
AI and the Future of Streaming Media Advertising

A few months ago, Tom Hanks warned that his likeness had been used in an AI-generated advertisement without his permission, yet another powerful reminder of what AI can now do. This was clearly a misuse of the emerging technology. However, AI can also serve a more positive role for both streamers and brands, providing powerful new ways to engage audiences and improve advertising performance.

Top 2023 Multicultural & Inclusive Marketing Learnings to Bring into 2024 [REPORT]

As we welcome the new year, we at Santiago Solutions Group (SSG) have reflected on the accomplishments within our industry, the growing insights per consumer segment, and the technological advancements that have taken charge in our business landscape. There have been many unique learnings for all segments – through partnerships with brands and organizations, attendance at numerous industry-wide conferences, and more. Here are 6 key insights we’ve learned throughout the year 2023: Women of color, especially Latinas, drive spending and set new trends in the beauty industry where building brand trust and adapting to a more diverse audience becomes imperative.

Trends 2024 [REPORT]

We were not mistaken last year when we discussed that solutions based on strength would continue to gain ground in the world and that citizens' reaction to uncertainty would be disenchantment and evasion. And because of this, social networks, led by TikTok, would transform information into entertainment. We highlighted the importance of expressing emotions and saw celebrities and leaders speaking from the heart, thus challenging more traditional stances.

Why does most advertising fail to get attention?

  Once again, Tom Roach has produced an excellent, evidence-based review of an essential problem facing advertisers: how to get attention. His answer is creativity. People would rather not be exposed to advertising, so creativity provides the means to get their scarce attention. However, there are a couple of points implied in his article that I believe deserve a little more attention than he has given them.  By Nigel Hollis

Here’s How Indie Agencies Can Scale Despite Rising Labor Costs

Many indie agencies are now finding themselves as the dog that caught the bus. In the new efficiency-oriented market environment, they've successfully made the pitch to brands that a leaner and hungrier agency can deliver better performance with lower costs than the brand-name agencies that historically managed their marketing spend.

How to become an advertising rock star

OK, maybe that title is a little misleading. Rock star advertisers usually get awarded Lions at Cannes, and my advice is more likely to win you an Effie. But hey! Maybe you can do both! With that in mind, here is my three-step program to increase the probability of your achieving advertising fame and fortune.  By Nigel Hollis

US Multicultural Media Spend to Grow at Accelerated 8.3% to 45.8B in 2024, as Hispanic, African & Asian American Markets Benefit from Influx of Political & Sports Dollars

United States multicultural advertising and marketing spending, including Hispanic, African and Asian American markets, is expected to surge 8.4% to a record $45.83 billion in 2024, following decelerating growth of 5.7% in 2023 compared with the strong upswing in 2022, according to new research released today by PQ Media, the world's leading provider of media econometrics.

2023 HMC – Hispanic Market Guide explores Inclusivity, Intersectionality, Trust, Bingeability in Entertainment, Media Consumption & More …. [DOWNLOAD REPORT HERE]

The Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) has released its highly anticipated 2023 Hispanic Market Guide, the most comprehensive resource on the U.S. Hispanic market featuring top trends, business-building insights, up-to-date market data as well as in-depth reports on the proliferation of Hispanic-focused audio and the disruptive power of Hispanic creativity. Latinos are driving a cultural and demographic transformation as the U.S. heads towards a multicultural majority—already a reality for people under 35. With $2.8 trillion in Hispanic buying power, there are deep implications for marketers who must lead with cultural insights to create effective and relevant campaigns that connect with today’s multicultural mainstream. This new publication, geared towards newcomer and veteran brands alike, is available to view online or download for free.

2023 Hispanic Market Overview Report- DOWNLOAD for FREE in association with Adam R Jacobson are proud to announce the availability of the 2023 Hispanic Market Overview – titled “A Call For Full Inclusion”

Beyond Stereotypes: Embracing Specificity for Authentic Multicultural Marketing

Multicultural marketing has emerged as a critical strategy for brands seeking to reach and engage a broader audience in today's interconnected, global marketplace. However, the days of generic, one-size-fits-all campaigns are long gone. Today's discerning consumers demand authenticity and cultural relevance, and it's up to brands to rise to the challenge and meet their needs.

