Mobile Redesigns Creatives’ Careers

Creative professionals still prefer to sit down with a pen and paper for most activities, but mobile devices are reshaping many parts of their jobs.

Social Consumerism Or Capitalism?

Today, there is a lot of talk about “social consumerism.” But, at what point is social consumerism really capitalism in disguise?

Total US Ad Spending to See Largest Increase Since 2004

Total media ad spending in the US this year will see its largest increase in a decade, according to new figures from eMarketer. On the strength of gains in mobile and TV advertising, total ad investments will jump 5.3% to reach $180.12 billion, achieving 5% growth for the first time since 2004, when ad spending increased 6.7%.

Spending & Saving Trends signal Rising Confidence

At 2014’s halfway point, Americans are loosening their purse strings in several key areas, backing off of several key efficiencies and cutbacks in comparison to a year ago, indicating Americans may be a bit more confident in their financial prospects for the near future. Looking further back, American financial attitudes continue to show great improvement over a few years ago.

Mobility Fueling the Digital Surge [REPORT]

Digital technologies have considerable potential to transform how companies create revenue and results via innovative strategies, products, processes and experiences. But do companies recognize that potential, and are they mobilizing to capitalize on it?

Americans Highly Uncertain about the Country’s Economic Strength and Place on the World Stage in 10 Years

When asked to imagine what the U.S. will look like in 2024, 65 percent of American respondents are not convinced the country will be on the right track in 10 years. Two-thirds of respondents do not believe that America will be considered the “land of opportunity” in 10 years, and seven in 10 Americans are not certain that working hard and playing by the rules will bring success in 2024. However, a new social consensus is emerging, with overwhelming majorities believing that same-sex marriage (73 percent) and marijuana use (66 percent) will be legal in most states.

Troll control (Social Media)

By Gonzalo López Martí @LopezMartiMiami

Social media community managers have to deal with them on a daily basis.
Make that an hourly basis.
They are known as “trolls”.

“Multicultural America” guarantees solid ROI for FIFA World Cup U.S. marketers.

The so called “American Exceptionalism” is still alive and well. The United States continues to live to the beat of its own and unique drumbeat. The belief in the “American Dream” and its meritocracy continues to be strong. Millions of people around the world still desperately want to come to “the land of opportunity,” the country that continuously advocates and supports democracy, freedom and liberty around the world.  By Carlos G Giron

Mobile Marketing Association creates MM25

In keeping with the Mobile Marketing Association’s (MMA) new ‘marketer first’ mission and aligning with its commitment to help marketers around the world leverage the power of mobile, today the MMA announced the formation of MM25.

What Is The Value Of World Cup Sponsor Recognition Research?

I am writing to you this week from the U.K. where, as those who have followed the goings-ons of the World Cup will understand, all the national team merchandise is on sale at half price. Get yer Rooney gear cheap!   Anyway, in this third World Cup post I wanted to look at World Cup sponsor recognition research. After 10 years at Coca-Cola and over 3 years at Anheuser Busch-InBev,  I know what it’s like to be an official sponsor. I have negotiated directly with FIFA and so am somewhat familiar with the ins and outs.

Finally, Most Brands Measuring Social Content Effectiveness

According to the research, 80% of US client-side marketers measured the effectiveness of their social content, with social media metrics such as “likes” the most common. Usage statistics—daily or monthly active users, for example—fell in the middle of the list. Meanwhile, metrics that could identify business ramifications were not used nearly as much, with financially based measurements such as return on investment and sales landing near the bottom.

The Circular Economy [INSIGHT]

Our latest trend report outlines the alternative model that’s taking shape and how brands across categories are becoming more circular, rethinking everything from product design to relationships with their customers.

Advertising Is A Story — But A Story That Needs To Sell A Product

We have a sign on the wall of our office in L.A. that reads: “Creative without strategy is called art. Creative with strategy is called advertising.” It’s a quotation from ad industry thinker Jef I. Richards, and while a lot of maxims about advertising are basically meaningless slogans, I think this one is really important for all of us in the business to know and understand.

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