
Spanglish and Code-Switching: Impacts on Hispanic Marketing and Culture

Throughout history, we have had many ways to identify and define cultures and civilizations. We as human beings have been fascinated with studying ourselves, both on an individual level and in our identity groups and communities. To better understand the evolution of cultures and civilizations to what we know them today, we need to better understand the ways that language has influenced our perceived notion of society.  By Derrick Raphael Pacheco - Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Florida State University Center for Hispanic Marketing Communications ( ADV 5415: Hispanic Marketing Communications/ Dr. Sindy Chapa )

Hispanics On Track to Reach $113T in Collective Wealth by 2050 [REPORT]

Finhabits, a financial technology platform that more than 680,000 U.S. Hispanics use to invest and access financial education, has released a new report on Hispanics' growing wealth and investing behaviors. The report, "Power in Numbers: The $113 Trillion Unseen Hispanic Wealth Opportunity," offers an in-depth look at the impact of the country's fastest-growing demographic on the financial sector, as well as its own financial well being.

Eight Hispanic Groups Each Had a Million or More Population in 2020

Colombian and Honduran Populations Surpassed a Million for First Time; Venezuelan Population Grew the Fastest of all Hispanic Groups Since 2010

Understanding Counts of Afro-Latino Responses in the 2020 Census [REPORT]

The U.S. Census Bureau recognizes that the Afro-Latino population is not limited to people who responded by providing the specific terms of Afro-Latino or Garifuna within their responses to the ethnicity question.

Hispanic Gen Z Consumers want more Bilingual Content as they Reclaim Latino Heritage

While past Hispanic generations often focused on assimilation with the general population, as the Gen Z Hispanic adult population grows, a dominant trend is emerging. Hispanic GenZ are becoming more comfortable reclaiming their heritage and engaging with Spanish and Bilingual content.  By Santiago Solutions Group


Last year’s LDC U.S. Latino GDP Report reflected a U.S. Latino economy valued at $2.8 trillion in GDP. This year’s report shows the U.S. Latino economy has continued its remarkable growth and is now a $3.2 trillion economy. It is, in fact, growing two and a half times faster than the non-Latino equivalent.

When Actual Practice Deviates from Contract Terms

Virtually all advertisers have formal contracts in place with their advertising agency partners. Most of these organizations have reviewed industry association contract templates and engaged outside legal counsel to review and customize agreement terms and conditions to satisfy their expectations.

Trade Groups define “MADE FOR ADVERTISING” websites

A consortium of marketing and advertising trade organizations released a detailed definition of so-called “Made for Advertising” websites that the ANA said in a recent report comprise 21 percent of impressions and 15 percent of ad spend.

The future of the consumer industry [REPORT]

The future is fast approaching, and the consumer industry is on the precipice of dramatic change that will significantly impact the markets, models, and mechanics of consumer companies over the next decade. With all this uncertainty, one thing is clear: The strategies that led you to today likely won’t get you to the future.

The People-First Advertising Lessons of the Hollywood Strikes

The full impact of the ongoing Hollywood writers' and actors' strikes has yet to be felt within the TV programming ecosystem, but the continued lull in production of new long-form content is going to have reverberating effects on the media landscape as we head into 2024. Advertisers need to recognize and react to the real-world implications when it comes to TV inventory.

Americans’ Dismal Views of the Nation’s Politics [REPORT]

Americans have long been critical of politicians and skeptical of the federal government. But today, Americans’ views of politics and elected officials are unrelentingly negative, with little hope of improvement on the horizon.

Marketers Balance the Promise and Peril of Generative AI

While juggling concerns such as the volatile economy and the increasingly complex management of customer relationships, marketers now have the added responsibility of figuring out how to harness the power of the hottest technology around — generative AI — while confronting the myriad challenges it presents. AI has ignited great enthusiasm among many brand managers who envision it as a vehicle to make their work more efficient, innovate new kinds of ad content, and improve the all-important customer experience. Yet making it a part of their day-to-day operations remains a work in progress.

New CMO Council report examines relationship between marketing and finance [REPORT]

According to the report, economic headwinds have arrived, and chances are marketers aren't prepared; only 10% of marketing leaders strongly believe their marketing investments, whose reins are often held by finance, position them to emerge from economic turmoil ahead of the competition.

Reimaging Agency Selection: Why is now a good time to go to pitch? [REPORT]

In this era of transformation and adaptation, rethinking your approach to agency selection isn’t merely a strategic choice — it’s an imperative.

How to Improve Marketing’s Value Within the Organzation

Though the scope of marketing has expanded considerably over the last ten years, CMOs and their teams still don't seem to be getting the respect they deserve in the C-suite. This episode explores this strange phenomenon and also offers a series of key questions marketers need to answer if they want to get a handle on their myriad responsibilities and improving their standing in the eyes of other executives.

Latinos’ Views of and Experiences With the Spanish Language [REPORT]

Most U.S. Latinos speak Spanish: 75% say they are able to carry on a conversation in Spanish pretty well or very well. And most Latinos (85%) say it is at least somewhat important for future generations of Latinos in the United States to speak Spanish.

Healthcare The Final HISPANIC Frontier

The COVID-19 pandemic should have been a wake-up call. It wasn’t. Covid laid it bare for all to see, and it’s very troubling that the Healthcare Industry doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo. The chronic underinvestment in Hispanic healthcare outreach is affecting the nation’s preparedness for the future. It's time for the industry to have a moment of reckoning and address this significant deficit before it's too late to make amends.  By Pedro de Córdoba - Vice President, Client Solutions / eContent DIGITAL

Latinos in the U.S. have the fifth-largest GDP in the world [REPORT]

The findings of the latest U.S. Latino GDP Report, produced annually by the UCLA Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture and California Lutheran University’s Center for Economic Research and Forecasting, show that even amid ongoing COVID-19 pandemic conditions in 2021, the U.S. Latino GDP grew by an inflation-adjusted 7.1%, surpassing the $3 trillion mark for the first time.

How agencies should talk about the money

Most agency executives and teams hate talking about money with clients and prospects. And they don’t do a very good job of it.

MAGNA US AD FORECAST – Fall 2023 Update: Digital Advertising Finally Recovers

After two quarters of stagnation, US advertising spending re-accelerated to +4.4% year-over-year in the second quarter, but digital media formats were the only ones to see a significant improvement in advertising sales. The digital advertising recovery, combined with a slightly better economic outlook, led MAGNA to raise its market growth forecast for 2023 and 2024.

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