
How Retailers Can Make Better Connections with More Shoppers

The weeks leading up to the holidays can be stressful for retail marketers desperate to hit their goals, and that can lead many to throw good money after bad tactics to gain some quick traction. A common example is the focus on reach. Too many retail marketers focus on acquiring customer contact information (usually email addresses) to get in front of net new shoppers and hit acquisition goals without any focus on the relevant data that can help them turn those email addresses (read: shoppers) into first-time buyers.

The Top Marketing Predictions for 2024

2024 will be a year of disruption, transformation, and change. From the continued rise of AI to the growing importance of first-party data, it's safe to say nothing will stay as it is now. Marketers will continue to prioritize finding ways to enhance segmentation and personalization — how they will do that, however, will change as regulations, tech advancements, as well as labor and partnerships adjust to evolving needs.

Immigrant Archive Project launches Legacy Film Division

Capturing the essence of families' unique stories has always been our passion, and now, we're taking it to the next level with our dedicated Legacy Film Division.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Marketing Luminaries Weigh In

In today's business world, the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are more than just buzzwords; they represent critical components for innovation, creativity, and growth. But what do some of the industry's luminaries think about these pressing issues? Marketing Futures Podcast host Mike Berberich shares some recent responses to a question he asks every guest: "What are your thoughts on diversity, equity, and inclusion?"

Three Stages to a Successful Scoping Season

In the world of marketing, there's a critical period that both big advertisers and their agencies know all too well: the scoping season. It is the ultimate team project, where advertisers and agencies come together, ready to hash out plans and budgets for their next big campaigns.

Why is collaboration key to CMO success?

While many chief marketing officers (CMOs) continue to face headwinds, there’s never been a better time to be a CMO. The marketing department’s responsibilities have expanded well beyond what we might think of as traditional marketing.

Beyond belt-tightening: How marketing can drive resiliency during uncertain times

With the economy still sending mixed signals, it’s no great surprise that companies are feeling skittish and cutting costs. Unfortunately, the marketing budget is often the first to go. In December 2022, we surveyed nearly three dozen chief marketing officers (CMOs) of major North American consumer companies. On average, they told us that their company boards demanded an 8 percent reduction in marketing expenditures over the previous 12 months. In some cases, marketing budgets were cut by as much as 10 to 20 percent. One large public company even slashed its marketing budget by more than 20 percent.

Equality & Inclusivity Drive Brand Growth and Offset Potential Risk

In 2020, more than 500 companies and marketing executives signed the ANA AIMM Pledge, doubling down on eradicating systemic inequities and achieving equity in the marketing and advertising industry. In the years that followed, there were remarkable transformations, increased investment in diverse media, improved representation behind and in front of the camera, a rise in inclusive marketing and authentic cultural portrayals in ads and content, and far-reaching commitments to diversifying talent.

Winning Gen Z Hearts: 15 Tips to Rock Your Marketing

By 2025, 85 million U.S. customers will be in the gen Z age group, according to MarketSplash. Gen Zers, born between 1997 and 2012, is a generation that's reshaping the rules of engagement between brands and their audience. Born into a world of smartphones, social media, and instant connectivity, these digital natives approach shopping and brand interactions in unique and innovative ways.

2023 ANA Global CMO Growth Summit Recap [REPORT]

Coming together as a leadership body for the sixth time in Orlando, CMO delegates identified clear, immediate action items to accelerate the pace of progress toward our stated objectives.

Creating marketing impact with the Hispanic community

Diversity, equity and inclusion have been on the top of the agendas for business leaders from the CMO to the boardroom for quite some time, but 2023 was a watershed year of polarity and backlash. So, what are consumers actually thinking about these issues and what are their concerns as it relates to marketing? And what’s most important to Americans when it comes to DEI from business leaders and marketers?

CMO Navigator – How are North American CMOs’ mindsets and strategies evolving? [REPORT]

In a world where brands are increasingly being seen by the public as platforms for change, do CMOs’ views on their mandate align with consumers’ expectations? How are CMOs preparing their brands for what's next in an environment where business is increasingly being disrupted by global crises? To what extent do marketers reflect evolving consumer sentiment?

How AIMM Is Helping Foster Inclusivity in Front & Behind the Camera

At ANA's Multicultural and Diversity Conference in October, AIMM recently highlighted how its systemic interventions are driving change across the marketing ecosystem in respect to multicultural marketing and DEIB and shared the different resources its providing to support brands in their journey to be more inclusive. AIMM also created its GrowthFront initiative which provides minority-owned media companies with an opportunity to connect with brands that want to increase their investment in multicultural suppliers and audiences.

CREATORS UNCOVERED: Insights from a Nationally Representative Study of US Creators

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, Content Creators wield significant influence, shaping our world through their creations and attracting an increasing share of marketing investment. This newly released study offers the first statistically reliable look at the Creator landscape. It sheds new light on the size, shape and motivations of this influential community and the evolving relationship between Creators and brands.

Elevating Creativity for Impact [REPORT]

During the 2023 ANA Global CMO Growth Summit, Spencer Fox, SVP, Global Business Lead at LIONS Advisory, shared how to adopt global gold standards from the top winners of the 2023 Cannes Lions Awards. Spencer introduced the Align, Build, and Embed (ABE) framework to drive a culture of creative effectiveness. This framework, launched by WARC, LIONS and ANA, identifies the three levels a brand organization, regardless of sector or size, needs to develop to deliver a culture of creative effectiveness.

8 ways to build credibility in marketing effectiveness

In the latest edition of The Wheelhouse, Tom Loughnan, Director of Analytics, recommends eight tools and techniques to elevate marketing effectiveness above the marketing sandpit and build credibility across client businesses, not just in the marketing department. Tom’s eight-point action plan is designed to make marketing effectiveness a key driver of better business performance.


Sharpen your skills for the year ahead with the ANA’s dynamic curriculum focused on marketing’s most timely areas of development – Brand Building and Creativity, Media Innovation, DEIB, and Sustainability.

The Simple Question That Gives Your Brand a Competitive Advantage

From one industry to the next, there's no question that business success relies on innovation. Innovation grows a business, and helps it stay ahead of the competition. While many marketers begin their quest for innovation by asking "what," more and more of today's highly successful businesses are the result of those asking "how?" Their objective is to identify ways to change up how consumers do things – the stuff of daily life – to make these activities easier, more convenient, or better.

Consumers loyal to streaming, but at what price? [REPORT]

KPMG media consumer survey indicates economic uncertainty, streamflation, and production delays test loyalty of streaming subscribers.

Influencer Pay Equity Guide

Considerations for Influencer Marketing Campaigns & Contracts

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