How Will 2013’s Digital Display Trends Converge in 2014?

Coming off the heels of 2013, programmatic buying, native advertising and viewability all remain topical to digital display advertisers, particularly brands. Just last year, these distinct trends might have seemed like isolated enhancements. When viewed in totality, however, they reflect an advertising landscape that is evolving to provide brands a richer storytelling experience among a more engaged audience—wherever that audience might be.

Facebook: The Largest Social Network for Hispanics, the Most Untapped for USH Brands

You gotta give it to Zuckerberg, despite all of the controversy, skepticism and challenges Facebook has gone through over the years, it remains the number 1 social networking destination in the world. While I do feel that Facebook has entirely changed the ways people socially communicate, it still has a ton of growth to go. With that said, Facebook is currently the number 1 destination for US Hispanics and I don’t see that changing any time soon… and neither are USH brands.  By Lance Rios – Founder of

The Data-Driven Future Of TV: Will Spots Be Cherry-Picked Or Cherry-Packaged?

Audience cherry-picking and cherry-packaging is coming to TV this upfront season. Two weeks ago at NATPE in Miami, both Group M’s Irwin Gotlieb and Initiative’s Kris Magel told us that their media buying shops are moving aggressively to leverage consumer viewing and purchase databases to buy and re-aggregate fragmented audiences on TV — just as their agencies do on the Web.

Millennials Drive Social Commerce: Turning their Likes, Follows or Pins Into a Sale [REPORT]

Social commerce is a term used to describe marketing strategies that incorporate social media to facilitate online buying and selling of products and services.  (Yahoo first used the term in 2005 in a launch of a new online shopping store).  Spurred by the proliferation of electronic commerce, social commerce strategies are not just solely designed around click-to-buy action.  Rather, these strategies provide a virtual way for companies to attract, engage and interact with consumers at all points in the consumer buying decision process.  The advent of mobile technology has further encouraged social commerce, changing how users interact with and purchase from different companies.

Mobile Video Buyer’s Guide [REPORT]

The report examines a range of complex campaign considerations, including apps versus mobile-optimized websites, pre-roll versus banner ads, inline versus native players, operating system capabilities, third-party tags, and advanced interactive capabilities.

National Puerto Rican Day Parade leadership will be axed after probe into finances

According to the Daily News, the shake-up of the nonprofit group — sponsor for decades of one of the country’s best known ethnic parades — follows investigation by state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman into mismanagement of $1.4 million in corporate donations by Carlos Velasquez and his GALOS Corp. Velasquez agreed to repay the organization and accept a ban from future dealings.

The Rising Cost of Not Going to College [Report]

Disparity among Millennials Ages 25-32 By Education Level in Terms of Annual Earnings …For those who question the value of college in this era of soaring student debt and high unemployment, the attitudes and experiences of today’s young adults—members of the so-called Millennial generation—provide a compelling answer. On virtually every measure of economic well-being and career attainment—from personal earnings to job satisfaction to the share employed full time—young college graduates are outperforming their peers with less education. And when today’s young adults are compared with previous generations, the disparity in economic outcomes between college graduates and those with a high school diploma or less formal schooling has never been greater in the modern era.

The strength of ‘weak signals’ [INSIGHT]

As information thunders through the digital economy, it’s easy to miss valuable “weak signals” often hidden amid the noise. Arising primarily from social media, they represent snippets—not streams—of information and can help companies to figure out what customers want and to spot looming industry and market disruptions before competitors do. Sometimes, companies notice them during data-analytics number-crunching exercises.

Univision, UniMás and Galavisión to simulcast the premiere of “La Viuda Negra”

For the first time in U.S. Hispanic media history, Univision, UniMás and Galavisión will unite to simulcast the world premiere of the new dramatic series “La Viuda Negra” (The Black Widow) on Sunday, February 23, 2014, at 10 p.m. ET/PT (9 p.m. Central) before settling in to its regular 10pm Monday through Friday time slot on UniMás.

Nielsen announces strategic change to Local TV Measurement

Based on a thorough evaluation of the viewing patterns in broadband-only homes and an ongoing industry appeal to maintain stable measurement in local television, we have decided to exclude broadband-only TV homes from local TV measurement and ratings for the time being.

Music Listeners Pump Up the Volume on Digital Radio

The digital radio space is undergoing expansive growth in usage, revenues and access modes. Radio listeners are tuning in to digital stations on an increasingly broad set of devices, including desktop and laptop computers, smartphones, tablets, in-car systems, and other consumer electronics gadgets.

Education Fund Launched in Memory of Hector Galvan

On February 1, 2014 the Hispanic business and marketing community lost an advocate as Hector Galvan from Sprint passed away.

Hector was an avid champion of genuine Hispanic community engagement and supported countless Hispanic media, bloggers, and organizations dedicated to improving Latino communities. He served as an ambassador making sure the needs of the public were understood, well addressed and met.

Hispanics at the Movies [INSIGHT]

Latinos are an important segment for businesses related to the movies. To illustrate the latest on Hispanic movie habits, Tr3s took a look in a recent report, “Hispanics at the Movies.”

Hispanic Women Connect with Friends, Brands and News via Social

Connecting with friends and family through social networks is high on the list of reasons to use social media among US Hispanic women. But it’s also a way to keep up with brands and current events, according to a recent study by Latina Media Ventures.

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