Overcoming the Limits of Multicultural Marketing [PODCAST]

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Javier Farfan, Culture Marketing Strategist at the National Football League (NFL), delves into various multicultural campaigns the NFL has launched to effectively reach and engage multicultural audiences and how the league overcomes multicultural marketing pitfalls.

Creative and Audience Modeling Should Be Front and Center

Third-party cookies are finally set to deprecate on Chrome in 2024, but the industry is still reluctant to change. So long as cookies remain available, advertisers, publishers, and their partners will continue to rely on a soon-to-be-old, data-rich way of targeting audiences.

Unwrapping the Top Five Multicultural Holiday Shopping Trends in 2023 [REPORT]

The 2023 holiday shopping season kicked off strong, with Adobe Analytics reporting a record $9.8 billion in Black Friday online sales, up 7.5% from 2022.Cyber Monday numbers were even stronger, with consumers spending $12.4 billion, a 9.6% increase over last year. So, what does this mean for December sales and the rest of the holiday shopping season? ThinkNow recently conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 consumers revealing insights into what Americans buy and spend for the holidays. From shopping habits to spending patterns, let's delve into the top five trends shaping the 2023 holiday shopping season.

“AI” voted ANA 2023 Marketing Word(s) of the Year

In the 10-year history of the ANA Marketing Word of the Year, there has never been a winner by such a wide margin. AI is also the first repeat winner — it was the ANA Marketing Word of the Year in 2017.

4.8% Growth for 2024, Marking Continued Adspend Acceleration Into 2025 and Beyond

Zenith’s latest Advertising Expenditure Forecasts, published today, reports continued resilience and forecasts 5.3% global advertising growth for 2023, which is above initial expectations given a healthier than expected Q3 for major digital advertisers. Global adspend growth is expected at 4.8% in 2024, excluding U.S. political spending*, aided by events such as the Olympics as well as a combination of continued advertiser spending in support of their brands and the positive impact of Chinese brands fueling growth.

2024 Global Ad Spend To Grow By 4.6% And Defines A New Era Of Brand Investment Metrics [REPORT]

The latest dentsu Global Ad Spend Forecasts, covering 58 markets across the globe, shows advertising spend will expand by $33.0 billion in 2024 to reach $752.8 billion. This represents a 4.6% growth year-over-year for the ad industry – much faster than the pace seen in 2023 (+2.7% vs. 2022). However, media price inflation continues to have a significant influence on growth, with global advertising spend at constant prices projecting a 2024 increase by only 2.5%, when compared to 2023 spending.

The Way Top CMOs Are Overcoming Today’s Challenges

If there's one thing that those of us who have had the privilege to serve alongside the top CMOs and leadership teams know, it is that the best of us consistently find ways to confront disruptive 800-pound gorillas throughout our career journeys – often, together.


Media buyers currently using an overabundance of websites (40,000-plus) should select 75-100 trusted programmatic media sellers that will provide access to thousands of high-quality websites to optimize their investment, according to a new ANA report.


The winter update of MAGNA’s “Global Ad Forecast” predicts media owners net advertising revenues (NAR) will reach $853 billion this year, growing +5.5% growth vs. 2022. 2023 ended up stronger than anticipated by MAGNA in its mid-year forecast update (June 2023: +4.6%) as second-half digital ad sales accelerated by +6.3% yoy following a weak first half (1Q23: +2%, 1H23: +4.7%) thanks to economic stabilization and easier comps.

Diverse Voices: Language and Identity Among U.S. Hispanics

In the rich tapestry of the U.S. Hispanic community, language holds a complex and evolving role. The latest Pew Research Center Report paints a vivid picture of this linguistic landscape, offering marketers valuable insights into how language, identity, and culture intersect.  By Sylvia Vidal - Senior Vice President, Insights | Qualitative & Quantitative Research

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