Ten Most Influential ‘Total Market’ States [INFOGRAPHIC]

SSG’s ’10 Most Influential States’ reveal the evolution towards a new mainstream. The transformation is evident in these leading TM states has vas impact on immediate growth opportunities and quarterly corporate outcomes. This is the first in SSG’s continuing review of economic and behavioral game-changing factors, starting with populations shifts. Half of the US population and two-thirds of the US overall growth is generated by the Top TM states collectively. By 2020, Multicultural segments will become the majority segment in these 10 states as a group.

Multicultural Usage of Digital Media [INSIGHT]

At the end of 2013 at the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication at Florida State University we conducted a survey of 735 Hispanics, 647 non-Hispanic Whites, 744 African Americans, and 732 Asians. The data was collected courtesy of Research Now, under the supervision of Ms. Melanie Courtright and Dr. Kartik Pashupati.  By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.


Is all of the endless chatter about “total market” total BS?

Is the advertising and marketing industry’s infatuation with millennials completely daft, since these consumers are more likely to have crappy jobs and far less money to spend on anything when compared to their parents and grandparents?

Is it time to say “adios” and turn off the lights one final time because Hispanic marketing and advertising has peaked and is starting its slow, painful slide downward?

After spending four months preparing the fifth annual Hispanic Market Overview by engaging some of the industry’s top thought leaders in debate and pouring through pages of Excel spreadsheets, the answer is an easy one. No.

There’s a clear need to fully understand “total market” approaches, and the 2014 Hispanic Market Overview, presented by López Negrete Communications, tackles the buzzword of the year by asking key industry leaders their take on what “total market” is. We also discuss why marketers and media crave the coveted Latino millennial, and examine the traits and trends of the Hispanic consumer with data from Experian Marketing Services-a new feature in Hispanic Market Overview.


Is Your Media Plan Ready For The YouTube Generation?

Much of the growth in mobile video has been driven by the YouTube generation – some 40% of all YouTube’s traffic comes from tablets and smartphones now – and that trend shows no signs of stopping. While that’s great for YouTube, it’s not so great for the marketers that desperately want to reach that audience, but are either unwilling or unable to take advantage of the myriad mobile video platforms that deliver said audience on a silver platter.

Global flows in a digital age [REPORT]

Global flows have been a common thread in economic growth for centuries, since the days of the Silk Road, through the mercantilist and colonial periods and the Industrial Revolution. But today, the movement of goods, services, finance, and people has reached previously unimagined levels. Global flows are creating new degrees of connectedness among economies—and playing an ever-larger role in determining the fate of nations, companies, and individuals; to be unconnected is to fall behind.

Hungry Teens Spend Most on Food

What categories reap the benefits of teen spending? In its April 2014 “Taking Stock with Teens” survey—the 27th semiannual edition—Piper Jaffray found that food grabbed the most dollars from this young demographic, beating out clothing for the first time in the history of the survey (20.8% vs. 20.7%). This change led Piper Jaffray to refer to the group as the “experience-seeking generation,” indicating a shift in teen spending away from tangible items.

Telemundo Media announce “Buscando Mi Ritmo” series

Bud light and Telemundo Media announced “Buscando Mi Ritmo,” a new long-form branded reality competition series that will search for the unique sound that turns a singer into an artist – and an artist into a star. The series will put a new spin on the genre by pairing celebrities with up-and-coming musical bands that are looking to establish themselves in the music industry.

Andrés Cantor named one of the Top Legendary Soccer Commentators.

Andrés Cantor is on the list of the world’s top legendary soccer commentators published by The FIFA Weekly, the official magazine of FIFA. Cantor is the only US-based, as well as Spanish-speaking commentator, included on the list published by the world’s leading soccer organization.

Earth Day 2014 – In Our Multicultural Society

In celebration of the 44th annual Earth Day, DDB Worldwide today announced findings from the 2014 DDB Life Style Study (LSS), which indicates that across both attitudinal and behavioral measures, race is one of the best predictors of “green” living.

Business Trends 2014 [REPORT]

“Business Trends 2014: Navigating the next wave of globalization” explores nine trends that are currently reshaping the business environment, driven by long-term, potentially irreversible, shifts in the global economy.

Mobile Continues to Steal Share of US Adults’ Daily Time Spent with Media

In 2013, time spent with digital media among US adults surpassed time spent with TV for the first time—with mobile driving the shift. This year, that trend will continue, according to new figures from eMarketer, as time spent with mobile devices continues to grow much faster than usage of all other media.

Total Market ROI Watch: Q1’14 Labor Growth Change and Impact on U.S. Economy [INSIGHT]

Multicultural is ‘the’ growth epicenter fueling the nation’s economy. In Q1 2014 again, the changing face of those newly employed and their incremental impact in the overall U.S. economy was clearly driven by Multicultural segments, largely by Hispanics. A solid Total Market strategy that puts the newly employed in the center may be translated into real topline growth.  By Santiago Solutions Group

Why Marketing Needs General Sun Tzu 2.0

Over the last 18 months, I have been fortunate to work with quite a few CMOs and integrated marketing leaders from many well-known brands. Their businesses are very different from each other, as are their product portfolios and their distribution and marketing approaches.  All these senior marketers are very aware that their consumers and indeed their own world has changed and continues to change at breakneck speed. I believe there is no need to explain this fact to them anymore; they live it every day.

Award show-offs [INSIGHT]

By Gonzalo López Martí @LopezMartiMiami

Creative awards are a necessary sand box for our profession.

No question about it.
Awards can give you visibility.
Awards are healthy boosters for an executive’s career.
Not necessarily for said executive’s employer, mind you.

Targeting Aisle 5: A Report From The Proximity Marketing Trenches

Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching!

The aisles of our local Giant grocery store are alive with the synthesized sounds of cash registers noting savings. This is an unintended consequence of the chain’s generally impressive and advanced use of in-store mobile service and marketing.

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