Tippit & Moo Names David Flynn General Manager

Tippit & Moo, a full-service independent advertising agency based in Houston, has appointed David Flynn, Jr. as its new General Manager.  A seasoned and widely renowned analytical and strategic authority in the industry, Flynn will lead the highly awarded team at Tippit & Moo, whose premier clients include Fiesta Mart, Inc., Sonic Drive-Ins, Gabbanelli Accordions, Michaels Stores, Professional Sports Partners, Universal Technical Institute, InComm, and Zadok Jewelers, among others.

‘Career Capital’ is Key to Success [INSIGHT & REPORT]

New Accenture research reports that more than 89 percent of female professionals around the globe and a similar number of male respondents believe building their “career capital” – those differentiated skills that define and advance their careers – is key to success in the workplace. The research, based on a survey of 4,100 male and female professionals in 32 countries, also found that professionals welcome change and are confident of their ability to succeed in the workplace.

The Media-Sales Relationship Dynamic: Top-10 Dos and Don’ts [INSIGHT]

I’ve been in the media industry for over six years in New York and San Diego at various ad agencies, and one of my favorite parts of the job is my interaction with sales reps. It could be argued that we work in the best industry in the world, because we’re tasked with innovating, strategizing and socializing. The list below includes dos and don’ts for both media buyers and planners and sales reps, based on my own observations, heart-to-hearts with some of my favorite reps, and conversations with fellow media people. If we all follow these simple rules, we can minimize frustrations and have more time for happy hours.

NBA celebrates Noches éneobéoa

The National Basketball Association (NBA) announced plans for the league’s eighth annual Latin nights program titled Noches éneobéoa (eh-nay-bay-ah), which will feature seven commemorative games and celebrate the growing support of NBA fans and players across Latin American and U.S. Hispanic communities.

US Twitter User Base Begins to Mature

Changing growth patterns point to a changing future for Twitter. In the US, the site has passed the early-adoption mark and is settling into a pattern of more mature growth across demographic groups. By 2016, more than 25% of internet users 12 to 44 will use Twitter at least once a month, according to new figures from eMarketer.

Decoding Y: Millennials Revealed – A Case for Total Millennial Strategy [INSIGHT]

Recently, Kathy Sheehan of GfK Consumer Trends and I presented highlights from our Decoding Y: Millennials Revealed research partnership in a live webinar.  As I continue on our roadshow with this exciting research, I find myself comparing and contrasting Hispanic and non-Hispanic generation-mates and identifying where Hispanics are leading total market trends.  By Roberto Ruiz / Univision Communications

Gap Between Successful & Struggling Communities – Reshaping American Landscape [INSIGHT & REPORT]

According to a comprehensive new report, there is a startling contrast in economic prosperity between successful and struggling American communities. America is divided into nine different community profiles, ranging from the successful — the “Affluent Metroburbs” — to the genuinely troubled — the “Endangered Communities.” Fifty percent of the American communities studied are struggling to find their way forward after the Great Recession.

Guariglia named VP Network Sales at Telemundo Media

Telemundo Media announced the appointment of Michael Guariglia to Vice President, Network Sales.  Guariglia will be responsible for overseeing the advertising sales function for Telemundo Network for the Northeast territory.  Guariglia will report to Mike Alvarez, Senior Vice President, Ad Sales Telemundo Network and will be based in New York City.

The U.S. Hispanic population has increased sixfold since 1970

The Hispanic population grew to 53 million in 2012, a 50% increase since 2000 and nearly six times the population in 1970, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data. Meanwhile, the overall U.S. population increased by only 12% from 2000 to 2012. Hispanic population growth accounted for more than half of the country’s growth in this time period.

Multicultural inclusion at the forefront of Total Market Strategy

In response to the rapidly-changing demographics of the nation, marketing professionals have been experimenting with multicultural marketing models and adopting a “Total Market” strategy to realize greater synergy and marketing impact aimed at the new American mainstream. While there are different definitions of Total Market and a lack of standardization, AHAA: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing, in collaboration with a broad coalition of advertisers and general market and cultural marketing associations, has found that marketing firms, as well as clients, are equally clear that the time has come to place multicultural segments at the center of growth strategies, rather than as an add-on or parallel effort.

Search Trends in Multicultural Marketing [INSIGHT]

I have many times said that Google is probably the most useful company in the world.  They are making information availability pervasive and usable. They have a service called Google Trends that traces, in relative terms, the prevalence of searches of specific terms and expressions in their search engine. They do not provide actual frequencies but percentages of a total represented by the tallest point in the distribution and that is equal to 100. 

I thought it would be interesting to check and see how different searches in the United States reflect the sentiment of those who search for multicultural and related marketing topics. The first search I did was for the term “Multicultural Marketing.”By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

A Venezuelan Steve Jobs

By Gonzalo López Martí @LopezMartiMiami

We Latinos are great at fooling around with balls.
Fútbol, pelota, that kind of thing.
Don’t get us started.
We are also great at producing loud delusional semi-literate political leaders.
However, when it comes to science…

Board of Directors for the National Puerto Rican Day Parade determined to reclaim new image and agenda for event

In a meeting held Saturday, February 22nd, at the Parade’s headquarters in the Bronx, the new Board of Directors crafted a new agenda that will re-focus the Parade and its related events on highlighting the rich vibrant Puerto Rican cultural heritage, and advancing positive imagery and empowerment for the community both in Puerto Rico and the United States. Their goal is to make the 2014 Parade for all people by embracing the great diversity of the Puerto Rican diaspora from across the country, as well as individuals of all cultural backgrounds.

Hispanic Consumers Have Distinct Pattern of Online Social Behaviors [PRESENTATION]

Understanding online social behavior is vital for brands and advertisers that want to engage with their audience in meaningful ways.  The Hispanic community is a highly social and influential audience with nuanced sharing behaviors across the web and on mobile devices. Because sharing is a direct measure of consumer interest and intent, we believe it’s vital for brands to understand how Hispanic consumers are using social channels and devices.

Study Of Hispanic/Latino Health

The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL), the research study of Hispanic/Latino health funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has released initial findings that show significant variations in disease prevalence and health behaviors among groups with different backgrounds.

Teens Press Play on YouTube

Teens may not have plans to ditch Facebook any time soon, but recent polling found that they’re spending more time with YouTube than the social network.


FOX Hispanic Media (FHM), the advertising sales arm of FOX’s wide ranging portfolio of Spanish-language brands, announced a four-city Upfront tour to interact directly with advertisers across the country.  The road show will begin in April and present clients with the latest content offerings from MundoFox, FOX Deportes, Nat Geo Mundo and FOX Life.

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