2014′s Best and Worst Cities for Hispanic Entrepreneurs

Equally as impressive, Hispanics opened businesses — many owned by self-employed individuals — at a rate more than twice the national average of 18 percent between 2002 and 2007, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau figures.


Smartphones, tablets and computers have redefined how we connect every day. As new technologies emerge, consumers are connecting in even more ways and understanding these new connections is critical.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2014: Sept. 15–Oct. 15 [FACTS]

In September 1968, Congress authorized President Lyndon B. Johnson to proclaim National Hispanic Heritage Week, observed during the week that included Sept. 15 and Sept. 16. Congress expanded the observance in 1989 to a monthlong celebration (Sept. 15 – Oct. 15) of the culture and traditions of those who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Mobile Millennials: Over 85% of Generation Y owns Smartphones

We all live increasingly on our smartphones. In the U.S.—where 171.5 million people (71%) own such a device—smartphones have become the staple of everyday life and the on-the-go tool of choice for consumers looking to catch up on emails, tap their social networks or even tweet about a recent sports game.

The Starbucks formula

By Gonzalo López Martí @LopezMartiMiami

Starbucks doesn’t sell quality (forgive me for stating the obvious).
Coffee is not fuel.
Coffee is a craft & a ritual.
You know what I’m talking about, particularly if you are Colombian or Venezuelan.

Meet the New Family [REPORT]

The notion of family is rapidly evolving, but many brands aren’t yet portraying the new reality of today’s families or fully speaking to their needs.

A Next Generation Approach to Brand Equity Tracking [INSIGHT]

Measuring and monitoring brand equity has become a required discipline for any global marketer. Brands are important and valuable assets to corporations, and there’s a business imperative to understand their position in the market and whether a brand is developing in line with the brand’s objectives.

Univision announces sponsors for “VA POR TI”

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) announced the official sponsors for its highly anticipated singing reality competition, “Va Por Ti” (This One’s For You) , a co-production of Televisa and Univision.

Telemundo’s “NFL KICKOFF 2014”

Deportes Telemundo ushers the start of the new football season with its special “NFL Kickoff 2014 Presented By Xbox” from Seattle, Washington this Saturday, September 6 at 4:30 PM/3:30 C, featuring the stellar team of Karim Mendiburu, Ana Jurka, Leti Coo and Edgar Lopez.

Hispanic Agencies Leading Total Market Work [INSIGHT]

Total Market is defined as: “A marketing approach followed by corporations with their trusted internal and external partners which proactively integrates diverse segment considerations. This is done from inception through the entire strategic process and execution, with the goal of enhancing value and growth effectiveness. In marketing communi­cations, this could lead to either one fully integrated cross-cultural approach, individual segment approaches, or both in many cases, but always aligned under one overarching strategy.”  By Bill Duggan, Group EVP, ANA


By Gonzalo López Martí @LopezMartiMiami

When I started out in this business back in the good ol’ 90s, it could take us weeks, even months to craft and get approval for a four word-long tagline.
Entire teams of senior admen and adwomen would sit down around a table to analyze inane lines of copy.
Clients would belabor for months over the meaning, subtext and anthropological connotations of a futile alliterated soundbite.
Of course, the soundbite under the magnifying glass was going to run on billboards, bus shelters, newspapers and magazines when billboards, bus shelters, newspapers and magazines reigned supreme in the marketing repertoire.
Today, I lead a team of dozens of fickle Millennials cranking out tweet-like musings by the truckload, destined to ephemeral social media lifespans.
Funny thing is, the dozens of fickle Millennials refuse to talk to me.

AHAA leads Marketing Coalition in Defining Total Market

Multicultural populations are driving 84 percent of the population growth, fueling 81 percent of U.S. job growth and accounting for 43 percent of buying power in top 10 markets – with statistics like these, marketing practices are evolving and, until now, have been lumped into the umbrella term “Total Market.[1]” For the last year, AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, in collaboration with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), and the Asian American Advertising Federation (3AF) assembled a broad coalition of clients, agencies and associations to define an integrated strategy for driving growth.

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