A Fresh View of Hispanic Consumers [INSIGHT]

The need to appeal to this growing shopper base is clear, but understanding the influences of Hispanic shoppers and cuisine is far more complex. However, retailers who learn these shoppers’ preferences—particularly in the fresh foods space—will benefit as the group’s spending power continues to climb.  

Techsurvey10 – – “Radio At The Digital Tipping Point” [PRESENTATION]

In Jacobs Media’s new study of core radio listeners, the impact of digitally delivered media continues its rise, providing both opportunity and challenges to traditional radio broadcasters.  The media habits of 11 different format core audiences, along with five generations, are examined in this mega-survey of radio listeners.  From Boomers to Millennials, different patterns of consumption emerge.

How Marketing Will Evolve Over The Next Six Years [INSIGHT]

A lot can happen in the marketing world in six years. MediaCom USA CEO Sasha Savic posed three questions to client Dell’s Jennifer Statham, executive director of global marketing technology and agency strategy, about how the role of marketing will evolve by 2020.

What Is the Future of Proximity Marketing?

Embattled by stiff online competition, brick-and-mortar retailers are looking to the internet for inspiration to improve the in-store experience. Online cookies, pixels and social logins track the shopper across the web, offering insights that ecommerce sites in turn rely on to advertise and merchandise effectively. A slew of new proximity platforms offer comparable tools for brick-and-mortar retailers, according to a new eMarketer report, “Proximity Marketing in Retail: Can Ecommerce Tactics Revive Brick-and-Mortar?”

The Coming Subprime Advertising Crisis

The subprime crisis of 2008 surprised a lot of people. But looking back, we are almost as mad at ourselves for not seeing it coming as we were at those who created the crisis. Media, specifically advertising, is about to go through a very similar period, and we are going to be just as angry looking back. In addition, unlike (perhaps) Wall Street, we are not too big to fail.

Adios Cheo!

If you like Salsa, the Fania All Stars and dancing, the name Cheo Feliciano is synonyms with Greatness.  Cheo Felicano passed away after be involved in an accident in Puerto Rico.

Taking Stock With Teens Market [INSIGHT & INFOGRAPHIC]

Piper Jaffray has completed its 27th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens market research project, which signals a potential point of stability, with spending contracting by just 1% from Fall 2013, compared to sequential declines in the mid-single digits previously.

Univision launches Flama

Flama is Univion’s first fully dedicated over-the-top network providing premium English-language video programming for 15 – 30 year olds who are inspired and entertained by the Latin culture that is influencing today’s younger generation.

New Industry Alliance to Accelerate Effectiveness of Marketing to Hispanics

A consortium of six companies announced today a cross-industry study to drive thought leadership in marketing to Hispanics. The consortium members include IRI, Latinum Network, Univision, Telemundo Media, UM, and Rentrak. The consortium will enable marketers to maximize the multi-platform impact of advertising to Hispanics by developing best practices around strategy and performance measurement. The consortium’s mandate is to help marketers, advertisers and retailers develop effective marketing strategies to best serve Hispanic consumers.

Latinos in the American Kaleidoscope [INSIGHT]

Every time I look around, we’re growing.  Latinos, that is, along with entities to which Latinos belong.  Two recent examples struck me as indicative.  By Carlos E. Cortés / Univision Consumer Insights

The End Of Advertising [INSIGHT]

Have you ever heard of CONANDA? For those of you who answered that it was America’s neighbor to the North, you’re an idiot.

Hispanic Adult Millennials at Work and Play [INSIGHT]

The 2008 economic crash had a profound impact on the hopes and dreams of young adults coming of age in recent years. They grew up in boom times, forever optimistic about their futures–but today’s economy presents challenges they never expected. In this “next normal,” how have their career aspirations and experiences changed? And when there’s time for play, what do they do to unwind?

Traditional or Digital Ads? Millennials Show Mixed Feelings

Millennials are known as a digitally savvy group, but does that mean that they view traditional ads as less effective? According to polling by Adroit Digital, many millennials don’t. When the January 2014 study asked US millennial smartphone users about the effectiveness of digital vs. traditional advertising, 36% said that digital ads were more effective; however, the percentage of those who said they were equally effective was close behind, cited by 28% of 18- to 33-year-olds.

Truth in advertising: 50% don’t trust what they see, read and hear

Half of Americans (50%) who are aware of advertising don’t trust what they see, read and hear in advertisements.  44% think that advertisements are dishonest.  A clear majority (58%) thinks that there should be stronger requirements for proving claims in advertising.

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