Why marketing to U.S. Hispanics is like the offside rule in soccer [INSIGHT]

Some rules in soccer, as in other sports, are based on absolutes: if the ball crosses the touchline it’s out of bounds. The offside rule is different; it’s based on the relative position of players from both teams.  Culture has the same effect on language; it makes the meaning of words relative. There is no better example of this than an event that captures the attention of all Hispanics from different places: the World Cup.

What does soccer and social media have in common?

Social Media Day is an international celebration popularized by Mashable, the world’s leading social media publication. MCG Latino, on behalf of Ford Motor Company, socialized with 500 top influencers, speakers and enthusiasts from South Florida during Miami’s Social Media Day.

The Maturity Continuum Of Social Media

Social channels will come and go. Why are we still surprised by this? Just last week, Catharine Taylor talked about the ennui that’s threatening to silence Twitter. Frankly, the only thing surprising about this is that Twitter has had that long a run. Let’s face it. If every there was a social media one-trick pony, it’s Twitter.

#MeAgarroElGol World Cup campaign

This fully integrated marketing effort, crafted specifically for the World Cup, included TV, digital and social elements, all utilizing the #MeAgarroElGol hashtag. The intent of the campaign was to capture the excitement and thrill of celebrating a goal during the World Cup. Anytime. Anywhere.

Beyond Best Practices: Engaging Hispanics With Social Media

Clearly, the Internet presents a strong opportunity to convey ad messages to Hispanics. More importantly, brands using social media to create conversational forums for Hispanic consumers to converse with the brand – and like-minded consumers – are the ones really connecting with this important group.

Digital Is NOT A Department

Are you still looking to hire a digital marketing specialist?  If so, put on your Members Only jacket, pick up your Newton, and get back in your Model T Ford and drive home — because you are sorely out of date.

Global Ad Spending Growth to Double This Year

Advertisers worldwide will spend $545.40 billion on paid media in 2014, according to new figures from eMarketer. Total media ad spending will increase 5.7%, eMarketer projects, more than doubling its growth rate of 2.6% from a year ago.

MarketPulse from Geoscape [INFOGRAPHIC]

As part of our ongoing series with Geoscape, this month’s MarketPulse is focused on New Mainstream vacation preferences. As we dive into the dog days of Summer, many of us are traveling to the beach, the mountains or just embarking on “staycations” to relax in the warm weather. The travel and tourism industry is incredibly lucrative and marketers must understand New Mainstream behaviors in order to capitalize on opportunity. Check out some of the surprising data below to learn how America is spending their time off.

Winning at Sustainability–Turning Principles into Action

With more people saying they’re willing to pay more for products and services from socially responsible companies, how can companies communicate that they’re on the same page? The most direct option may be how you’ve been communicating with them for years—at the point of sale. Making your social commitment clearly visible on your product packaging is not only a good way to tout your product’s benefits, but it can also be the difference between a purchase and a pass for many consumers.

Smartphones: So Many Apps, So Much Time

Consumers are spending more time on their apps than ever before. Over the past half-decade, the proliferation of mobile devices has transformed us into an app-driven society, presenting marketers with new opportunities to connect with consumers by creating more interesting and sophisticated apps to command their attention.

Terra annouces new Team Member

Terra announced new additions to its U.S. operations team. Emilia Peña has been appointed Director of Sales while Luciano Islas joins as Senior Programmatic Sales Manager in the U.S. Liz Sarachek Blacker, who has served as Chief Revenue Officer for Terra for more than three years building a strong sales team, will move on to pursue a new opportunity.  

Consumers Embrace World Cup Online — Marketers, Not So Much

The 2014 FIFA World Cup is, to date, the most-streamed event ever. Obviously, the fact that technology today is a lot more “stream-friendly” than during World Cup 2010 helps a lot, with a far larger global audience living online with access to higher speeds and better devices. But we should also recognize that this high online streaming rate is not just a matter of better technology, but reflects a need that is being met.

Ramirez named Partner & CCO of iNSPIRE!

Dallas-based agency iNSPIRE! has announced the hire of Rafael Ramirez as Chief Creative Officer. Rafael, an industry veteran, joins the firm from Conill Saatchi & Saatchi Miami, where he led the creative team as Vice President, Creative Director responsible for the agency’s roster of creative for Pampers, Crest, Tide, Aflac, Abbott, among others.

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