impreMedia adds to Team

impreMedia confirmed the appointment of Hernando Ruiz-Jiménez, Executive Vice President and General Manager, East Division and Damián Mazzotta, General Manager, West Division.  Juan Varela also has been tapped as the new Content Director.  All three join impreMedia’s Executive Committee and report directly to Francisco Seghezzo, COO.

Grasping The Mindset Of The Next Generation

The Labor Department released its delayed Jobs Report on Monday, announcing that American employers added 148,000 jobs in September, well below the forecast of 180,000.  For the youth of America, transitioning into adulthood has become more delayed and harder to reach – a reality that will result in a lasting impact on the country’s society and economy, and play into the “lost generation” that many economists have identified for millennials.

Customer Experience: “Satisfied is Not Enough”

Talk about connectivity! Nowadays, consumers are able to touch brands in all manners of ways. Whether it’s through a Website, smart phone, tablet, call center or retail location, the times, places and manners in which brands can make an impression – satisfactory, neutral or unsatisfactory – are infinitesimal and ever-evolving.

Focus Groups: In Search of Cultural Meaning [INSIGHT]

A focus group is not a question and answer session.  For that you can simply interview people individually in person or on the phone.  The focus group is a focused discussion to understand how people think and feel about ideas.  By Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D.

State of the Economy is Impacting Holiday Shopping Plans

Two thirds (66%) of consumers report that the state of the economy will have some impact on their holiday shopping this year, including four in ten (41%) who say that it will motivate them to seek out bargains and coupons this holiday season, according to a new poll of over 1,000 adults conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of

When The Future Arrives, Will You Be Ready?

We talk all the time about what the future will look like, and this past week I heard some fascinating conjecture about the future of smart devices and the “Internet of things” during a jaunt across the pond to London for an IAB UK event.  That kind of discussion is what fuels most of us in this business because we feed on the promise and excitement of what’s coming. But the question remains whether or not each of us will be ready for it when it arrives. To embrace the future requires a change in behavior, and that’s not always easy. 

The Measurement Problem

It is a paradox that measurement, a discipline so predicated on objectivity, can  sometimes be so subjective.

Millennials and Hispanics Fuel Private Label Growth [INSIGHT]

In our July 25th e-newsletter, we talked about how the lingering effects of the Great Recession have opened a new era in U.S. society we call Societal Reset, as consumers adjust their behaviors to meet more realistic economic expectations. One marker in many food categories is the growing appeal of Private Label brands (i.e., store brands) across several demographic segments.

Do Cross-Platform Campaigns Yield Results?

It’s easy to think of advertising campaigns on mass media channels like television as a completely different animal than ones designed specifically for digital channels. But research shows that the two can work in tandem to yield good results.

Telemundo launches Telemundo Now app

Telemundo Media announced the launch of TV Everywhere, via the “Telemundo Now” app, available for download at the App Store and Google Play.

Using Crossculturalism to Win over Millennials [INSIGHT]

Several Hispanic agencies have started seeking out General Market accounts because this is “the new mainstream” after all. And a few more General Market agencies have opened up multicultural divisions–or hired key Hispanic/AA/Asian executives and creative directors.  The controversy, in essence, has died down and, in general, people accept that marketing to this new generation requires a brand new cultural model.  by Ken Muench / The Collider Lab

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