How Big is the Mobile Marketing Opportunity [REPORT]

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) released a report titled, How Big is the Mobile Marketing Opportunity, which explores the mobile ad market opportunity for both marketers and mobile ad/media sellers.

SOMOSmedia …Your New Social Media Concierge

Laura Termini, actress, entrepreneur and founder of a platform with 6 years developing digital campaigns for the general market , and Rory Lassanske creator of MamaContemporanea , has finalized a strategic alliance with Dospuntouno digital agency, with extensive experience of digital strategies in Latin America, to create SOMOSmedia, a joint venture of SOMOSentertainment and Dospuntouno

ANA announces Finalists for 2014 Multicultural Excellence Awards

Twenty five companies have been selected as finalists, across 10 categories, in the ANA’s (Association of National Advertisers) 2014 Multicultural Excellence Awards. The award program recognizes marketers that produced industry leading multicultural advertising campaigns between June 2013 and June 2014.

North America holds tight to World’s Largest Ad Spending Share

In 2014, North America will remain the largest single contributor to the global ad economy and represent 35.6% of the worldwide total, eMarketer estimates, as regional spending reaches $193.86 billion. Though faster-growing markets—notably Asia-Pacific and Latin America—are gradually gaining share, between now and 2018 those increases will come chiefly at the cost of Western Europe, while North America’s share will be essentially constant.

Playboy Latino launches in December 2014

Playboy Enterprises, Inc. announced it has signed a license agreement with Arbol Publishing to edit, produce and distribute Playboy Latino in the United States. 

America Reimagined

America Reimagined spotlighted that in order to win in today’s America, marketers and media companies need to resonate with the “New Mainstream” which is 53% of the U.S. population.  The “New Mainstream” is defined by combining multiculturals and Whites married to or living in heavily multicultural DMAs. Leading this population growth is the Hispanic market.

Hispanics only group to see its poverty rate decline and incomes rise

Hispanics are the only major racial or ethnic group to see a statistically significant decline in its poverty rate, according to 2013 Census Bureau figures released this week. The drop in the poverty rate among Hispanics – from 25.6% in 2012 to 23.5% in 2013 – contributed to the first decline in the nation’s overall poverty rate since 2006.

Marketing: the Next Generation [INSIGHT]

Marketing itself hasn’t changed, but the world around it has. Great marketing will always be great marketing because it is borne of an insight, has a strong idea inside it, a clear sense of who it’s for and a pathway to creating demand and commercializing it effectively.

Millennials: Dispelling the Myths [INSIGHT]

Millennials are a unique generation, digital natives who have come of age in an era bookmarked by the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the prolonged economic malaise that followed the financial crisis and the housing crash.  By Louise Keely, President, The Demand Institute and Senior Vice President, Nielsen, and Jeremy

If Your CMO Is Not On Social Media, Find A New CMO

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years on the Internet, it’s that if two people are disagreeing online, the most productive course of action is to wade right in with your own overblown opinion. So here I am.

Mobile affects Purchases way before the Store

The average lead time for researching retail products via mobile among smartphone and tablet users varied by cost, with research for items priced at $1,000 or more starting 45 days in advance of buying, on average. Even for the lowest price range though, $1 to $49, research typically began about 10 days before the purchase was completed.


By Gonzalo López Martí @LopezMartiMiami

  • Last week my column dealt with a quite controversial fact in our line of business: getting paid properly is becoming increasingly difficult.
  • I pointed out how some traits of our Latin Catholic culture can make it even harder.
  • This week, I’ll address other issues hindering the full development of Latinos in the business world: nepotism and its cousin paternalism.
  • Latin business people tend to treat their employees and clients with a “daddy knows best” attitude.

Engaging the Evolving Hispanic Consumers: A Look at Two Distinct Sub-Groups [INSIGHT]

Hispanics in the U.S. have a current spending power of about $1.4 trillion, but getting to know this diverse group can be challenging without the right insight. That’s because the aggregate Hispanic population comprises several sub-groups, and the various characteristics of these sub-groups are affecting consumer behavior and engagement opportunities.  By Eva Gonzalez, Executive Director, Diverse Consumer Insights, and Maria Monistere, Senior Manager, Hispanic Market

Today’s Empowered Shopper and Opportunities to Reach Them [INSIGHT]

Today, there’s no bigger trend for retailers than the evolving path to purchase. And with that as a backdrop, the onus is on them to know how consumers are shopping and where. If they don’t, consumers may shop elsewhere, find another vendor’s products more easily or decide to make a purchase because one option is easier than another.

Appetite for Convenience: How Millennials are Changing the Hispanic Shopping Basket [INSIGHT]

For food manufacturers and retailers (and just about everyone else), bright spotlights shine on two powerhouse consumer groups for their growing purchasing power: Hispanic consumers and Millennials. But the upside multiplies exponentially when looking at the intersection of these two groups: Hispanic Millennials. With 21% of U.S. Millennials identifying as Hispanic, this group is certainly worthy of attention. These young, diverse consumers are shaking up shopping baskets across the U.S. as they straddle diverse tradition and American mainstream.

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