Second Generation Hispanics: Fueling Growth in the Youth Market (and Beyond) [INSIGHT]

It’s no secret that Hispanics are driving US population growth. But in recent years, the dynamics of that growth have changed. Ten to twenty years ago, young adults entering the US to look for work caused the Hispanic population to rise. Today, immigration has slowed due to the economy – but owing to high birth rates, the Hispanic population has continued its ascent.

Advertising’s Role as a Critical Driver of the U.S. Economy [REPORT]

Advertising is a driving force in the U.S. economy, serving as a generator of job creation and sales, according to a new study commissioned by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and The Advertising Coalition, which represents advertisers, advertising agencies, and media companies.

What Sports Marketers should be Thinking About In ’14 [INSIGHT]

In our 24/7, instantaneous-gratification world, I’m still amazed at our collective lack of patience when it comes to winning or losing. As sports marketers we talk about building a brand, yet with rampant free agency I’ve long maintained that we are really just rooting for a shirt. Sports fans in our annual omnibus study consistently express a desire for some continuity with the players on their favorite teams, yet the number of players that enjoy a career on a single team, regardless of the sport continues to dwindle.

Latinos and America’s Ethnically-Mixed Future [INSIGHT]

In my last blog I addressed the question: do Latinos need a national leader?  I proposed that Hispanics are best served by multiple leaders who offer varying perspectives that reflect the richness of Latino internal diversity.  It just so happened that I recently glimpsed a vision of that expanding leadership.  By Dr. Carlos E. Cortés is Professor Emeritus of History at the University of California, Riverside

Consumers Planning To Make An Automotive Purchase Are Heavily Influenced By Digital Advertising [REPORT]

Thirty-four million Americans are planning to purchase a vehicle in the next six months and a new report, “Digital Influence on Auto Intenders,” from Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Prosper Insights finds that these consumers are almost twice as likely to be swayed by auto-focused digital marketing than the general population (21% vs. 12%). Moreover, automotive shoppers are 71 percent more likely to be influenced by digital advertising across multiple retail categories than the average consumer.

US Consumer Electronics Industry revenues to Hit an All-Time High of $208 Billion in 2014

What’s driving this growth? Up-and-coming products—such as 3-D printers, Bluetooth wireless speakers, convertible PCs, health and fitness devices, smart watches and Ultra HD television displays—which CEA estimated would drive 65% of total industry revenue growth, despite representing just 3% of the sector overall. Revenues for these products as a whole are expected to come in at more than $6 billion this year.

The Silver Screen Slump

Going out to the movies once was, and for many still can be, an exciting night out. However, a new Harris Poll finds that while roughly two-thirds (68%) of U.S. adults went to the movies at least once in 2013, just about the same percent (66%) say they’re going to the movies less often now than a few years ago.

Revamping Growth for Health & Wellness Brands through Predictive Analytics [INSIGHT]

Everywhere consumers go, they are being bombarded by messages that tell them that brand A is ever so slightly healthier than brand B.  Consumers are noticing, and more purchasing decisions are being made on the basis of health and wellness. The 2013 Food & Health Survey: Consumer Attitudes toward Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health, commissioned by the International Food Information Council Foundation, found that for 64% of consumers, “healthfulness” is considered to be the most important factor driving foods and beverages purchase decisions, up 6 points since 2006 when 58% considered healthfulness the most important purchase driver and trumped only by taste and price.

Continual Innovation: The Key to Stand Out and Win in Retail

The need to differentiate from the competition is as great as it has ever been. While global consumer confidence was flat in third-quarter 2013 from the previous quarter, confidence was on the rise in over half of the countries Nielsen surveys, including the U.S. Still, many shoppers remain focused on value for their money. At the same time, e-commerce has attracted a growing number of users. Innovation, however, can give retailers the all-important edge.

Our 5 Biggest Pieces Of Marketing Advice For 2014 [INSIGHT]

We’re more than a week into 2014, and 2013 has already become a memory. But it was a big year in tech, marketing, and a big year for Millennials (as they officially became a buzzword), and we don’t want to let the last 12 months go without looking at the lessons we’ve learned.

Entre Nosotras: Auto Trends Report [REPORT]

Meredith Hispanic Media (MHM), publisher of Siempre Mujer and Ser Padres magazines, released findings from its Auto Trends Report detailing the car-buying habits and attitudes of the modern Latina.

Figueroa named Head of Strategy & Participation at Lapiz

LAPIZ announced the hire of Diego Figueroa as SVP, Strategy and Participation Director. With a keen understanding of the General Market and Multicultural planning, Figueroa will oversee the agency’s Strategy department, which encompasses brand strategy, consumer engagement, research and shopper marketing.

THIS Is The Year Of Mobile Advertising!

(Think green: please save the headline above for reuse over the next decade.)

How many years have been “the year” mobile advertising finally catches up to the massive growth in consumer time spent on mobile? As you marinate on that question, take a second also to reflect on how often you’ve read the headline that “this is the year” digital advertising dollars finally catch up with the amount of time consumers are spending with digital media. It’s become a cliché at this point.
(Spoiler alert: digital advertising still hasn’t caught up with the amount of time people spend there.)

“Who cares!?! Have you seen how fast mobile usage is growing!??!?!!”


Are Hispanics and Millennials ACA procrastinators? [INSIGHT]

Shopping for healthcare has become a frightening experience for 2 million exchange eligible consumers. Although enhancements were made to federal and state exchanges call centers and online platforms, the experience they offered was far from “best-in-class”.  This was especially so for Hispanic and Millennial (ages 18-34) eligibles, who are facing a range of enrollment obstacles that go beyond the now infamous Obamacare site glitches. The lack of truly culturally competent channels for segments with limited healthcare literacy, and the lack of clear explanation of benefits for eligible, have drastically impacted the proportion of Millennials and Hispanics enrolled in ACA exchanges by the deadline for 1/1/14 coverage.

Tremendous Growth in Audio Platform; AM/FM Radio Still Most Popular Platform

The study, which surveyed thousands of audio listeners who use one or more of the following audio sources – personal music collections (CDs, iTunes downloads), broadcast radio, streaming AM/FM radio, custom online playlists, satellite radio, online music videos and digital music channels on TV – shows that consumers recognize unique and important benefits for each audio platform, and will choose each based on the time of day and situational needs.

NUVOtv unveils all eight season of Dexter

NUVOtv will showcase all eight seasons of the SHOWTIME drama DEXTER.  The award-winning, critically acclaimed series will make its basic cable premiere on NUVOtv beginning Monday, January 13, 2014 at 9:00 PM/ET – presented uncut and in their entirety.

Pinta opens it doors

Pinta, a full-service agency reinventing the art of cross-cultural marketing, officially opens its doors today.  Spun off from the U.S. operations of JeffreyGroup.  The new agency adds capabilities, executive talent and new offices in a dramatic departure from its PR-agency origins. 

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