Brand Effectiveness through Mobile: An Oreo Case Study [CASE STUDY]

According to the IAB, mobile advertising spend is growing at an unprecedented rate, doubling in 2012 alone from the previous year to reach $3.4 billion. But research is just beginning to tap into what makes this new advertising medium tick, and there is much for marketers and the industry at large to learn about leveraging mobile channels most effectively.

Mexicans and Salvadorans have Positive Picture of Life in U.S. [INSIGHT & REPORT]

Mexicans and Salvadorans share a positive image of the U.S. Many believe that people who move to the U.S. lead a better life, and most of those who have family or friends who migrated say they have accomplished their goals while there. Salvadorans, 67% of whom have family or friends in the U.S., express particularly favorable opinions of the U.S.; nearly six-in-ten would move to there if they could. Many fewer Mexicans (35%) say the same.

The latest demographic reports for your 2014 strategic planning [REPORT]

Create strategic marketing plans that result in more impactful business decisions with comprehensive 2014 U.S. demographic reports and maps. Updated reports include population statistics, demographic estimates and projections, and consumer profiles that let you analyze markets, select site locations and reach your customers more effectively. 

Are You Still Arguing Over Muticultural ROI? Get Over It [INSIGHT]

When it comes to multicultural marketing, many organizations struggle to answer the question about whether multicultural marketing ROI is justifiable. But, think about it. Isn’t that like asking whether it makes sense to market to only some consumers who buy our products and services because we can’t figure out the value of marketing to all current or potential buyers? Does it really make sense to decide that marketing to a segment of our consumers is a discretionary investment?  By  Terry Soto, Author of Marketing to Hispanics A Strategic Approach to Assessing and Planning Your Initiative and President and CEO, About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Is Twitter better than Facebook for Targeting Teens?

Social media usage is maturing, and as more networks emerge and gain popularity, advertisers and marketers are constantly on the lookout for the “next big thing.” One of the most common ways marketers identify up-and-coming social networks is by looking to a highly social demographic—and one that is highly digital-savvy: teens.

Photo and Video sharing grow Online [REPORT]

A new study by the Pew Research Center’s Internet Project shows that 54% of internet users have posted original photos or videos to websites and 47% share photos or videos they found elsewhere online.

Richards/Lerma helps Mexican Consulate Fight Childhood Obesity

The agency developed a series of images that show children with prematurely aged faces. The inspiration was a line in a Mexican news article titled “Obesidad y sus cifras en México” that stated “Today’s obese children will be senior citizens by the time they’re 30.”

Hispanic or Latino? Many don’t care, except in Texas [INSIGHT]

Are you Hispanic or Latino? It’s a question Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike have struggled with when deciding what to call the diverse community of 53 million Americans who trace their roots to Latin America or to Spain. Officially, both terms are used by the U.S. federal government to describe this population, and many organizations, including the Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, use the terms interchangeably in publications.

Fusion released video prior to today’s premiere of the channel. [VIDEO]

Fusion will launch today at 6:57 PM ET with a musical number that features a cast of young performers dancing through Fusion’s headquarters while singing about the company’s business plan. The video will also be featured on ABC’s “World News with Diane Sawyer” and Univision’s “Univision Noticias.”

2013 Multicultural Health Magazine [INSIGHT & MAGAZINE DOWNLOAD]

Multicultural Health Marketing. The magazine features articles authored by the key thought-leaders in the multicultural health marketing sphere and focuses on best practices for reaching the key multicultural populations in America such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans.


Facebook looks Beyond the Social Media part of its Business

Facebook is no longer positioning itself as just a social media solution. Carolyn Everson, Facebook’s vice president of global marketing solutions, spoke with eMarketer’s Rimma Kats about the key role social advertising and real-time marketing play for the company’s clients, as well as how mobile is constantly opening up opportunities.

Digital adoption in Mexico reaches Wider Audience

For several years, young users with disposable income who were typically males were the dominant demographic using the internet in Mexico, and evidence points to that same group as the typical early adopters of new technologies and activities such as instant messaging, social media and ecommerce.

Building Relationships with Content Marketing

My last post introduced the concept of Responsive Relationship Marketing: the practice of listening first and communicating subsequently, allowing segmentation and tailoring to emerge dynamically.

Not All Attempts To Do Good Do Well

It’s that time of the year when all the marketing world is awash in its usual sea of pink, it seems like a good time to ask why so much cause-related branding has so little emotional clout. No matter how well planned, breast-cancer pink (not to mention save-the-environment green or prostate-protecting blue) has often become invisible to cause-bombarded consumers.

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