shopping season shifts into high gear, your customers are going to be sending you a veritable blizzard of signals as they interact with you via email, websites, social networks, mobile apps and customer support.

Pass the Turkey and the Car Keys: Retailers Brace for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Once the last piece of pumpkin pie is eaten, Thanksgiving thoughts that used to turn to naptimes now switch to navigating mall traffic. After all, this year some retailers are planning to open so early, they’ll never really shut down on Turkey Day in the first place. And many shoppers are looking forward to two of the biggest shopping days of the year—Black Friday and Cyber Monday—eager for deals in-store and online.

Retail holiday sales to increase 4% to 4.5%

Steadily improving economic fundamentals should moderately boost holiday sales in the stores and online this year, according to Deloitte’s annual holiday sales forecast.

The help. This week: Alberto Slezynger, musician, producer, performer, hit-maker.

Alberto Slezynger doesn’t need much of an introduction, his and his company’s name, Personal Music, are top-of-mind in our industry. He sold millions of records and filled stadiums with his band Daiquiri back in the day. We’ve certainly heard his tunes. A lot. But have we heard his life’s story and his opinions? Voilá.  By Gonzalo López Martí – LMMIAMI.COM

Sugary Drink FACTS 2014 [REPORT]

Beverage companies spent $866 million to advertise unhealthy drinks in 2013, and children and teens remained key target audiences for that advertising, according to a new report released by the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity. The report, Sugary Drink FACTS 2014, highlights some progress regarding beverage marketing to young people, but also shows that companies still have a long way to go to improve their marketing practices and the nutritional quality of their products to support young people’s health.

Total Market should be called ……….

As many of you know, we have given considerable coverage to the issue of Total Market through our platform and our new platform Hispanic CMO.   We have let the voices of our industry, including those of decent; enjoy a platform for their views.  We have attended or worked closely with organizations and conference that have made an attempt at defining and understanding the need for a term like Total Market.  The more I read, listen and think, the more I am against the term Total Market.  By Gene Bryan /

It’s Time For Industry To Change The Way TV Is Measured

It may seem a bit like piling on, but I think that it’s finally time for the TV industry to change the way audience and ads are measured, bought and sold. Its measurement is broken and needs to be fixed. Just this past week, quite uncharacteristically, even Nielsen made a case for fixing things.

How Do We Define And Measure Mobile Engagement Effectively?

Mobile devices have revolutionized content consumption. The mobile advertising market is thriving, so why is the industry still plagued with poor conversion and click-through rates? Why does mobile ad content stand in such stark contrast to content that consumers enjoy? Mobile advertising has a content problem on its hands — how can engagement, data, and creative all correlate with one another?

Sprint’s CEO Marcelo Claure speaks directly to Hispanic Consumer

Claure, the first foreign-born Latino CEO in the history of the U.S. to lead a telecommunications company, is very committed to engaging and connecting with the Hispanic consumer, and this is the focus of the brand’s next advertising campaign set to hit the air during the Latrin Grammys.

Pablo Buffagni honored as best US Hispanic Creative at El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2014.

Pablo Buffagni, Creative Director and Head Chef at BBQ Agency, has just been honored as the best US Hispanic Creative Director at El Ojo de Iberoamérica awards 2014, based on the creative work he led before the recent launch of his new agency. He had won last year as well, while working for Grupo Gallegos, and in the past when we was at Conill Saatchi & Saatchi and Bromley.

AHAA Leads Industry to Improve Hispanic ROI

An industry-wide initiative, led by the trade group AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, seeks to get more granular into advertisers ROI measures of the Hispanic market.  A new study, Refining Hispanic ROI, released today by AHAA finds that the rapid shifts in the Hispanic market coupled with the emergence of the Total Market Approach, demand that sales data and television measurement methods evolve or new models emerge to give marketers an accurate read on their Hispanic ROI.

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