2014 Multicultural TV Summit & Leadership Awards announces Keynote Speakers

The 2014 Multicultural TV Summit & Leadership Awards, being held on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 at the Grand Hyatt in New York City, will feature leading on-air personalities as well as top advertising and TV executives in a series of three keynote discussions. The first, featuring the Rev. Al Sharpton, host of PoliticsNation on MSNBC, and Jose Diaz Balart, anchor of Noticiero Telemundo on Telemundo, will focus on the impact that television news programming will have on multicultural voters in regard to the 2014 mid-term elections. Another keynote session will feature multicultural market authority Esther “ET” Franklin, who leads the creative vision for the Human Experience Strategy Network at the Starcom Mediavest Group, on how to effectively target consumers within different multicultural segments, such as LGBT, African American and Asian TV audiences.  A third keynote session will be a candid conversation about the impact that sports fans from various multicultural segments will have on the future of sports TV. It features the legendary sports journalist Stephen A. Smith and Lino Garcia, GM of ESPN Deportes, who is a multicultural TV pioneer and has led the Spanish-language network since its launch 10 years ago.  

Total Media Ad Spend Continues Slow and Steady Trajectory

US total media ad spending will reach $171.33 billion in 2013, up 3.8%, or more than $6 billion, from 2012. eMarketer expects a slight uptick in spending in 2014 as well, as marketers allocate more dollars toward the FIFA World Cup soccer tournament, the Winter Olympics and the US midterm elections.

Brands turn to Music to Market Content, Reach Younger Consumers

The 21st century has not been kind to the US recording industry. Since peaking at $14.6 billion in 1999, the business has shrunk to less than half its size, barely besting $7 billion in 2012, according to a new eMarketer report, “Marketing Opportunities in Digital and Live Music: More Musicians Say, ‘I’m With the Brand.’”

Five Social Media Platform Predictions For 2014

As 2013 draws to a close, and the Social Media Insider unleashes below the first in a two-part series of predictions, what strikes me about social media is how established it is. It certainly doesn’t feel new anymore. Maybe a better word for how it feels is — embedded.

A Look Back At 2013

As we speed toward the end of one year and the start of yet another, here’s a quick look back at some standout 2013 mom-related trends.

Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Attribution

Entering 2014, most would agree cross-platform marketing has become a must for any company hoping to reach consumers on their terms. They would also likely concur that such a mandate carries with it an expectation that as marketers tack on additional channels, formats and platforms, they would be met with a proper method to validate those decisions.

2014 Predictions for Chief Marketing Officers

International Data Corporation (IDC) hosted a web conference “IDC Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) 2014 Predictions: The Emergence of the Chief ‘Something-or-Other’” highlighting the top 10 market predictions for the year ahead.

Why can’t we be friends? Five steps to better relations between CFOs and CMOs

Marketing is in the midst of a performance revolution. The application of advanced analytics and plentiful data has allowed chief marketing officers (CMOs) to demonstrate the return on investment from marketing activities with a degree of precision that’s never been possible before. With companies spending as much as 10 percent of their annual budgets on marketing, depending on the industry—a whopping $1 trillion globally—this rapidly developing ability to put hard numbers against marketing performance is music to the ears of both CMOs and CFOs.

Cultural Marketing, Total Market, How and Why?

This has been the year of the debate over the “Total Market” approach.  The idea is to find a common denominator that different cultural groups can all relate to.  That makes some sense at first glance. After all, most people love their children, enjoy being free, enjoy food and other good things of life.  By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

Digital Shopping Tool Impact Study 2013

Ryan Partnership released the results of its Digital Shopping Tool Impact Study 2013. The study found that shoppers rank tools depending of their ability to influence their shopping behavior and satisfy their shopper needs.

Whatever the Attribution Approach, Cross-Platform Limitations Still Abound

As chief analytics officer of data management platform (DMP) [x+1], Leon Zemel oversees a host of client-facing marketing practices including campaign management, optimization and business intelligence. Zemel spoke with eMarketer’s Lauren Fisher about marketers’ frustrations with cross-channel attribution and shared insights into the benefits and limitations of taking either a top-down or bottom-up approach to attribution.

La Impostora to premiere on Telemundo

This epic story of love, intrigue, thrills and all-too-real situations is Sebastián Zurita’s first production for Telemundo as well as his first appearance in a telenovela alongside his famous mother, acclaimed actress Christian Bach.

What Is The CMO’s Role?

There are lots of CMOs in the world, and some do more than others.  In the past, I’ve said you should never trust a CMO who won’t go out and sell, but it’s more than that.  To truly understand what makes a great CMO, you have to understand more about the role they play in your organization  — a role that will be changing over the next few years.

Nielsen Tops of 2013: Advertising

The variety of ways we consume media is exploding, and TV advertisers are tasked with finding creative ways to break through in this complex media environment. How do some ads captivate viewers while thousands of others are readily disregarded? To gain insight, we identified the top 10 commercials and branded integrations of 2013. Why not learn from the best of the best?

Connecting what Consumers demand with what Shoppers Buy

When consumers head out for their everyday shopping needs, are they navigating the store on auto-pilot or are they open to new products and experiences? As with many of the puzzles marketers face, the answer here is anything but clear-cut.

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