Millennials: Much Deeper Than Their Facebook Pages [INSIGHT]

It takes a lot to define a generation, and no two generations are alike. As much of the world is watching the young adults in the second-youngest generation develop and become full-fledged consumers, marketers are placing more and more emphasis on how to engage with them. Most are children of Baby Boomers, and all are eager to carve out a unique identity as they come of age.

Local Broadcasting generates $1.24 Trillion in Economic Activity Annually [REPORT]

The local commercial broadcast television and radio industry contributes $1.24 trillion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 2.65 million jobs to the American economy annually, found a new study by Woods & Poole Economics with support from BIA/Kelsey. The analysis, which breaks down broadcasters’ influence on the economy of all 50 states and the District of Columbia, concluded that both television and local radio broadcasting’s economic impact will continue to grow in the coming years.

CPG Companies could improve Business Performance with Better use of Analytics [INSIGHT & REPORT]

The majority of consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies are failing to place analytics at the heart of their decision-making process, limiting their ability to improve the customer  experience and gain business advantage, a study by Accenture has found. Accenture’s analysis also suggests that in many cases the problem is compounded by fragmented investment in narrow programs that are not well coordinated and fully optimized.

4.1% Increase in Retail Sales for 2014

The National Retail Federation released its 2014 economic forecast today, projecting retail industry sales (which exclude automobiles, gas stations, and restaurants) will increase 4.1 percent*, up from the preliminary 3.7 percent growth seen in 2013. NRF also announced today it expects online sales in 2014 to grow between 9 and 12 percent.

4 Steps to Closing the Healthcare Literacy Gap and Increase Hispanic & Millennial ACA Enrollment

Analysis of recent ACA numbers in California revealed a surprising statistic:  Hispanics and Millennials are signing up for the ACA Exchange at half the rate of Non-Hispanics. While initial assumptions pointed to the highly publicized challenges shared by most consumers during the initial enrollment period, deeper delving by Santiago Solutions Group (SSG) indicates that Hispanics and Millennials share a common problem which affected their low ACA enrollment levels: a Healthcare literacy gap. Growth leaders and insurers are turning their attention toward immediate action plans that can correct this common – and very fixable – problem.  By Santiago Solutions Group

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012 [INTERACTIVE MAP]

Patterns of global migration have shifted in recent decades and those changes, along with the ups-and-downs of the economy, have also resulted in changes in the flow of remittances —the money that many migrants send back to families in their countries of origin.

Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Conversations on Twitter create networks with identifiable contours as people reply to and mention one another in their tweets. These conversational structures differ, depending on the subject and the people driving the conversation. Six structures are regularly observed: divided, unified, fragmented, clustered, and inward and outward hub and spoke structures. These are created as individuals choose whom to reply to or mention in their Twitter messages and the structures tell a story about the nature of the conversation.

Who’s Driving the Growth for Food Stores? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Hispanics & Multicultural non-Hispanic generated six in ten of all new grocery buyers between 2011 to 2013. Health-Natural stores buyers growth rate was led by Most Acculturated Hispanic segment. Hispanics led in Mass/Discount growth rate. On the other hand, Least Acculturated buyers declined sharply for Hispanic Grocery stores and C- stores. Millennials led in the growth rate of Low-Tier and in the decline of Mid-Tier.

Hitch Your Campaign To A Star

Celebrities. They appear to be the focal point of every PR campaign these days, don’t they? Whether it’s to open a restaurant, get donations for a charity, sell a t-shirt or just to lend heat to a cool brand, we publicists tend to look to celebrities as a quick solution to every problem. (I’m distinguishing between an advertising campaign, in which a celebrity is paid big bucks to essentially “act” in a TV or print ad, and a PR campaign, in which a celebrity lends his or her personal credibility to support a cause or an event or a product.)

An Innovative Model To Maximize Healthy Lifestyle Consumers [INSIGHT]

With the advent of the ACA, insurers have two drivers: share AND profitability.  Most sales and marketing focus is on gaining share by securing the highest enrollment numbers possible.  Effective Growth Leaders are measuring business success beyond market share: The utilization cost and ROI of the new pool is an equally important goal of effective marketing. Companies can measure their success by drawing in a pool that may have both a higher likelihood to health coverage and a lower propensity to acquire preventable conditions, both of which impact the bottom line.   By Santiago Solutions Group

Verifone launches NYC Spanish Campaign for Green Cabs

The Creative Capital – the digital agency assigned to the task launched a unique message campaign titled “Ponte Pa Lo Tuyo” or contextualized into English would be “Get with it and start making money”. The spanish-language campaign covered the areas of television, radio and print ads.

Marketers Respond to Consumer Demand for Personalization

Consumers have already voiced interest in receiving personalized emails, and recent polling suggested that personalization would be a key trend across all communications this year. In a November 2013 study by Conversant, around three-quarters of US senior-level marketers and agency decision-makers agreed that “individualized messages and offers will be more effective than mass messages/offers” this year, and about the same percentage said “personalized one-to-one marketing is the future.”

Telemundo and Dr. Pepper partner on “Los Unicos’

Telemundo Media announced the launch of a multiplatform partnership with Dr Pepper to celebrate Telemundo’s one of a kind on-air talent. This partnership features an intimate, candid look at the personal and professional lives of three Telemundo novela megastars, and the stories that make them truly unique.  The three “Unicos” are:  Litzy, one of Mexico’s most beloved television and music stars; Carmen Villalobos, one of the most recognizable young telenovela actresses, who stars in the upcoming second season of “El Senor de los Cielos”; and Eugenio Siller, Hispanic television’s leading man and star of Telemundo’s new original production “Reina de Corazones.” 

Hispanic “Life Planners” [NSIGHT]

When it comes to their financial lives, some Hispanic Millennials like to have all their ducks in a row. Using Simmons data, Tr3s recently identified and analyzed this segment, called “Life Planners.” Representing a little more than 1 in 3 Hispanics 18-34, this group is optimistic, believes in seizing opportunities when they arise, strives to be well-informed, and doesn’t like the idea of debt.

What’s Empowering the New Digital Consumer?

Technology has changed a lot in the last 30 years—even the last three! Today’s consumer is more connected than ever, thanks to the proliferation of digital devices and platforms. Content once available only via specific channels, such as print and broadcast television, can today be delivered to consumers through their multiple connected devices.

Bromley scores 16 ADDY wins at AAF-San Antonio

Bromley received 16 Addy awards on Feb. 15 at the American Advertising Federation-San Antonio Awards Gala held at the McNay Art Museum. The ad agency won one Mosaic Special Judges’ Award, two Special Judges’ Awards, seven Gold, five Silver and one Bronze for its integrated campaigns, social media, television, radio spots and music for clients MillerCoors, General Mills and NBA.

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